Reminder that if you have $100k you are doing extremely well and in the top 5% richest people in your age group.
Reminder that if you have $100k you are doing extremely well and in the top 5% richest people in your age group
i'm 29 though
and only have 33k i didn't get into crypto until june
>mfw around $250k
Big difference in being a neet and holding a 100k in shitcoins and a functioning member of society making 100k a year.
Wait...what? I have like 30k and I'm 21. How the fuck is 70% of my age group richer than me?
That's net worth though, not yearly income.
lol im literally exactly the same bro.
we're gonna make it.
They don't
can i stop working now?
my net worth is around -485,000 USD , because student loans and im 30. kek
It's okay user. Being a dentist will pay off soon enough
kek...good guess. Thinking about putting half my monthly paycheck into crypto and go absolute MADMAN
0 percentile. That just shows how little competition their is in the highly educated areas.
>tfw finally made it to $100k net worth, but also turned 25
Link to this? Thanks.
compensation is what you make it. If you are smart and business minded, you can pull >300,000 easy as a general dentist. Problem is the insane amount of debt you have to take on to get there unless you go to some cheap state school in texas or some shit. Student loan bubble is next to burst.
Now redo your calc with whites only
30k is considered low for a 21 year old. Most men make that in at least 1/2 year.
Well no shit, but I pay rent and everything, am married living on my own, etc. My job makes me about 80k per year and I've only been doing it for about 6 months.
Considering most 21 year olds are in college it doesn't seem that fucking low.
Most 21 year olds are still in college or are just fresh out of college. Maybe STEM majors make that much straight out of college but a majority of 21 year olds definitely do not.
Remember - this is NET WORTH
most 21 year olds are being supported by momma and pappa. You're doing great user, I was in your position around 21, self made - it's fucking pretty rare. Bonus points if you're white, because people assume we've been helped financially.
I had 40k at 21 y/o and lost it all to surgery, now I'm putting some 200$ in a few coins and hope for a miracle...
Fuck that. I need 2mil.