Why didn't Natives unite and create a country for all natives in the Americas just like Bolivar wanted to unite all the...

Why didn't Natives unite and create a country for all natives in the Americas just like Bolivar wanted to unite all the latino countries into one after independence?

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No mass communication.

Plus, the idea of an imaginary sky father giving armies a mandate to commit genocide was unfathomable. Native Americans lived with the land. They didn't draw imaginary lines across it.

Fuck off back to /r/eddit, assmuncher.

They tried


Yeah, not everybody can function the same. They even laugh at pan native items like fashion, makeup, architecture, etc...

If you can't handle the answer, don't ask the question.

>Native Americans lived with the land. They didn't draw imaginary lines across it.
The other user is right, strut off back to räddit with your brainlet opinions.

Why didn't Euros unite and create a country for all Euros in the Europes just like Hitler wanted to unite all the Euro countries into one after WW1?

Only very recently since the 20th century have natives began any sort of pan indigenous movement. That is the first step so we shall see. And this is largely thanks to increased communications between people who live far away and seperated.

they tryin but poland a shit

>Native Americans never formed complex societies
>Native Americans never commited genocide
>Native Americans never conquered people out of religious mandate

Cultural differences, the whole task was pretty much impossible throught the various religious wars post-reformation (The >>> could barely hold itself together) then balance of power autism after the treaty of vienna (I think) made it impossible for another few hundred years.

Native Americans were just sitting around a campfire holding hands till the Europeans arrived

the mesoamericans and incans certainly did. even the tribal brazilian and north american tribes were divided among tribal lines and competed for resources.

>Native Americans lived with the land. They didn't draw imaginary lines across it.
w e w lad

Came here to post this.

Remember how they actually beat the shit out of American troops but then Henry Harrison waited specifically for Tecumseh to be away and they were overwhelmed and got raped to death?

This whole peaceful natives meme is retarded. There has never been a peaceful region anywhere ever. Except the native Americans apparently, who were all sitting around a campfire singing and holding hands before the Europeans arrived. And the idea of land ownership wasn't codified in all native societies like it was in Europe, but that's because they didn't have feudalism (probably). Tribes definitely fought over land, their conception of property was just different. Whatever you say though, it was simply different and not absent


You mean after the Europeans arrived?
Because their societies collapsed before they could even negociate for it.
Before? America is way too big and sparsely populated. The only two parts that could have formed a "united country" were mesoamerica and the Andes, but without beasts of burden how do you communicate through that much land? How do you keep people in check? It's seen as incredible that the Incas managed to stay in one piece for a while when they were not in civil war, and it certainly wouldn't have happened with the cultural differences in mesoamerica, not to mention the climates.

The rest of South America was either a thick unpracticable jungle, or sparsely populated (la Plata). North America was sparsely populated and each tribes hated most of their neighbours.

By the time the majority of the natives were aware they were going to get wiped out, it was already too late. Catholics let them live roughly in peace after the pope said it was no-no to butcher them and enslave them, Protestants went full manifest destiny, and that's it. End of story.

>Why didn't Natives unite and create a country for all natives in the Americas
Why didn't the Europeans unite and create a country for all native Europeans in Europe

You don't just up and form a multinational, multilingual continent spanning federation/confederation because some distantly related jackasses you don't even like got their shit rekt.

None of what you said is true. Natives were capable of and did do all that you claim they didn't. Read a book.

They're tribal and hate each other over petty shit. Same reason Africa won't ever unite, because even in civilized countries Africans fight over what color shirt the other is wearing.

>muh noble savages
>muh peaceful coexistence
>muh Injuns were living in a hippie spiritual utopia until big bad whitey came along and taught them how to war


How can you fuck up reading comprehension this badly?

Pre colonial times, the Iroquois Confederacy was pretty damn huge and awesome. The Great Peacemaker seems like he was a pretty rad dude.

Lad, do you know what green text means? He's isn't actually stating that as a claim, he's mocking and making implications on the statements made in green. He isn't saying he believes in them.
In other words, lurk more before you embarrass yourself again.

That's literally europe incarnated.

Show me when Africa creates something equal or even similar to the EU.

The African Union?

LE SKY WIZARD XDDDDD isn't a fucking answer

It looks like the sky wizard worshippers are getting mad again.


Too little too late. The Americans didn't give a single flying fuck about any promises made by the British -- they are already busy sending wetbacks to settle on the land. When the British lost, they shrugged and went home and left Tecumseh to figure it out for himself. Pretty weak, to be honest.

Do you know what African union actually is?

Not really

>Native Americans lived with the land. They didn't draw imaginary lines across it.

America stopped giving a single flying fuck about Brits protecting Native Indian land in 1775.

Because natives aren't an homogeneous mass unlike what americans believe.

In the same way that "whites", "blacks", and "yellows" aren't.

The maya tried in southern mexico. It was called the yucatan caste wars the reason they failed was mearly due to european hold outs on the penisula which prevented cohesion. Actually the truth is native americans never wanted to livewith other races and actually prefer isolation to multi culturalism.

Feeling old?

Bolivar was a nigger inventing countries out of his asshole

Yeah. There's also other regional groups like ecowas or sadc

Native Americans never were united and didn't have countries, how the fuck were they gonna unite and make a country?

So they're racist?

Incas were superior to europeans though.

They were too cucked to do anything

What's the excuse for Europe? The EU does not count

I bet you supported bernie, didn't you? How much money did you send?


They were promised one for fighting against the yanks in the war of 1812, but the brits doublecrossed them.

Imagine that.

>being this summer

My name isn't summer. Idk what you are implying or trying to say.
I assume greentext is quotations not some faggy ironic/sarcastic way of typing. I prefer people being direct and honest in their writing instead of trying to hide behind screens of irony like hipsters trying to fit in. The other guy should make it clear he didn't mean the statements he said.
I addressed his points what's wrong with that.
Not sure what that is but I don't care for your inside jokes so don't bother explaining and stop assuming everyone knows what you know.


Aztecs don't real

>summerfag doesn't understand greentext

>The terrible state of the anglo education.

kek faggots like you have a special echo chamber known as /pol/.

He posted that picture with it and you thought he wasn't being sarcastic?

>Why didn't people with little to no cultural or linguistic association relation formed a country or union?
>I mean, thousands of years of killing each other and using others as Slaves doesn't mean shit

For most, Europeans were no different than other Amerindian groups

>different language, religion, culture
>want to take my land

The common enemy bullshit is a meme btw

The difference was that the Americans had treaties not to encroach on this land. One of my similar treaties, which were always ignored. Taqqiyah, taqqiyah, taqqiyah...


natamer pol here, good question.
See "pima uprising" "papago revolt" "pueblo rebellion"
All related. Distantly affiliated/ pimaria to puebloean.
United for mainly for one cause, "fuck eurocolonialists, latinos, hispanics, settler aliens, illegal aliens, etc".
The end goal is to be left in peace, until the next uprising.
There is no "state" or "empire" to be maintained by anyone, at least not in the Eurocolonialist understanding of that concept.
Unity is understood as "dont fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you... Or else No News is good news, no habbinings are good habbinings".
In conflicts and raiding by "alien groups" (ie anyone outside your cultural grouping) normally you fallback to stronger positions / more same culture, more warriors, defensible positions until your area is clear again or a major battle can be undertaken. Or not, just go and inhabit some other part of your cultural range.
At the time, there really wasn't a extremely great need for the state or A state...
But today? Still dont need it, but have token tribal government set up by USA because of muh treaties( a great and unimaginable gift that is unique to American history)( thank you USA, MAGA)