In my opinion
>Jesus and all his apostles were black
>Hispanics trying to latch onto the Native American identity
In my opinion
>Jesus and all his apostles were black
>Hispanics trying to latch onto the Native American identity
>I am 1/16 european-american.
Top'o'de mornin to ye laddie, love meself a pinte of Guiness fine brew potaytahs eyyy saint Pettie's day matie!
Ney, I aint've'been to Yuropey beforesince, why'dya askin laddie? We's bothes irish laddies, ey laddie? Ladide? Ey?
>I love nature!
>Really in sync with the weather and the animals
>Its because I am part Native
>Hispanics trying to latch onto the Native American identity
Really? I've only heard white hipsters claiming they're part native and promptly act all "natural".
>Hispanics trying to latch onto the Native American identity
Sauce? I thought they still hate their guts?
he probably means aztlan
People think having a certain ancestry gives them racial buffs or something.
>be 1/16th cherokee
>+3 archery skill
mega kek
also exactly what happens sadly
Macedonia (the former Yugoslav one) claiming Alexander the Great was from there and making statues of him
African Americans pretending that they are 100 % black.
>muh slavery past
>have partial white ancestry because one of their great grandmas got WHITE'd by her owner
That's why I call spics mestizos, or mulattos.
to avoid confusion
You do get like a +3 to strength with high Slav genes like you get a +2 to running and +8 to attacking police officers with African genes.
You still gotta differentiate beetwen Balkan Slavs and non Balkan Slavs. The Balkan ones get a +10 on hating their neighbours just like everyone else in the Balkans.
Would you stop calling yourself a Bulgarian because one of your great Grandperants was a Turk.
Pakis claiming IVC as their own while they are m*uzzies.
You probably meant Baltics and yeah I think so, also Poles and Russians.
The Balks buffs got washed out by the Turk rape, Turks just get a +4 to body odor and -20 to empathy and self-reflection.
+4 to body odor as a form of utilizing it as an attack on the senses
these are not the same things, my son.
I mean i think the most obvious one would be african american negroes WE WUZZING about egyptians
We wuz intelligent discussion
Muscovites claiming "We wuz Ukrainians and sheet"
Veeky Forums we wuzzing as a discussion board.
American Blacks claiming they are the celts of Ireland
well, have you tried archery?
Cucks, you're all cucks
Nazis who claim that if Germany won WW2 then we would be free of every bit of corruption and traveling to Mars on a regular basis
We've reached a point where some people in Boston genuinely believe they're more Irish than people in Dublin because there's more people living in the former.
They seem to be in former Yugoslavia
the current black washing of european history by popular (((media))). But even that isnt we wuz, thats THEY WUZ!
>Whats the most insufferable WE WUZ?
Black wewuzism is just a funny meme. /pol/tards claiming ancient greeks/egyptians/sumerians were pretty much the same people as modern Western Europeans are really insufferable
memes aside, I can't tell if people actually think like this or not.
>Finest armies of the Medieval age!
Buddha wuz black.