>22 years old
>1,5 million net worth because shitcoins
Why me? I'm fucking autistic, I don't understand how social interaction works.
>22 years old
>1,5 million net worth because shitcoins
Why me? I'm fucking autistic, I don't understand how social interaction works.
pls help
transfer half million to me and i'll teach you.
t. married but still hook up with randoms atleast once a week on the side.
Wire me $50K and I'll give you some tips desu
>married but still hooking up on the side
Degenerate as fuck. I hope you get a divorce and never have children faggot
Here to help OP.
How do you dress? Do you lift? Who's your favorite actor? Your favorite historical figure?
Romano, is that you?
Free tip. You can stay autistic and change nothing about yourself my way.
Hi OP. I'll help.
I'm on the spectrum but not too far gone. ASQ 46, recognized by psychiatrist.
Have a great life and learned how to navigate my weaknesses and grow myself.
You've taught yourself crypto. Why can't you teach yourself human interaction?
not cool, dude.
One color t-shirt and jeans.
Idc about such things.
Otto von Bismarck.
It seems like something you can't just learn to me. I'm kind of lost here
>Do you lift?
Also, could you tell me what equipment I need to equip a home gym?
I thought about that alot, I think that would help me.
God damn man go get some hookers. Not some street walkers either, so nice and respectable escorts who understand their craft is more than just getting a guy to nut. There is nothing to embarrassed about.
There is a reason whenever you hear about some madame's little black book getting leaked, it's filled with powerful wealthy people. The powerful know that it's better to just pay for pussy instead of chasing it. You're going to waste so much of your life worrying about this when you cant take some of those gains and wipe any and all social anxiety from your bones.
When you truly understand a few grand can buy you a night with some of the most beautiful women on earth, they don't intimidate you and the free pussy follows.
Dont want anything just looking for friends wiling to help you with the mojo
Simple multi gym would do you and bench but with that dosh could just buy a gym...
post portfolio user and I'll help you out. I dont have to post my stats like Help me help you.
Here I'll give you advice OP
Now what you need to know is talking to people is like flossing your teeth, if you neglect working your social skills they're going to get worse, especially if you are introverted like me. If I go a few weeks without talking to anyone I revert to my mangy hikkikomori ways.
So here is what you do.
First forget about women. Talk to some dudes. Go on facebook or to your local college and start out easy talking to some nerds or casuals. Find that group that brings a console to play in the lunch room or visit the anime or history club. Get in there and just let your autism flow freely, discover what your personality is like when it's left to roam free without inhibition.
While you're at it fire up a dating app, like okcupid or pof (NOT TINDER) and use this as practice for talking to girls. Get to know them and figure out how the girls you find attractive liked to be talked to. Notice how I didn't mention what they like to be talked about, that shit doesn't matter really. The heart ofY-chromosome deficients float freely along the tide of feelings. Figure out how talk in a way that uses that to your advantage, but remember that chicks are pretty skittish and wary of every boner that comes their way. Appealing to their interests is fine to start a conversation but remember what's important.
nice larp faggot
If you've got 1.5 million shitcoins then buy a hooker with monero and btfo my board
what's the life like
im just waiting to get kicked out of my place
Then mix up your friend group, talk to some normies or at least observe them and get acquainted with what they are like. At this point your fear of social interaction should have evaporated, the cogs are oiled up and you're ready to get at a roastie. So whenever you feel comfortable (hint: you'll never feel comfortable) go after a girl you like. Things in a guy personality wise I see that girls across all kinds find attractive is someone who is capable of silly jokes but also ambiguous flirting and not overpleasing, disagree with them it's fine. Not only one or the other but just sprinkled into natural dialogue, you'll find your moments. They'll come to you naturally and you'll feel extremely apprehensive at saying what you think would be funny. But just say it, 9 times out of 10 it'll be funny or tastefully flirtatious and if it's not congratulations you became a little more resilient to rejection.
Now don't go out asking girls for their numbers the first time you meet them, a less intimidating way of getting their contact is asking if they have a facebook or steam, but only do this if you really think you won't run into them again. The best way of going after gf material is hanging around somewhere they usually are at. College is ideal for this. Go to a campus pick out a girl and casually go in there to talk to them. Open with some topical humor, maybe they're waiting for a hand sign language class "Y'know whenever I see these classes I always think deaf people must be awesome at charades!" Or if it's tennis "Coming to class I'm always reminded how disappointed Hank Hill would be of me" Or doesn't have to be a joke. Best thing about the campus is you can always ask about classes and what their major is and then you have a jumping point into their interests or making a "witty" joke about career prospects.
why are you guys such squares
If you really want fast results get a job in sales. A good sales job will inject you directly into the normiesphere. You will have to be selling good conversations to men and women of all age groups and it'll be tremendously difficult at first but it's the fastest and most potent way of getting results.
gibs btc plz, I'm 21 trying to be a millionaire by 22 selling shit coins so I can get my family out of debt.
You can learn. I did. It was painful and the result of a lot of trial and error.
The things I found that are most useful:
1). Smile. A lot. Even if you're not happy.
2). Say hello. Acknowledge that doing it is unnaturally difficult and feels unnerving / terrifying. Then do it anyway.
3). Keep track. Keep track of how what you say /so causes people to react. Figure out how to behave "normally" through trial and error. Looking back, I had a lot of really awkward behaviors that I was oblivious to for many years.
start off by not identifying with the biggest bunch of beta retards in the country at the moment
hot girls and smart girls don't like people who have weird contrarian fucking beliefs about race and ethnic groups and every other thing alex jones tells u
user are u burger? or yurofag?
this board has posting ID's you libcuck fuck
It's creepy how only cucks would want to dismantle the chances of dudes getting a gf.
do you think i give a fuck lol get that donnie dick out your mouth cuck boy. how much big black dick porns in your search history lol
Its even worse when your dirt poor. At least you have money to comfort you.
You're the insecure ass who had to double post a completely non political OP premise
You're pathetically obsessed
look at the picture he posted with his post lol...what the fuck is that? a picture of the car that killed the protestor and the goodnight left side douche brigade logo
I'm an autist in sales, and while I'm doing pretty good it is literally ruining my life. i can barely function after incessantly having to deal with normies all fucking day
Also all of my millionaire clients are absolute robots and my favourite people to interact with. I would love to be a financial advisor for all the rich robits out there but i literally cannot stand handling people's bullshit and I'm gonna work for the feds soon probably.
T. financial advisor.
you have to go back
lol go back where you donnie sucking virgin i bet your chin strap is looking hot tonight
Hire a whore you idiot, and fuck her in her biohole.
It's jealousy disguised as moral outrage.
They're the same type of guys that'd snitch to your wife just so they could have a crack at her after the divorce.
Snakes the lot of them.
OP, you're on the right track learning all you can about the female psyche and female psychology from /pol/.
But you need to start lifting and learn PUA and redpill. I recommend Sasha Daygame, RSD Tyler for in-field stuff. Their youtube channels have helped me vastly in slaying pussy. Although pricey, you should really attend one of Tyler's seminars to transform yourself from zero to hero. For theory, Puerarchy and Chateau Heartiste are great jumping off points. You also need to subscribe to a lot of good MRAs and MGTOWs on youtube for more insight on the truth about feminism and the Gynocracy. I recommend subscribing to JohnTheOther, Sandman, MGTOW University on Youtube. Also you seem really inspired by the latest Charlottesville incident and you would make good taking fashion cues from the protesters and get a haircut like James Fields Jr. You need to adopt an alpha personality and start by AMOGing your dad in front of your mom.
Also to bring your PUA up to another level, take proven nootropics like piracetam, phenylpiracetam, noopept, and sulbutatine while you go sarging. In fact that's the very stack I use to incredible success. I bid you best of luck, OP.
I hear ya, I only had part time thankfully so it wasn't too draining.
All this implying. We are calling you out because you are acting like a nigger
>world is made up of burgers and yurofags
Just kys already