Why can't women be priests?
Why can't women be priests?
Because they're evil
But my mom is nice and makes me tendies
Because christ was a man.
Because women are inherently different from men.
These don't really seem like decent answers
Tell us what you want to hear then you little faggot
They can, only false churches prevent them
Mainly because the church is considered successor of the apostles, and none of them were woman.
Also, priests practice celibacy. Given that in medieval times the main purpose of woman was to conceive children, It was a bad idea to allow them to become priests
Its the ideal that they cannot take Jesus's place at the Eucharist. So the idea is that the priest becomes jesus for an instant when the transubstantiation or consubstantiation takes place. For a woman to take on that role is unseemly or something idk the actual reason
There are documented "early Christian" female "priests" although that was before the 2nd century so there really wasn't a unified church at that point (nor official roles of "priest"). Women would offer their homes for Christian worship and take part as leaders in ceremonies. From what i learned at university, the lack of female priests in later Christianity wasn't because the church didn't want them but because society was moving in a more patriarchal direction which prevented women from leadership roles. Although there were a number of influential women in the Christian church over time.
This might be wrong but I believe that the diminished role of women in the church was due to lack of documentation and notice because "muh diversity" didn't exist.
Source: My university professor's responses to the annoying feminist bitch's questions in my church history class.
Blood and emotional outbursts
I should also mention that this is a bit of a hot topic (in the sense that scholars are only looking at this subject now) in the religious studies communities what with the intersectionality of feminism on the rise. So Idk how much literature is out on this topic at the moment. My [female] professor seemed indifferent to this basically saying "there were some around but who knows to what extent; records were shit back then and people weren't making those kinds of notes"
>what are nuns
Because of what happens when you let them become priests
2bh there are a lot of things you could criticize women for being but they harbor no inherent evil that which you could not also find in a man. Womyn r ebil arguments just sound bitter.
Sweden is truly lost.
For Protestants, no one can be priests. There is only one High Priest.
Women cannot be ministers because women were never ordained by Jesus or the Apostles, and we have specific apostolic instruction that women are not to have teaching authority in the churches. There are some highly qualified women doing scholarship in some of our schools, though, and I rather wish there were more. In my personal experience, very few women have any interest in theology or the minutiae of liturgy or worship practices at all.
You sound bitter that women's days are over and they will be literally all gassed and chucked to the gutter to rot.
>not knowing about the priesthood of all believers
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood"
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
I was referring to an official, mediatorial church position. The priesthood of all believers is basically the teaching that all believers have access to God through Christ's mediation, can pray themselves, and anywhere, and don't need to go to a temple.
Yeah, that's totally the idea that I was trying to get across.
Speaking in church and being a priest are two separate issues.
>an official, mediatorial church position.
That all hinges on whether you think Junia was an apostle.
>you can be a priest if you're not allowed to speak in church
How can a woman priest rape a boy?
Correct and in fact the vast majority of Christian priests are not called to professional ministry.
>what is /ss/
Its like you don't eve /d/