It's so fucking beautiful
It's so fucking beautiful
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You are kidding, right?
that's fucking disgusting
Spotted the frogs
British Empire 2.0 any day now, r-right guys?
The greatest empire mankind has ever seen.
Sure would be a shame if somebody fucked those borders up.
>it's a 'britain eels bad they never had a continental thread so they boast about the worthless shit they conquered elsewhere' thread
>conquer a coastline
>declare the wasteland beyond it to be yours too
>paint a map
>call it an empire
>meanwhile fail to control the bog in your back garden and get memed by pajeets due to your sheer autism
The anglos are truly the most inept retards of history.
>Discontiguous states
Why did they never conquer Nepal?
>Smack dab in the Himalayas, you try to put cannons in that shit
>Landlocked country (read: NO NAVAL SUPPORT)
>No resources of any note whatsoever
>It makes a decent buffer against China
Worlds cancer.
Nepal lost large chunks of land to the British and still supply the British army with soldiers to this day. The Gurkhas are actually some of the finest troops in the world.
>it's a 'france held a few european countries for a decade and think it constituted an empire' response
Such a lame pic.
The French and German European holdings are tiny and were held for an insignificant amount of time. When the Romans were conquering France and Germany and Britain etc then they were also conquering relatively backwards tribes, not modern nations.
More importantly, the British Empire was indeed a product of the European Age of Exploration and colonialism, the reason the British Empire became the largest was because it consistently defeated its continental rivals not because subduing the less developed peoples was the hard part. Every single Western European country was also trying to gain control of non-European territories.
>counting empires that die three years after their peak
It's amazing how a small isolated island conquered and managed almost half the inhabited earth.
A great feat in human history.
>The French and German European holdings are tiny
And yet thousands time more prestigious than a bunch of empty lands stolen from stick wielding noggers
>and were held for an insignificant amount of time
Better live a day as a lion than 100 years as a rat
Quality > quantity, be it both in time or scale
>the German """empire"""
Is this a map of shitholes?
>And yet thousands time more prestigious than a bunch of empty lands stolen from stick wielding noggers
not at all, given that they were not able to keep up in the wars that resulted in them receiving the land in the first place
So in other words you didn't have the concentration power to read a single other thing I said in my post, which addressed the very issue you just raised.
C'mon, user, get a grip.
>he thinks the value of a colony is determined by its "prestiege"
Oh really? A bit like how every time we got involved in your idiotic continental affairs it was because one of you was having a major autistic episode and started a bloodbath that threatened the fabric of the entire continent?
>most inept retards of history
Indeed, it isn't like we're responsible for some of the greatest technological and social advancements, and overall more of them than countries with far greater populations and therefore talent pools.
>never own anything in Europe
Nice Empire
>acting like the continental system did fucking anything or applied any control over anyone that could label it a held territory
>Byzantium fell 400 years before the formation of Italy, and the Romans were totally culturally distinct from modern itslians
>Claiming the HRE. Many territories gained simply by fucking the right people
Neither of these lasted 20 years, both brutally raped by the Russians in the end
As has already been pointed out, every single Western European country was trying to develop colonial empires, the reason Britain had a larger one was because it was more successful than its continental rivals.
I don't even know who that person is.
Theodore Dalrymple
But all of those countries also had overseas territories.
>comparing Nazi Germany to any empire
Come on now.
All inferior to the overseas territories of the British empire
>the reason the British Empire became the largest was because it consistently defeated its continental rivals not because subduing the less developed peoples was the hard part.
That's a lie btw
The last time Britain fought another European nation over colonies was in the early 1800s, and the British Empire was still small as fuck after that (pic related)
The British Empire really became big between 1830 and 1890, and solely by defeating backward people in Africa and Asia to steal their lands
>war and empire is all about 'prestige' and 'victory'
>there's nothing prestigious about having history's mightiest empire
>there's nothing prestigious about maintaining that empire for over a century
I bet you spend your days in isolated woodland dressed as your favourite Nintendo character, don't you
The greatness of an empire is determined by the power of the enemies it conquered
That's why Napoleon's Empire, built by defeating Spaniards, Germans and Russians in battle, will always be more glorious than the British mpire, built by defeating Zulus, Indians and the Sultanate of Zanzibar
>there's nothing prestigious about having history's mightiest empire
Britain never had that though
They had the largest empire, but not the mightiest, far from it
The Crimean War, WW1 and WW2 are enough to prove it
and look where that's put you, faggot.
>literally clings to a last corner of Ireland despite it costing them huge amounts of money every single year while producing little other than increased anti-british sentiment
Who is this paedo looking cunt anyway?
Is that the same Napoleon that retired happily to St Helena?
>The Crimean War, WW1 and WW2 are enough to prove it
Three wars Britain won?
Missed out the Boer wars as well, kiddo.
>Three wars Britain won?
Three wars in which Britain struggled against a lone enemies, and needed powerful allies to barely win
Not something that would happen to "history's mightiest empire"
Oh, come out you black and tansCome out and fight me like a manShow your wives how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes in Killashandra
>Napoleon beat great peoples
>Austrians and their slavs
>tiny german states who later ally you
>Spain the worlds greatest economy at the time :^)
>tiny italian states who later ally you
The greatest challenge Napoleon faced was Russia and he dropped the ball.
Napoleon defeated the Russians in three wars before his failed invasion though
And before the French Revolution, Austria was considered a mighty empire and Prussia was thought to have the greatest land army
Rule Britannia