What was the treatment of German civilians like from other european civilians in the years following the end of WW2?
What was the treatment of German civilians like from other european civilians in the years following the end of WW2?
Well the Russian occupiers had a lot of fun with the female German civilians immediately after the end of the war in Europe. It was the best thing to ever happen to them and it was nothing less than what they deserved.
Surprisingly mild. Cold war was the best thing that could happen to Germans.
The western allies treated them pretty good, of course with a few exceptions.
The Soviets on the other hand... Mass rapings and genicide isn't very nice.
>Surprisingly mild.
>Massive deportations and ethnic cleansing of historically German regions in Eastern region.
>Germany loses hundreds of miles of their territory, loses their national sovereignty, and ultimately gets divided between 4 different countries
Czech and polish civilians massacred ethnic german civilians in their countries after the soviet "liberation". This was followed by a campaign of ethnic cleansing with stalins blessing where all ethnic germans were expelled from eastern europe into germany. It was the biggest ethnic cleansing in history with 16 million victims, estimated 1 million dying in the process but is of course ignored by history books because allies comitting genocide right after winning would kinda ruin "the germans are evil because of genocide"-narrative
>states with the name "Germany" are still legally allowed to exist
>these states are allowed to have their own governments
>these states are eventually allowed to have their own armies
>former servants of the Nazis regime are allowed in the administration and armies of both DDR and BRD
>the Western Allies abandon their initial destructive plans for West Germany and instead help rebuild the German economy
>German universities, cultural landmarks are allowed to be rebuild and non-Nazi national cultural symbols allowed
>most Germans deported from the East are allowed to settle in Germany instead of being deported to the USSR for slave labor
Really makes you think.
Such pathetic defenses make me think you're one of (((them))).
Nigga compared to most wars and ESPECIALLY compared to most wars of that magnitude where people were fighting for their fucking existence against their enemies, the Axis as a whole got off real fucking easy.
Insanely generous. They were rebuilt with American money and invited into the winning alliance, rather than being exterminated to a man as they deserved. Now, Europe is destroyed, thanks to this demented policy of treating G*rms as tho they were human.
I'm glad most of Veeky Forums hates Germans as much as me.
>Oy Vey! It is all right to ethnically cleanse them, for the Talmud says that we must destroy Amalek! Blessed be the foreskins we devour in the name of our God!
t. Putin
All that sea for the Dutch and British to rule. Gets my dick hard
In eastern europe many died and all were forced to leave. This a great war tragedy, and no it is not justified by the even greater tragedies done by the germans before this.
Are you seriously suggesting that under almost any other historical context they got off worse in the immediate post-War situation? There were calls to fucking destroy the German state entirely and many, many people would have been happy to do so. Never mind the fact that the Allies even helped to rebuild the country, which given the massive scale and stakes of the war itself was practically unheard of in history.
You realize the allies didn't destroy the german state because of their geopolitical strategy, right?
Stop trying to make it like the germans survived because of how good and sympathetic the allies are
>Stop trying to make it like the germans survived because of how good and sympathetic the allies are
literally nobody in the thread has said this. The point is that they got off lightly, not the reasons it happened.
70 years after world war 2 and there is still people who think women deserved to be raped and killed.
Look at the picture, this guy thinks this was okay and deserved.
Ever wondered how the nazis could be so cruel and kill little children and old women? Look at this guy. It's always the same strategy. You blame someone for something horrible, (the nazis blamed the Jews for the loss in WW1) and then everything you do to any of them is okay. Rape, torture, murder, genocide? All fine and dandy now, because you have a reason.
Okay, just mentioned this because someone reading it miight get that idea. Especially when someone looks at the argument
>Chechs finnaly have sea access
They've been ahoy-ing for too long