OAX is hitting Binance in 1 hour. Who else here is gonna go to sleep comfy making easy gains?
$4 by Wednesday. Screencap this.
wait a minute, isnt oax an excahnge too? wtf oax on binance(also an exchange)
Op.Don't new coins have a history on a initial downtrend on binance?
OAXmarines are retarded
a second ico will be held soon
Dumping hard. Guess OP is going to have a rough morning?
lmao everyone quickly buy OPs bags
fuck everyone here fucking weak handed fags and fuck the chinks too
You retards don't get it.
The reason the coin dumped is because ICO buyers put up sell orders before the exchange went live. The moment it opened the price tanked. This drove away new buyers. Also, the ETH pairing does not help.
50m market cap. This coin will be 5 dollars in a few days. Screencap it
Yeah this is a great opportunity to buy. Binance drove down the price so we could all buy more!
that's not true, people were selling it on binance for cheaper than what they could've gotten on liquid, theyre just weak handed fags is all. literally through their profits out the window just to dump the price
Honestly this is one of the juiciest dips I've seen in a minute. It's basically guaranteed 2x gains short term, could be 8x pretty realistically.
it was dumped on liqui to lower the price then sold on binance for a bit more
im stuck bagholding now....
ICO buyers were selling on Binance, not liqui buyers
Predictions? It's gonna rebound?
Market cap is tiny, even tinier now, huge volume for a coin this small, no reason it won't rise above ATH sometime this week imo. Don
why would they sell on binance and get less than they would on liqui, it was going for low 6k btc on liqui, on binance wit was going for like .0058k eth in minutes
RIP gonna be stuck bagholding this shitcoin for a fucking year fuck this stupid ass binance exchange
GREAT I willl change this shitcoin to bnb the second it hits it ffs. OAX is bullshit
EtherDelta buyers got BTFO hard, was trading at more than double the current binance price