Were the celts African, Veeky Forums?
>this is what the BBC is trying to teach children about history
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You watched the video right? Clearly they were. They also had mana tattoos to fuel their sword arts.
Celtics were not at all, that is pain retarded.
African roman citizens? Yes.
Auxillaries? Yes.
Natives? No.
Not even one.
This makes me so angry, I'm going to masturbate to japanese cartoons and mock minority groups on the internet.
>a black celt
>African Roman citizens
Hardly any, unless you are talking about Berbers who were caucasian
Pic related
Nord and redguard fighting together against the thalmor colorized
>the network is called BBC
You can't make this shit up!
Spotted the racist.
There were African Romans but they were not ssa Africans.
It really isn't tho
It's just a colloquial term for pseudo Marxist post modernist thought, which in reality is a form of liberalism. This has post modernism written all over it bruv
When Europe is a shitskinned Muslim continent, "everyone" will "know" that Europe was ALWAYS shitskinned. What's a "white"? You mean an Arab?
>This is the future Scotland chose by voting for SNP
Top pip
Don't black people find this deeply offensive?
It implies that they have no history of their own; that they were a numerous but uninfluential minority group within Europe for millenia; that they were mere extras on the grand stage of European history.
Why don't they just diversify the curriculum to include African history rather than trying to shoehorn Jamal into every episode of European history?
As a black British child, I'd take far more pride in looking at Mali at Ashanti at Nubia at Ghana at Ethiopia at Zululand at Numidia at Axum. It would certainly mean more to me than seeing the black guy as the token sidekick to important historical personalities in every other video.
Most muslims in Europe aren't actually arabs
You're my African-American friend
Albanians, Bosnians, Moroccans, and Chechens are all really shitty people though. Moroccans especially because they are Berbers who got ARAB'D. Also the majority of Muslims not being Arab is about to change to being majority black and Arab at the rate we are going m8. According to French study of sickle cell diseases among French newborn, about 30% of French children test positive for it. That means 30% of the next generation of France is African.
>le grand remplacement meme
most european muslim are white berbers and their fertility is average anyway, if europeans become darker in the future it will be because of subsaharan admixture.
Now fuck off to your subreddit with your buzzords
>When people have no concept of biological determinism and assume that culture is just food you eat and clothes you wear
Wew lad
You have to go back
Maybe that's the joke, Redditor.
>HURR Britain was 99% white just 30 yuears ago, now it's 70%, but this doesn't mean it's demographics are changing lol! Britain has ALWAYS been shitskinned, would I lie to you lmao dude?
>Moors were are from Africa, and are thus black
will this meme ever stop? it is litterally dutch 16th century propaganda which apparently survived up to this day.
Moors didn't exist until the post Roman era after the Muslim conquest of Maghreb in the 8th century. At the time of To man expansion into the British Isles the Berbers (a caucasian stock of North African people) were the main inhabitants of North African.
>mfw br*ts do a documentary on the battle of Sekigahara and cast all chinks
>mfw br*ts do a fucking animation and have to stick browns in where they don't historically belong
>mfw br*ts have to pay for this or go to jail
>It's just a colloquial term for pseudo Marxist post modernist thought
How the fuck would you combine Marxism with post-modernist (not in a post-structural aka Focault way but more the rambling of madmen such as Derrida way)?
>which in reality is a form of liberalism.
Ok you're insane
>How the fuck would you combine Marxism with post-modernist
By being an inconsistent hypocrite like all post-modernists.
repeat a lie until it is believed
>HURR modern PoMo Marxists don't exist!
If you think the ideas are incompatible (and I agree, they are) then go tell THEM that, don't waste our time asking us to defend THEIR ideology.
Yes, Celtic mercenaries in ancient Egypt mixed with the locals
Britain has always been multicultural
moors are berbers
stfu drumpftard
They still are even if most are LARPing as arabs.
>berbers are white
top kek
>most european muslim are white berbers
Completely incorrect, most of them are Turks and Pakis.
>Moors didn't exist until the post Roman era after the Muslim conquest of Maghreb in the 8th century
Are you trying to prove my point?
>he's never heard of the black Irish
>blacks have always been in Britain, it's no big deal!
>the first black men arrived in Britain on board the Empire Windrush in 1948. This is a major event in British history, alongside the Industrial Revolution and World Wars.
What did they mean by this?
Honestly I thought those were French or Italian people before I notice the flag and "Kabyle libre" sign.
>posts generic graph with no source
You clearly know what you're talking about.
>How the fuck would you combine Marxism with post-modernist
Go ask them you moron lol
A lot of post modernism is pseudo Marxist , early incarnations of post modernism like Existentialism were famous for using Marxist thought.
>Post modernism isn't liberalism
The anti Marxist portions of the post modernist are liberal critiques on Marxism
They meant that war is peace, freedom is slavery, weakness is strength, the truth is a lie, etc.
Do you even doublespeak?
>Right click
>Search Google for this image
>Source is the ONS
Newfag tutorial for you, newfag.
I like the Bronze/Iron Age ones, where retarded natives are taught the magical art of metallurgy by Nubian Kangz™
>HURR if you don't cite scientific journals to support every word then you're just talking shit!
>DURR you want evidence for my opinions? Fuck you, racist!
Moors are actually arabized Berbers
If you're not planning on doing something about it IRL, and will be content of venting on a Chinese caligraphy society, you are truly a cuck and deserved to be genocided.
>arabized NIGGERS
From the article
>After the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb, there seem to have been continued Mauri resistance for another 50 years.[39] The Chronicle of 754 still mentions Mauri but by the High Middle Ages the endonym seems to have disappeared, while Christian sources begin to apply the term Mauri, Moors to the Islamic populations of the Maghreb and Andalusia in general.
They became a part of the Moors, Moors as a group didn't exist until long after the collapse of the western Roman Empire
Berbers were a caucasian people
Yeah but Moors aren't just Berbers, they are mostly niggers.
Yeah no they aren't you fucking moron.
t. retard
Guess it depends on whether or not you consider Sartre and Heidegger to be post modernist, if post modernism is just a continuation of modernism after ww2
That's a Libyan you stupid faggot.
t. nigger
There are nigger Moors, but most Moors are Morrocans and Algerians, who are Berbers and Arabs, NOT niggers.
Obvious troll is obvious
So moors were so enriched by Arabs that eventually moor became synonymous with arab and the original moors disappeared.
A cautionary tale for native britons. If you don't do anything right now you will suffer the same fate.
2007 called they want their shitty catchphrases back.
>Libyans are not berbers
Fuck off brainlet
They're not Moors.
Doublespeech is a shitty meme, because its quotable, but fails to adress the concept its bringing along to talk about.
War isn't Peace, but the means to secure it. So permanent war AWAY from the population is peace. Peacewar.
Freedom isn't slavery, and slavery isn't freedom. But nobody knows what either means.
Weakness IS strength, because its a opposite. Its the worst example, because all weakness is also strengths.
And truth can't be lies. "Muh half truth" is a shitty meme, when its just about lieing your arse off.
sick comeback brah xD
Fuck off this board now
Is this the frog subhuman who threatened to sanction V4 countries if they don't take in niggers?
You can't do anything to stop the mongrelization process your eurangutan race is experiencing. Now you'll get what Amerindians suffered.
Your kind is decaying and dying. Your extinction is near. USA is becoming United Hispanic States in less than 50 years from now. There are more non-white babies than eurangutan ones on the US.
Muslim peasants are literally being welcomed by your own women. You are being replaced, and soon terminated.
Get over it, pigskin.
Berbers come in various colors, mate. The Sahel is one giant hodgepodge of ethnic groups.
Why are whitebois so easily triggered? No one on here said anything when they casted Christian Bale and Joel Edgarton as Egyptian princes a few years ago.
Even if there's a Jamal on there, the BBC cartoon is much more accurate than the schoolhouse rock shit we were shown as children. Or is that not the point, and is historical accuracy second to "muh white genocide" racial politics played up by (((them)))?
some saharan berber tribes have subsaharan admixture, but those were never a part of the roman civilization
Is this still up? I can't find it.
Wow you're mad
you're a dreary nitpicker ineffectually picking at useful terminology without providing better alternatives, truly a post-modernist yourself. This explains your butt-hurt. invite yourself out m8
you voted for this
ethiopian icons are cute.
Yes, but we will end up calling arabs and pakis "brits" in a derogatory way.
>There's a part of your DNA that makes you biologically determined to drink Scotch, play golf, and wear tartans
wew lad
that...that's actually the perfect tactic to destroy this channel!
The only thing those sjws will listen to is other sjws and minorities. The only way to defeat them, is by shaming them for being racist! You're a genius!
>the first black men arrived in Britain on board the Empire Windrush in 1948. This is a major event in British history, alongside the Industrial Revolution and World Wars.
They literally didn't though. There are mentions of a (very small) number of niggers in Britain off and on from the 1600's.
Great! Did you know there's an entire board where you can formulate plans like this?
Every ethnic group you just mentioned is basically just a black caucasoid and not true Bantu blacks
I'm on my way
not Ghana and Zululand
are you faking these?
post links
Who wants to be a Celt anyways? They didn't even have a writing system.
>no writing system
Maybe they are African...
I know why they shoehorn ahistorical black characters into western (white) historical fiction, it's to be "inclusive". But really, the effect is totally the opposite. When they say to minorities that western history is "also yours" because minorities are in it, aren't they enforcing the idea that race is the end-all of a person's heritage? When a black British child learns that British history is >99% white, he's led to the conclusion "this is
the main thing is more world history in schools. of course British education should focus on British history, but when talking about the history of Rome there would certainly be time to talk about Rome in an African context, which would allow black children/teenagers to see their own cultural heritage without trying to shoehorn it into British history.
Nonsense. You can't just show up somewhere and claim it as your own. Africans belong in Africa.
Albanians, Bosnians, Moroccans, and Chechens are all really shitty people though.
t. Alladin the jealous Turk