Is the ministry of truth aka BBC accurate his?
Try making a proper thread with a proper post if you want to discuss this.
>a cartoon for kids is state propaganda
Also whats wrong with teaching kids to accept people who look different from them?
>HURR lying to kids doesn't matter, everyone knows how media-savvy and critical of narratives small children are!
Go back to /pol/ and stay there. Saged and reported.
>Exaggerating the racial makeup of Rome thousands of years ago is a lie designed to advance an agenda
I think your tin foil hat is lightly loose there bud.
>HURR dude its just, like, a narrative lmao
>DURR y u so mad bro lmao?
>HERP it's not like this is something the BBC does CONSTANTLY dude lmao bro lol!
>DERP this is like totes the only time ever this has happened dude lmao bro y so serious dude lmao lol!
Ok so if you don't like the BBC why do you watch it? Seems like you could just ignore it and no be so butthurt about it.
>HURR y u care that a corporation with a near monopoly on tv broadcasting subsidized by your tv license money is shilling anti-white propaganda to kids? Just, like, don't be a kid, lmao dude!
>lel why do you care about the state network promoting your genocide with your tax money
>why don't you just roll over and wait for the multicultural street gangs of peace to knock on your door
Fucking retard
Man why are you guys so afraid of """White Genocide""", unless you're being rounded up or arrested, just chill. You're just saying "oh its a slippery slope, now the arabs are gonna take over". You're just afraid and paranoid.
>HURR y dont you want to be a minority in your own country lmao
>DURR muslims are so tolerant, y u scared of your country being an islamic republic lol
>It's a cartoon for children therefore it can't be state propaganda, even though it's produced by the state, and propaganda.
Lol why do you care about genocide there's only one race the human race lmao. A genocide is merely a bunch of cogs in the machine being replaced by spare set of cogs. Mass rape? Marriage is legalized rape what's the difference lmao? Theft? Capitalism is theft! What's the difference really lmao! Praise Marx and Soros. May the specter of communism bless the Rothschild and Clinton families.
>your own country
It belongs to whoever lives there, not just you buddy. Whats wrong with other people living there too? If they are criminals they will go to jail thats how that works, you live in a democracy, its not going to become Saudi Arabia because 10% of the population is non-white. Why are you so goddamn afraid of this fantasy future you've made up instead of doing actual self-improvement? Why are you always trying to get other people to change instead of yourself?
Its ok to have your opinions, no matter how retared they are.
But if you really want to talk about this, you should go to pol because this kind of edgy paranoid extremism is what pol is actually for.
You can meet plenty of like minded, mentally ill people there to shout these slogans at and agree with each other.
This is actually a history and discussion board, not a neurotic chimp shit flinging board NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WISH IT WAS.
>one of the richest capitalists
>Praise Marx and Soros
How is this controversial? Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales all have distinctive cultures.
>HURR ur country belongs to the niggers lmao
>DURR y u so racist tho lmao just be a nigger lmao fuck your ancestors they were only racist evildumb wite boyz lmao
>it's not your country it's everyone's country (except whitey's)
>Praise Marx and Soros.
Is this some sort of implication that Soros is a Marxist?
Ok now I see that I am talking to a caricature of /pol/ and have been bamboozled. Well Played.
Never said that but ok haha.
>trends are a fallacy lol just because britain has gone from fully shite to 70% white in one generation doesnt mean anything lol even tho rates of immigration are going UP and even tho non-white have twice as many kids as white it doesn't mean anything lol just smoke weed erry day lmao dude lol who cares that whites are the minority in EVERY major UK city now lmao it dont mean anything lol
>being surprised at /pol/tard invaders being absolutely retarded
>implying financiers can't be marxists because they derive their money to sponsor leftist movements from the stock market
>one of the richest capitalists
So? Who is Jacob Schiff? Who is Friedrich Engels?
>being surprised that commies don't know who finances their movements/pays their allowances
I feel like it's the millionth time that I've had to explain this to stormfags, but soros is an explicit popperian, which means he is completely anti marxist. Your entire political understanding is a giant meme from /pol/tard propaganda infographs.
British empire was a multi national and multi ethnic empire.
They had Chinese, Indians, Africans, Native Americans, Whites, Arabs, Aboriginals, all under british empire at same time.
>Jacob Schiff
Not a Marxist, just a jew you anti-semite.
>Friedrich Engels
Not one of the richest capitalists at the time.
You're fucking retarded.
There is that word
>not one of the richest
Oh so only the richest ones can't be marxists?
It doesn't matter. It disproves your point. The Marxist lie that you have to be class conscious proletariat to be a Marxist is disproven every day. In fact all you have to do is to be a brainwashed middle class college student.
Fun fact: there is no evidence that Jacob Schiff ever supported Trotsky.
Sorry to burst your bubble. I'm sure your local antifa gang is self-funded though.
Of course! And if there was you would say that it didn't count therefore there will never be "evidence".
Self-funded here meaning paid with mommy' cash.
Btw I have to go to work now. Some of us work to earn their living. Nice talking to y'all.
Sorry to burst your bubble, /pol/tard, but the world is more complex than a few /pol/ memes. Not everyone that's against racism is a marxist, in fact the vast majority aren't. Soros funding BLM is in line with his popperian views, which are anti-marxist classic-liberal progressive. It has nothing to do with being leftist, nor do you need to be leftist to be pro BLM. Try actually reading marx and reading popper and then try to make sense of his actions instead of basing all your worldview on a chinese weaving symposium.
Not your safespace, cucklord
Holy shit, are you a mentalist? No wonder you can afford to believe in shit without evidence.
>Tea Party libertarians literally funded by the Koch Brothers
>reality tv show billionaire elitist pretends to be "one of the people" in order to be elected president
>"lol wake up sheeple Soros is manipulating u"
It's like you have to be legally retarded or something
>sjws are actually this delusional
It's true. You guys really don't understand what source criticism means. What is the evidence? I will tell you: a reporter called Cholly Knickerboxer mentioned that Schiff's grandson told him that his grandfather wasted 20 million to help the bolsheviks in Russia. There is nothing except this.
However, we have some letters written by Schiff where he condemns the bolsheviks and funds their enemies. Most of his money went to Kerensky and his government.
>still crying about the tea party
The left is absolutely fucked
>kekistani encounters well reasoned argument with supporting evidence
>"fuckin sjws"
Nice argument faggot. Try reading a book.
Not an argument
Soros has never financed a Marxist movement and in fact helped destroy Soviet socialism in Eastern Europe
ANd what are his sources that Schiff funded Trotsky?
Ouch. Next thing you're going to say is that occupy Wall Street was also funded by Wall Street investors.
>In late February 2012 it was reported that a group of business leaders including Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield, Danny Goldberg, Norman Lear, and Terri Gardner[116] created a new working group, the Movement Resource Group, and with it have pledged $300,000 with plans to add $1,500,000 more.[117][118] The money would be made available in the form of grants of up to $25,000 for eligible recipients.
Oh shit.
>but but rich people are evil right wing meanies
>dude just worship blm and antifa
>a well reasoned argument
Why are you anti white cucks so retarded?
Most propaganda has ALWAYS been aimed at kids, especially in the form of cartoons and comic books. You don't remember how Superman and Captain America (both characters created by jews by the way - Jerry Siegel and Joe Simon respectively) went around beating up nazis during WW2 and commies during the Cold War?
How is soros better than the tea party other than the fact that he supports SJWs like you?
Nobody is saying to worship BLM or antifa you're pulling those from thin air.
>waah he's not a Marxist therefore he can't be grouped with Marxists
When will brainlets recognize that we're in a metamodernist age where the old 20th century categories have been atomized and are meaningless?
Marxism is dead just like every other 20th century ideology and only continues to exist as a goad to drive society in a certain direction. It doesn't matter if Soros doesn't believe in Marxism because no one that matters actually does anymore.
>Soros can't be a Marxist if he's a capitalist!
>not knowing that both Marxism and capitalism were created by the jews and are the two sides of the same coin
>not knowing that Marx was the single biggest praiser of capitalism and considered it a necessary stepping stone to communism
>not realizing communists think we NEED a long period of unrestricted, inhumane capitalism so that communist revolution can erupt
>not realizing all the jewish lolbertarians (Rothbard, Mises, Friedman) were simply communists in disguise
You people are literal retards. You don't even have to read Hitler, just read Marx.
>but but rich people are evil right wing meanies
It is absolutely possible for rich people to fight against their interests due to altruism. For example Kropotkin was a rich aristocrat and lost his inheritance to become a leading anarchist. However, it is often the case that such people are either trying to infiltrate those groups or helping them because their interests are temporarily aligned (the same way ludendorff isn't a leninist).
It's literally what you were saying, soros puppet
>Clearly Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb was not interested in supporting the Kerensky Liberty Loan
and Schiff went to the trouble of drawing State Department attention to Kamenka's pleas for Allied
intervention against the Bolsheviks. Obviously Schiff and fellow banker Kamenka, unlike J.P. Morgan and
John D. Rockefeller, were as unhappy about the Bolsheviks as they had been about the tsars
This is actually from one of Sutton's articles. Apparently non-Jewish bankers were more willing to support the communists than Schiff.
>Soros can't be a Marxist if he's a capitalist!
Soros could be but isn't a marxist.
>not knowing that both Marxism and capitalism were created by the jews and are the two sides of the same coin
Retarded stormfaggotry. Communism predates marx and no person came up with capitalism.
>not knowing that Marx was the single biggest praiser of capitalism and considered it a necessary stepping stone to communism
>not realizing communists think we NEED a long period of unrestricted, inhumane capitalism so that communist revolution can erupt
Ridiculous, he was the biggest opposer of capitalism. Admitting capitalism's ability to increase production is purely descriptive and his historicism comes from hegel/plato.
>not realizing all the jewish lolbertarians (Rothbard, Mises, Friedman) were simply communists in disguise
>if the jew is a commist he's a communist, if he's an anticommunist he's a communist. Conspiracy confirmed!
>just read Marx
Try taking your own advice.
t. degenerated libercuck.
Antifa is right. It's no use complaining about it here. Things will only change once native britons take their country back and hang every last traitor politician and bureaucrat. If you don't do this you're as good as dead.
>if you don't like the BBC why do you watch it? Seems like you could just ignore it and no be so butthurt about it.
If you don't like my post why do you reply? Seems like you could just ignore it and no be so butthurt about it.
>he thinks that the BBC has a near monopoly
Yep confirmed for knowing fuck all about anything.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
Isn't it time, for the Saxon to begin to hate?
How incredibly fucking stupid do you have to be to try to unironically have a discussion with someone who obviously has no intention of arguing in good faith? Do you not understand that what you say is completely irrelevant and you're just egging him on?
>blacks have always been in Britain, it's no big deal!
>the first black men arrived in Britain on board the Empire Windrush in 1948. This is a major event in British history, alongside the Industrial Revolution and World Wars.
What did they mean by this?
>Ridiculous, he was the biggest opposer of capitalism.
You're an idiot. Marx even cheered for the western powers exporting capitalist mode of production to places like Mexico and Africa because more capitalism means communism will come sooner. Literally read the first chapter of the Communist Manifesto where Marx says "The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part" and that communism cannot become reality without the bourgeoise first taking over.
>if the jew is a commist he's a communist, if he's an anticommunist he's a communist
Why do you think both bolsheviks and libertarians were viciously opposing Keynes? Because he shoved a wrench into their course of historical materialism!
Are you downplaying and just plain retarded libertard?
>the first black men arrived in Britain on board the Empire Windrush in 1948
Uh, what?
Do you even doublespeak bro? A thing can be both true and false, according to the interests of the revolutionary left.
>plebs don't understand the subtleties of dialectics
>people who don't love niggers more than evildumb whites are just trolling lmao
That's how it's described, including during the Olympic opening ceremony.
As an actual European and not insular trash, it couldn't have happened to nicer people.
>violently opposing Napoleon
>violently opposing Hitler
>chastising Russian empire for decades for being anti-semetic, then refuse to grant the Romanovs asylum after the jews take over in Russia
>ennobling the jews (Rotschilds) and waging war in jewish interests when the rest of Europe was doing pogroms and excluding them from public life
>dismantling the Ottoman empire and giving their territories to jews and salafists, fucking up the middle east for more than a century
>starving white Boer children and women to death in concentration camps
>flooding the new world with African niggers
Britain is, and always has been, an anti-white, subhuman, degenerate shithole. I'm happy to see them going down in flames.
British idea of multiculturalism equals a certain ratio of White Anglo-Saxons to Black people.
So no, Britain has not always been multicultural.
>a certain ratio of White Anglo-Saxons to Black people
Multicultural =/= multiracial
>dude why don't you give my """""argument"""" consisting of nothing but meme arrows the respect it deserves :')
>You're an idiot. Marx even cheered for the western powers exporting capitalist mode of production to places like Mexico and Africa because more capitalism means communism will come sooner. Literally read the first chapter of the Communist Manifesto where Marx says "The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part" and that communism cannot become reality without the bourgeoise first taking over.
As I said, his historicism is inherited from hegel/plato, while his assessment that capitalism increases production exponentially is a completely valid description.
>Why do you think both bolsheviks and libertarians were viciously opposing Keynes? Because he shoved a wrench into their course of historical materialism!
Jews aren't a hivemind, retard. There's marxist jews, there's libertarian jews, and there's a fuckton of keynesian jews (and anything else you could think of). There's people like Sraffa who was brought to england by keynes and personally asked to debunk libertarians (which he did), and is one of the most important figures of post keynesian economics. If you look at major jewish economists you have ricardo in classical economics, marx for marxism (who didn't really give a fuck about jews btw), sraffa for keynesians, friedman for monetarists, stiglitz/krugman for neokeynesians, arrow/debreu for neoclassicals, kuznets for institutional economics etc.
You literally have jews in any economic school you could think of. You are so brainwashed that to you jews are a single entity and jews with diverging opinions are jews pretending to have diverging opinions instead of different individuals saying completely different and opposed shit.
>the first black men arrived in Britain on board the Empire Windrush in 1948.
I'm not even a leftist and I am fairly anti-immigration but this sort of complete horseshit makes us all look stupid. How utterly ignorant and retarded do you have to be to think the very first black people to ever arrive in Britain were aboard the Windrush?
The chief goal of every jew is to create a feudalist society with jews on top ruling the goyim. Communism is a method to achieve that, as evidenced by what happened in the USSR before Stalin put a stop to that.
Humans have always been 31 genders.
LGBT are completely normal.
Drug abuse is totally healthy.
Family organization should be destroyed.
Genome editing is the future of mankind.
"Promiscuity is a citizen's duty!"
>say completely retarded shit
>get refuted
>respond with different completely retarded shit
Is this your strategy?
I don't know, why don't you ask the BBC, Danny Boyle, the rest of the Olympics opening ceremony organisers and others?
Roman britain was multicultural by definition so yes
>Danny Boyle
>Olympics Ceremony
This just makes it even worse, how the fucking hell did a brief performance art exhibition five years ago become the only source of knowledge you have about British history?
People like you make us look like imbeciles.
You can't do anything to stop the mongrelization process your eurangutan race is experiencing. Now you'll get what Amerindians suffered.
Your kind is decaying and dying. Your extinction is near. USA is becoming United Hispanic States in less than 50 years from now. There are more non-white babies than eurangutan ones on the US.
Muslim peasants are literally being welcomed by your own women. You are being replaced, and soon terminated.
Get over it, pigskin.
>they were multiple types of white, that means Britain has always been an Islamic nigger republic!
You should link to whomever/whatever it is you're paraphasing. I'd be willing to bet that you're using hyperbole to make it sound as absurd as possible.
He never it's a historically accurate statement or a source for him personally. He merely pointed out that there was a plot hole in the narrative fed to the proles by the media and political establishment, which is accurate. You're the one that is making yourself look stupid.
He never claimed*
>Soros can't be a Marxist if he's a capitalist!
He sure as fuck can't be a marxist if he's a popperian you fucking nigger like holy shit how on earth would you come to the conclusion that he's *not* a popperian? It's not like he's trying to hide it when he claims it.
>fucking SSA
>implying white is one culture
>Geneticists have found that seven men with the surname Revis, which originates in Yorkshire, carry a genetic signature previously found only in people of West African origin. All of the men belonged to Haplogroup A1a (M31), a subclade of Haplogroup A which geneticists believe originated in Eastern or Southern Africa.[25]
>multiple types of white and near eastern
Fixed. Romans took their Ayrabs everywhere and there's genetic proof of this.
>One York Roman 3DRIF-26 gives a clear Middle Eastern signal, with closest neighbours of Palestinian, Jordanian and Syrian origin
One can wonder how much this mass immigration during the Roman age changed the gene pool of Italy but talking about it results only in autistic screeching from Italians.
>Popperian who funds Marxist and Anarchist groups
Really makes you think. That guy is like a combination of Nathan Rotschild and Friedrich Engels.
Popper was a jew.