Is there any deity who could defeat Durga in a fight?
>his God only has two arms
psshh nothing personnel
Is there anyone that can beat Karna?
And I’m not just talking about charioteer lance wielding son of the Sun God Karna. And I’m not just talking about Karna capable of using all 15 Shastra’s, including Daarma Paasha, Naga Paasha, and Kaala Paasha. Hell, I’m not even talking about Karna after inheriting Vijiya’s Bow (Guaranteeing victory for the holder no matter what circumstance) from Lord Parashurama after training for years to become the greatest warrior and obtaining Brahmanda Astra (Which alone has the power to destroy our entire solar system). I’m talking about Suryalok abiding Karna barring all curses capable of using all Upasamhaara Astras including but not limited too Satyavanta, Satyakeerti, Dhristha, Rabhasa, Pratihaaratara, Paraanmuka, Avaanmukha, Dashaaksha, Shatavaktra, Dashasheersha, Shatodara, Padmanaabha, Mahaanaabha, Jyotisha, Vinidra, Daitya, Pramadhana, Suchibaahu, Mahaabaahu, Saarchirmaali, Dhritimaali, Vrittiman, Ruchira, Pitrya, Ssaumansa, and also thus Vidhoota, Makara, Karaveerakara, Dhana, Dhaanya, Kaamaroopa, Kaamaruchira, Moha, Aavarana, and thus Jrimbhaka, Sarvanaabha, Varana, wielding the Vasavi Shakti (Capable of killing even Gods with one stab), firing off every single Astra (Even Naga-Astra which delivers deadly poison upon impact), and receiving blessings from Bh?mi, Agni, Varuna, Vayu, Surya, and Indra. I’m talking about Messiah Karna that has Mohini Astra as well which is capable of negating all magic and Maheshwarasta which can reduce even celestial beings to ashes; wielding multipurpose astras, which naturally includes Andhatamisr, Mahatarany, Chakshushmat, Shaktinash, Vishvavasumah, Antak, Mriitunjay, Sarvasmritinashan and Sarvasmitidharan, Bhay, Ahbayankaraaindr, Maharog, Namatraym, Ayurnash, Kalasamkarchan, Mahasur, Muladurg, Muk, Mahavagvidiny, Vedataskar, Hiranyaksh, Mahavarah, Hiranyakaship, Urganrisimh, Balindr,, Vasudev, Sankarshan, Pradyumn, Kalyastra and Kalkyastra, Mahamoh and Shambhav Astras.
Kek, is this accurate?
As the Astra used by Arjuna
Also, Karna did nothing wrong.
Yamantaka has thousands.
Hindu gods don't actually have multiple arms and heads, its just a way of symbolizing their superhuman power.
Someone who actually gets it
Mary sue bullshit
>Being strong makes you a mary sue
>his god is so weak she needs multiple arms
>his god wants to be killed
literally a cuck.
>sacrificing yourself so humanity has a chance of salvation
How is this "cucked"?
Go back to /pol/ with those subconscious projection buzzwords
>dying without passing on your genes so other men can procreate
literal cuck like his dad
>implying Christ's ministry was fruitless
>ancient anime
I see you are stuck with the race baiting mentality of /pol/
And to think I was once like you.
anime is real
>(((sacrificing))) yourself
Yeah thanks for the """sacrifice""" Kike God, you really did something worthwhile by very briefly suffering some mild discomfort!
The Son of Man suffered severely user.
Nigger, people suffer more than he did every goddamn day, and you don't hear them claiming to be doing anything amazing. Plus, no, he didn't. If Christians are right, and Jesus is God, he KNEW, without possibility of error, that his suffering was brief and finite, and that he was going back to heaven. No human has ever had this certainty, despite suffering more objectively than Jesus did.
The Lamb was innocent whereas we are not.
gee almost as if the jesus dude was just a mortal preacher whose role was reinvented 100 years after the fact by religious radicals
christians are literally worshipping jewish fanfiction
>special pleading
Babies who die before they're baptized are such hateful, wicked cunts, I'm glad gentle Jesus meek and mild sends them to Hell to burn forever!
Mark's Gospel was written 30~40 years after the resurrection.
The messiah is special.
A slightly wounded cockroach could defeat Durga in a fight.
Lambs aren't sacrificed because of their "innocence." Thats a blatant misrepresentation of Jewish sacrifice.
Yeah, no. All dead babies go to heaven.
>The messiah is special.
Yes, Cyrus the Great was a good bloke.
>being this edgy
What's your deal user?
Why do you despise our lord?
Let me guess
Pagan or atheist
Jesus, with His infinite capacity for suffering, suffered more on the cross than humanity has suffered, collectively, since its existence.
Just another shepherd.
>muh special pleading
Care to cite your Biblical authority for that claim?
No, no it is not. The sinner places his hand on the head of the lamb, the lamb's throat is slit, and the innocence of the lamb is imputed to the sinner, while the sinner's sins are imputed to the sacrifice.
That's why there are constant references to the qualities of the lamb, being without spot or blemish, perfect in all its ways as being the only acceptable sacrifice.
If you're a Jew, shame on you for not knowing what animal sacrifices are for.
David's lament for his dead son, whom he will catch up to in heaven, and Paul's "perfection" until the Law came, and found him a sinner, and he died.
And, you know, common sense.
>Doing something that involves self sacrifice that could benefit someone else or others
>This is literally new definition of cuck that /pol/ has spreed
How do you not know this?
Special pleading is a fallacy when nothing special is being plead.
Jesus is God.
If there's anyone to whom "special pleading fallacy" does not apply, it's God.
That is a blatant misrepresentation of my point; I never claimed Jesus' innocence was the reason He was sacrificed. His innocence is merely one of the many ways the messiah is set apart.
>it's not a fallacy when I do it!
Yes, yes it is.
>le strawmans
David had God's direct assurance that his son was saved. Paul's "perfection" is fanfic, with zero Biblical support.
>common sense.
So, you're an atheist then?
>wanting biblical justifcation for a religious claim is a strawman!
It's not a fallacy when God is involved.
It's as though you forgot you were only pretending to be retarded.
Show me in the bible where David's son was unique.
Prove the greatest apostle is a fraud.
You can stamp your little feet and cry "WAA IDS NOD A FALLACY WHEN I DO IT!" all you want, all you're doing is proving what a compete fool you are.
Why are you even objecting to being called "falacious", I always thought you guys openly rejected logic and argumentation. If anything you should embrace pure sophistry in service to the promotion of your ideology.
First of all, that's a different user. I know it's hard for you to keep up, but do try harder.
Second of all, the fallacy is clear:
Applying standards, principles, and/or rules to other people or circumstances, while making oneself or certain circumstances exempt from the same critical criteria, without providing adequate justification.
Do you see "God is included in this" anywhere in the definition? No? Maybe there's a reason for that.
Is "being God" sufficient justification to not throw in his lot with the rest of us?
Why yes, yes it is.
It's the atheist who rejects reason and logic and foolishly says there is no God.
Such a statement requires infinite knowledge.
Which atheist has infinite knowledge?
>WAAAH ids nod a fallacy!
Whatever you say, you dopey cunt.
>its another "edgy Antichrist shitposter ruins a thread" episode
Whatever is true.
You might want to discover objective truth before you ruin your life any further.
Excellent fallacy, that's more like it, well done.
>follower of a literal blood sacrifice cult that got a superficial makeover (an enlightenment but also a cuckening) to be a socially acceptable religion, yet still a leech on our government
>follower of a literal blood sacrifice cult - now turned into a materialistic pretentious ideology wants to belittle others as ""edgy""
This is why christianity needs to die. Christians are "'sensational"" scum
Who told you that lie,hotshot?
>calls out others for calling others edgy
>hurr durr all Christians are scum and should die xD
Name the fallacy.
Churches are tax exempt because they provide charity in their local areas far more efficiently than the government could.
Take a Civics class. And a Logic class. And a Comparative Religion class. Then come back and lurk more.
You can never lurk enough.
He ended up loosing in the end. You guys do know that right? Arjuna near Karna
not an argument
Another thread overrun by nonsense abrahamics with subtle inferiority complexes and no one who deserves it will be banned. This board is literally cancerous now.
Oh Shiva destroy the ignorance here
>sacrifice yourself
actually they are believed to have celestial forms with multiple arms and head. Your post is partially true but the idea that its only symbolic is a very western one