punch her in the stomach
buy sia
Hash Mining Contracts
Wtf? You had sex?!?! Or did she got blacked?
Buy Digibyte for your kids college fund!
You pump and dump
not pump and stay, time to short.
this is a troll thread, no survivors here.
Good thing in Canada abortions are freeeee !
>>Accuse her and say it isn't yours
>>Hope she confesses secret affair.
A broken heart is better than a child you didn't want most likely. Best of luck.
Fuck your mother, if you want to fuck.
Another bagholder
your bags just got heavier
Lol you're a fucking idiot bro. If you're gonna be raw-dogging the bitch at least make sure she's taking the pill ffs... kys my dude
Welcome to the "No Matter What You Do You Are Paying Her Bills" meme.
Take your responsibilities or get karma rekt later.
screencap this.
Man up, faggot.
This is all you're here to do.
The condom ripped
you are a bagholder for this bitch forever now and what's worse is she'll be a depreciating asset as she balloons over the years. bad investment user
post pictures of her sweet nubile ass
you're fucked anyways might as well
fug beat me to it.
it's over user.
>18+ years of bag holding
Get an abortion retard
That's nothing, my ex would cry and pout that I wouldn't cum in her raw because she said that "implied that I didn't trust her to get an abortion". Anyway later she pretended to be pregnant and faked a miscarriage.
The best thing i have ever gotten were 5 years of english lessons, the second best thing was a vasectomy, fuck the reproduce meme
Proud to be a virgin
Don't like to kick a man while he is down, but you shoulda have gotten morning afters
this! feelsgoodman! *cries self to sleep hugging a pillow*
Nigger tier. Man up OP
>attempted to pump and dump
>got stuck bagholding instead
I fucked my girl and after I came she looked at the condom wrap and it qas fucking old REEEEEEEEE
im waotong for her fuckong period to come like if it qas fuckong jesus second comming
Fell for the pussy meme
Honestly, im succsesfull, Veeky Forums and got my promdate which i could always just date in the neighbour village.
Sure sex would be nice and all but i feel like its an overrated meme. If im horny i just go up to some random chick and give her 1k for servicing me the next few days
lol, sell her for sum crypto, is da bitxx cute?
You're exactly the same as most of the human population in history
Look on the bright side, You'll still be young once your kids are grown and out of the house
He did pump and dump, how do you think his gf got pregnant?
Just ditch her and her cursed spawn. What are you a cuck white boy?
buy a bag of powdered citrus and blend a fuck load of it into a smoothie. Then serve it to her. You can thank me later.
The ol' vitamin c miscarriage. Smooth.
Fucking hell man. I know from experience bitches be crazy, but Jesus Christ..
Why are you not happy ?
marry her and raise you children properly
don't be a degenerate
>implying a healthy family and strong relationship isn't essential for success in life
Normalfag btfo
I actually know a few families that were created like that and unironically most of them are pretty happy and successful.
It's probably a bait thread, but this might be a solution OP. Especially if you value relationship with GF.
Teach your child how to invest in digital currencies
>he didn't set a stopLoss