thoughts on 0x?
still worth holding?
thoughts on 0x?
still worth holding?
do something im starving
hold you faggot
when did you buy?
This is a $5 coin. The hype is huge. Wait for it to get listed on GDAX at least.
Are you fucking joking? Of course hodl, so many things will be based off this.
What's the difference between ZRX and DNT?
good meme my friend
$5 real soon like.
screencap this
bought at 50000 sats doubled up dunno if I should stay or not
I don't know what soon is but it better be very soon as in today.
I missed out on buying DNT yesterday because I was holding this because I thought it would contie going up.
People keep saying all these nice things about it but they're not giving timeframes, it's not worth holding right now if all these protocols and systems that will be built on it aren't going to be available for weeks or months and the price isn't going up.
Binance confirmed for 22nd, Bittrex doing final compliance reviews. How much more do you want to be spend fed you fucking lazy nigger?
yeah thats my thoughts
chew it for me and put it in my tummy bby
For real this though could be $3 by winter. I might sell off some but definitely holding while Radar Relay and Ethfinex are coming to fruition.
hodl obviously. sorry to all the retards who sold
You are a retard if you sell. Find the capital somewhere else to invest in other things and hold 0x. Especially if you were an ICO buyer. This thing will be 2-3 bucks by the end of the year with ethfinex and radar relay and all the smaller exchanges being built and dnt and ant and oax all using this.
This token is FOUNDATIONAL.
Thanks just bought 100k
>brand new coin
>still worth holding?
Fuck crypto, I'm gonna start selling adderall.
Why would you sell now? It's 1 week old
If i hodl'd this instead of day trading and missing the dips I would have a hell ofa lot more money.