>tfw I dine and dashed again
Can we have a frugal thread for old times sake?
>tfw I dine and dashed again
Can we have a frugal thread for old times sake?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's stealing...
Stealing schmealing you fucking dweeb
not cool nigger
You don't have to throw out your trash, simply jazz it up a bit and it becomes your new wardrobe.
I'm currently sporting a banana peel bracelet and plastic bag chain link necklace. They are great conversation starters.
A curse be upon you, thief and destroyer of civilization!
To the apes with you!!
U must be a nigger. Kys
Wow this is surprising. People here scolding OP, I never would have expecting this on Veeky Forums.
Meanwhile on reddit /r/shoplifting remains unbanned and people openly talk about their strats for stealing and post pictures of tvs and shit they swiped from walmarts etc
That is because Reddit is populated by unscrupulous, nigger subhumans.
Times are a changing, Veeky Forums is young and fresh, frugal memes are nothing but degeneracy, off your self.
Youve got to be kidding Lmao
Half this board used to be about fraud and scams and shit
if it was a small family business you should be shot
>bringing up the niggerly behavior of this board's history
We traders now
This guys get it, we are professional digital asset analysts, why the fuck would we go down the path of degeneracy, old Veeky Forums was a mistake.
I'm not surprised, Veeky Forums has for a long time been full of pontificatory hollier-than-thou types.
Think about how many times the word "degenerate" gets thrown around and it's NOT self-effacing, like someone making fun of their own foot fetish or something, but instead a vitriolic tirade against normies?
Having said that, I don't condone OP's practice either. But considering he's a frogposter I find the notion of him actually going outside of the house, let alone overcoming his autismo anxiety long enough to summon the balls to not pay is bullshit and that OP is LARPing
I steal my hand soap from public toilets to use at home.
Using it for hair and body.
Also recycle my shower water for making soup. I think the grime and sweat from my body really adds to the flavour
>posting a frog, the most common meme somehow means you must be a virgin and a neet
>tfw I ordered a pizza but because of an unforeseen complication I couldn't pay when it was delivered
>Told them I'd be back later that day to pay for it
>Forgot about it
I remembered the next day and rushed over to pay the bill. I don't know how the guilt doesn't eat away at the people who dine and dash.
Stealing from Walmart is almost morally legal at this point. No one cares about ripping off the fuck huge zombie corporation.
that's bullshit though, kings were kings because their ancestors conquered hundreds of years ago, and they were hardly all 'exemplary citizens'. also many noble families inbred and got fucked genetically, the opposite of your theory. what a load of bootlicking bullshit from a so-called 'libertarian'.
Well, you must have dined and dashed alone, right?
Unless you have already found yourself a bony meth head QTπ, no grills are going to hang with a gentleman who dines and isn't dashing.
Here's some advice - always carry cash with you, just in case you're caught. I'm a poorfag crypto bags who has worked in kitchens his whole life; a manager is not allowed to accuse you of theft until you've left the building, but if they catch you at the door, you better have currency in your fucking hands.
Also, what exactly frugal advice are you looking for? Like, how I eat beans and rice and don't pay for a gym, I just walk right in to the local college, don't pay for a phone, just $20 internet a month and use svsip software to make calls... like those kinda frugal tips?
>tl;dr be specific, you knob
>get bonus napkins, sauce packets, straws, etc when I order food from restaurants
>save it and use them later
>have not bought napkins in years because of this
I don't know why but I always feel like some post apocalyptic scavenger when I use my extras.
Not just any frog. It's Apu.
Also I never said nor implied anything about being a virgin.
>"methinks the lady doth proest too much"
>Also recycle my shower water for making soup. I think the grime and sweat from my body really adds to the flavour
What are your yearly savings?
Yes I did it alone it wasn't a lot of money I just thought "what's the worst that could happen" and just left.
As for what im looking for, Veeky Forums used to have hilarious frugal threads where people would collect rainwater or dip used gum in koolaid packets so I wanted to relive some good laughs.
>Veeky Forums
>millionaires who steal soap and napkins
I can just imagine some fat kike waddling back and forth as he counts his internet coins while stealing ketchup from local mcdonalds
>go to busy food court
>when they put an order on the pickup counter grab it as soon as they read out the number and casually walk away
>fast food drive through, in peak hours
>"oh yeah sorry i came through here there werent any parks outside.. i got some chicken but it was cold and uncooked so i threw it away, replacement pls"
>pocket random shit while walking through supermarket
not that i need to steal stuff. its just fun.
be careful user
Some fucking old man did that to me last time I went to Taco Cabana
>calling us holier-than-thou
>looking down on frogposters and calling out degeneracy
Get the fuck out plebbit. Ruining our boards
I think you mean improving by not being so easily triggered as you.
But you know what, valid criticism, I shouldn't have implied that all channers possess a 'hollier than thou' attitude. Just easily triggered folks like you in particular (I'm kidding!!).
here's a picture of a generically attractive girl I offer as a peace offering...
whoops forgot pic because having connection timeout issues
Tfw my girlfriend and I have shoplifted over 2k worth of stuff this summer. Feels good man