Any book by Thomas Sowell you'd recommend?
Seems like I actually have to spent money on it so I'd rather read something worthwhile.
He's the token black of conservative economists.
About to finish Wealth, Poverty, and Politics
Progressives and Race Realists BTFO
Who is Walter Williams?
Who is Larry Elder?
Who is Ben Carson?
Who is Booker T. Washington?
>Ben Carson
Not the user you're replying to - but when did he qualify as an economist?
>BTFO by a guy who's regurgitated the same conservative talking points for years
He's a watered-down Buckley at best, with more academic qualifications in a field that's not even a science.
which field is that? economics?
That doesn't even make sense, Thomas Sowell is only 5 years younger than buckley. They're from the same era, so how could Sowell's ideas originate from him? Also, Buckley was a fan of Sowell's work which indicate to me that he must of learned something from Sowell rather than it being the other way around.
He's a sell out coon. Don't bother with him.
>Any book by Thomas Sowell you'd recommend?
>Literally can't stop talking about that he's black
go read Aristotle instead fag
"Basic economics" is good if you want a healthy, layman's knowledge of how modern economies work.
"The Vision of the Anointed" is a pretty good look at modern intellectual spheres in politics that had sealed themselves from empirical data in favor of utopian ideals and dominant narratives.
"Marxism" is a well written (albeit unoriginal) refutation of Karl Marx, his ideas, and his progeny in terms of marxist economic theory.
"Intellectuals and Society" speaks of ivory tower elitism and how intellectuals and their echo chambers cause harm through thinking outside their chosen field. (ex. Chomsky is perhaps on of the best linguists of our age, but a retarded political theorist).
"Black Rednecks and White liberals" in this he tackles a few theories surrounding racial issues in narratives. A few flaws, since he's hardly a trained historian, but the essays are very interesting, especially his contribution to the "Black Redneck" theory and why jews and Asians do so well in America in terms of wealth and social mobility. (middle class minority theory, essentially).
Literal Uncle Tom
Even his name is Tom
There is literally nothing worthy of study in American conservative """thought""".
What about conflict of visions? Most people tell me that's his best book.
I don't suggest books I've yet to read. perhaps I'll give it a go, but I've read the above books and can vouch for their quality and interesting material. thus, I suggest these. enjoy.
>Be Thomas Sowell
>Born to poor shrecroppers in the South
>Go to school in Harlem
>Get drafted into segregated Marine Corps unit
>Go to Howard University
>All while subjected to Jim Crow
>mfw the tolerant left claims he isnt really black
Mad as fuck whitecuck or degenerate brotha.
He has some of the most uniquely insightful arguments I've read that btfo leftists. Unfortunately, he also has a handful of hackneyed right wing talking points and opinions too. I feel you have a good filter, you'll gain a lot from his stuff. Easily top tier and by any standard, not just because he's le based black guy. Far from it
>Basic economics" is good if you want a healthy, layman's knowledge of how modern economies work.
You mean a healthy right wing / lolbertarian view of economics . I don't like that the books title implies neutrality
>he isnt really black
Isn't it weird how the leftists operate? Apparently having a different opinion than the majority somehow invalidates your biological race. Just like when they said Milo isn't really gay, as if being a faggot meant being a progressive rather than sucking cock and being attracted to men.
And for the matter I don't even like Milo or the (((aut-right))), so don't try it.
>Keynesian spotted
B-But stagflation shouldn't be happening
>being a kiketarian
Anything. Everything. Every interview. All of it.
The guy said he lived in a house with a dirt floor and doesn't remember running water until his teens. I'd say those are humble beginnings - but his opinions are wrong so he's a sellout.
His interviews are very dry because his interviewers are very dry.
>judges intellectuals based on ethnicity instead of their ideas
looks like /pol/ is leaking
Sowell was formerly a badass commie nigga before Milton Friedman schooled him.This gives him invaluable insight about the leftist menace.
but that's exactly how Jews treat ideology based upon its worldly benefit first and first principles second. Just like the Jewish Neo-cons went from being Trotskyites to Cuckservatives.