Why didn't it work? Is it because capitalism prevents societies from achieving communism?
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>capitalism did nothing wrong
Because capitalism (((prevents))) societies from achieving communism.
The way culture and media and technology progressed made it no longer working, the same way feudalism stopped being viable. The same way democratic republics will stop being viable and give way to Chinese style government, which will in turn give way to anarchy and street gangs and then feudalism again when the population demographics explode.
Literally everything has a lifespan. 200 years from now people will be talking about how capitalism always ends in collapse as we slave away building pyramids for our warlord-gods.
No effort was made towards organization at the micro-economic level. A state factory would never have an audit, its books would never be scrutinized, the central committee made economics by decree and took macro-economic data they received fully at face value.
A vicious cycle ensued: With everyone lying on their books in order to secure bonus's on worker salaries (managers always made sure that workers were well paid, as they were more likely to get denounced by the rank and file than scrutinized by the party), which meant that the state not only paid out a greater wage than was produced, but always priced and set quota's on the assumption that the numbers they had were actually correct. Managers now had to lie to a greater degree and the roubles in the economy was always greater and greater than the total cost of goods at market. The only thing that staved off proper hyper-inflation was the black market and its consumption of excess roubles.
>I can imagine with what noble indignation some people will recoil from these words. . . . What! The transition to state capitalism in the Soviet Socialist Republic would be a step forward? . . . Isn’t this the betrayal of socialism? We must deal with this point in greater detail.
Firstly, we must examine the nature of the transition from capitalism to socialism that gives us the right and the grounds to call our country a Socialist Republic of Soviets.-Lenin
No one actually believed state ownership=socialism untill stalin.
Central planning is just not a long term efficient way of keeping an economy running. Its good for fighting a war or establishing an industrial economy fast, but its untenable
A great deal of time and money is spent on the manpower to plan it all out when having it left to the market is more cost effective. There is also no drive to be more efficient, you can just ask for as money raw materials as you think you need and they'll give it to you. Soviet factories used more electricity while having less output
>no drive to be more efficient
Technically there was, insofar as there were bonus's for factory production over quota, running trains faster than scheduled, and piece-wage in primary industries.
However, a few problems: there was no bonus's for quality control and only penalties for not meeting quota's.
A tractor assembly factory sits on its ass knowing the quota's are coming up, but no parts have yet been sent to them. They finally receive the parts, only to discover the engines are next to unfunctioning. But at this point, who gives a fuck? Paydays coming and they're gonna get docked, so they spend 16 hours shifts daily just to assemble these terrible tractors, probably cutting corners other than ignoring the engine, so they can put it on their books that they made em. Now it's out of their hands and that paycheque is coming in. It wasn't their fault it came in bad, so it ain't there fault of it goes out bad, thus goes the soviet supply chain.
how did capitalism prevent marxist states from achieving communism? Did they do it by providing a place to flee to, thus increasing the demands on the totalitarian regimes?
Mostly dictating price on the world market, which for obvious reasons the soviet sphere could never match. Nothing it could export beyond armaments was competitive (here's the weird twist of fate, anything military was actually supervised competently, with accurate production figures and wages paid out correctly) while anything it could export was prohibitively expensive, for the steep cost involved in obtaining hard currency, where the Soviet sphere was always shafted (not maliciously, they were just bad at it).
Honestly, the communist states should have allowed free market capitalism, but one with regulations and provisions ie like every other modern state today. I have never seen socialism and capitalism as exact opposites, and the communist states were not really communist so much as they were states that believed in transitioning into communism one day.
The Soviet Union had a centrally planned economy and was ruled by a single political party that regulated itself, the only thing communist about it is that the official ideology was communism witch was used as justification for the central planning. The very fact that Lenin came up with the whole 'vanguard party' was itself a deviation from Marxism, because Marx believed capitalism was required for Socialism and then communism to happen, so he would probably say the USA was closer to communism than the Soviet Russia was.
I should add though that the Soviet Union did have a few lucrative exports, like eye surgery, but these were products that were niche as fuck and not bringing in dosh that could save a whole country.
>Mostly dictating price on the world market, which for obvious reasons the soviet sphere could never match.
why would that matter, by controlling Russia and China they had the largest reserves of litterally all precious metals (except for the ones in central Africa). Why would they need anyone else? Why did they need a market value to controll their usevalue estimates?
>central planning is efficient yet.
A few reasons. The Soviet cost to produce was always greater than that of Western nations, which means they ran on lower profit, which was often reinvested outside these industries anyways. Secondly, they could not respond particularly effectively to changes in price. If the price of oil dropped considerably, opec nations could restrict production and weather the storm on a firms savings and other assets. The Soviets had to resign themselves to running the entire time at loss.
non-whites don't matter
capitalism has killed way less than communism
Unless you count Slavs as white communism has killed barely anyone
except those millions of chinamen
it's just a mediocre system overall.
Not white, baka.
>that list
might as well add the black death and the spanish flu
That is literally the most retarded thing I have ever read.
>The best idea ever created
>Better than Capitalism in almost every way
>Can't exist because an inferior system "prevents" it from coming to be
The idea might be a bit overrated.
Maoism is stupidity incanate
Because it is simply a dream, not reality.
For the sake of humanity, never reproduce and get lobotomized asap.
They blamed human nature on capitalism and assumed a multitude of problems would disappear if they disallowed "private ownership of the means of production", in reality it did little to solve these problems and their own system became authoritarian and corrupt.
Of course communism and similar ideologies are promoted for this reason, extremists, corrupt politicians and authoritarian regimes alike have little respect for individual rights and it benefits them from the time they are a "revolutionary" cadre extorting the locals for rice to the time they consolidate power.
You suffer from brain damage, seek help.
Why aren't you doing anything about it then if you (((care))) so much? Are you just trying to feel superior by being an edgelord contrarian with some shit fringe political belief?
you forgot the bronze age collapse and Krakatoa
>dudes literally posting leftypol menes and images
>naw nigga u said something mean about darkies gb2 /pol/
>Be Me
>I killed all the Dinosaurs
>I was responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire
>I killed Jesus
>I started the Black Death
>Formed Islam
>I started the Mongol Empire
>Burnt Bagdad to the ground
>Destroyed the Byzantine Empire, sacked Constnobple and formed the Ottoman Empire
>I'm the reason why The Holy Roman Empire is neither "Holy, Roman, or an Empire"
>I started the Protestant Reformation
>Started the Qing Empire and ended it
>Attacked Pearl Harbor
>Print out Che T-Shirts
>Created SJWs
>Alien Invasion
>And /leftypol/
>mfw normies don't think I'm evil
>t. Cletus MacSmith
Stay cucked wageslaves, sucking the porky's dick.
Why people think an economical and political system based on the ideas of a XIXth century German philosopher is supposed to work anyway?
You should seriously consider suicide.
a good chunk of those things happened during feudal economics or mercantilism.
capitalism didn't really become the economic system of the west until the late victorian age.
You can find markets that operated in a capitalist manner before the time of Adam Smith. Capitalism existed before the name Capitalism was coined.
It did work. Stalin ran it like he was CEO of Russia, and it ran a profit for a while.
Socialist type organizations are the most successful in the business world too. Corporations are socialist.
>capitalism touched my wee wee as a child
Maybe it's because your system sucks
The last post was arguing against the soviet union.
Are you dumb?
>a merchant trading for wool is responsible for a conquistador bashing an aztec 5500 miles away
still stretching a bit
Which different kinds of 'capitalism' are you talking about?
The thing that won the Cold War is not the thing taught in Econ 101 is not the thing you're referring to as a capitalist manner is not free trade.
You can find markets that operate in a capitalist manner in literally any society, even the old Soviet Union and North Fucking Korea
Better add everyone that ever lived to that death toll
Communism is a meme and goes against basic human nature.
>not true capitalism
Veeky Forums is pol. This is our site.
I remember when Veeky Forums wasn't full of under-aged lefty cucks.
Really? When was that?
>troo gommunism haz neber been drieded :-DDDD
You can't run away from capital no matter how hard you try
just try to prove me wrong
There is no escape from lefty cringe.
you need wealth for health, happiness, to raise a family, and to protect the environment
no one thinks that money is an end in itself
it's a medium of exchange
Anyone who isn't a redpilled /pol/ memester is a leftist. Praise kek.
true communism is inevitable after the proletariat overthrows the system, just read "everything I say is right" by Karl Marx
>blames capitalism for stuff that happened before capitalism really existed
>blames capitalism for stuff that happens in non-capitalist societies.
ultra cringe...
this 10/10...liberalism is still the greatest socio-economic system ever.
every society that has capital (read: all societies ever) is capitalist
When I was 6, I traded a bag of Oreos for an orange
Does this make me responsible for Pinochet?
if you are white then you're literally hitler too
>Classcucks can'´t handle the true
>tfw too intelligent to not be radical centrist
not as a state system...history is full of little examples of capitalism or socialism all over the place but you don't get any real capitalist systems until at earliest the late 17th century (the Dutch).
>muh pol
You're the cancer of this site.
Pol is Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums is pol.
Don't like it go back to /reddit/
Fuck him. He just opened up an express lane for the boat niggers.
gg was a mistake
who would make a picture like that?
>I'm going to use my one recycled meme to fight Capitalism!
>That'll show em!
You're kind have been fighting a losing battle since '91, get over it.
you just made that up!
More lefty cringe.
no, it's what these retards actually believe
"le the soviet union was state capitalism meme"
Not to fall for the bait or anything, but /pol/ changes dramatically from time to time. Just compare /pol/ before Trump was a thing, to /pol/ during the Trump campaign/early presidency, and then again to the /pol/ of now.
It feels like almost different websites.
march at a reasonable pace forward brother!
Its gone away from the "kill niggers" type of stuff I agree but it still is a shadow of what Veeky Forums is.
lol didn't someone draw a picture of her getting gangbanged by that pig and pepe?
>hundreds of millions of people instantly drop neo-liberalism when faced with the word "cuck" and bring about a post scarcity utopia
Great job, comrade!
you can now return to your coal mine
>Sieze the memes of production
remember when /pol/ was libertarian-leaning centrist and just did the fascist stuff for the memes?
radical centrists = the best radicals.
You dare bring up furries... when criticizing the left? Do you not know?
>Even capitalist genocides are more efficient
How can communists compete?
>libertarian-leaning centrist
i don't think you know what that means. people used to support ron paul when he actually had a chance but if anything it was more "extreme" back then.
2014 was when everything changed. You can thank the blacklivesmatter movement and the migrant invasion of europe for that as well as the rest of the loony Social justice nonsense. People change, people get pushed.
I used to avoid pol back in 2012 because I was /leftypol/ but 2014-2015 made me woke.
Jesus Christ. So it was right-wing before then?
It worked for the people who are the wealthiest right now.
Both are cancer.
pol always hated niggers. Hell Veeky Forums hates niggers, jews and sjw fag. That's always been the case.
>every commie grill ever
I remember when it was non-partisan discussion of politics. And when the fascist stuff was explicitly making fun of newfags who thought fascism was cool.
There are no girls on the internet.
The commies today will be the civic nationalists of tomorrow.