Cortes vs Moctezuma in bare hand combat no armor.
Who would win
>Montezuma touchés Cortez
>Dies of disease
>Cortez wins
This is honestly one of the stupidest fucking questions I have ever seen on this entire board, and thats saying a lot. First off, would the Spaniards just give up if Cortez got beaten? Why is this any more significant or interesting then a bar brawl between two average people? And more importantly theres no objective way to answer this question and even if there was a definative answer nothing would be lost or gained. You know what, Fuck it i'll answer! Fucking Cortez would win because Monteshit would collapse and die from fucking smallpox, theres your fucking answer, you god dammed retarded faggot. Fuck this board and fuck you OP.
I have to shill for Moctezuma because it's my job as a Mesoboo. That being said, the Aztecs were pretty athletic overall, but Idk about Moctezuma's capability. Cortes vs. an eagle or jaguar warrior would probably be far more interesting to witness.
Pretty sure there is stories about a Spanish woman beating up those so called Amerindian warriors in duels
Cortes: coughs violently on montezuma
Montezuma: shrivels up and collapses on the ground from disease
That's surely not propaganda, no sir...
Moctezuma but he dies moments later after being exposed to a filthy Spaniard.
>a woman of that time period
>in battle or combat
Generally, it's a rare enough occurence as it is in history. I'll give you a chance anyway. Post a reliable source.
Are the Moctezuma would immediately drop dead fags even aware of the story of their first encounter or that the Spanish kept him hostage for weeks preceding his death, sometimes allegedly claimed to be due to the hands of his own people?
This. Viva la raza ese.
Moctezuma gets dem diseases by approaching Cortes already at 2 meters of distance. Beats the shit out of Cortes and kills him. Then dies by diseases instantly. The portuguese conquer the land.
Hugh Thomas Who's who of the conquistadors. Includes conquistadoras.
Cortes would win because Montezuma was an effete monarch who lounged around all day. Cortes was a warrior.
Doubt Monte was doing much of anything active by this point compared to cortex who has battled half the world and would fight dirty AF.
yeah, i wonder ...
pretty sure those 2 stories come from secondary sources made by friars who arrived +20 years after the conquest
The only correct answer is "BAH GAWD that jezebel Malinche with a chair shot from hell!!"
What's the point of this picture? I see "did nothing wrong" below both characters.
Cortes was a killer and mobtezuma was some pretty boy, no contest next question
t. Mohammed Cabeza de Cabra de San Allah
What do Muslims have to do with Spaniard genocide, moron?
Moctezuma was a priest not a warrior. A better pairing would be Cortes vs Ahuizotl the Great.
Spaniards are Moors, moron.
cringy ass attempt, montezuma rodriguez
More like two 16th century men in positions of power.
He participated in Ahuizotl's army as a Tlacochcalcatl commander, a position which only the Cuauhchiqueh were allowed to attain. In turn the Cuauhchiqueh was an order of warriors who had captured more than 20 important warriors/commanders. Not an uncommon feat for a rich noble, who was supported and guarded by other elite warriors. Either way, Moctezuma had to be the one who dueled and captured the enemy commander, and as a Cuauhchiqueh he had to fight in the front lines.
A priest of the god of war.
t. Buttmad 100% white Moro