Apologize to Maronites who identify as Phoenicians right now
Apologize to Maronites who identify as Phoenicians right now
>modern people are the same as their ancient counterparts
OMG someone call the press. Next you'll tell me that the modern Italians are the descendants of the Romans.
Tell that to all of the people who call Turks cockroaches and think that the Spanish aren't white because of the Moors. Shit, plenty of people honestly believe that all of the middle east and north Africa were replaced by or mixed with Arabs from KSA/Yemen just because they speak Arabic. Lots of people are clueless.
Yeh my favourite is: Persians were actually white but modern day Iranians are completely different people.
Turks are cockroaches though its more to do with their culture than genetics
That's literally true though. Anybody who wasn't hiding in the mountains was raped by Arabs or Turks. The indigenous whites who still remain in Asia are all from remote mountainous regions
1. Looking white and being white are two different thing.
2. The were and still are multiple ethnicities living in Iran.
3. The Iranic population out numbered the Arabian one. No matter how much rape occurred (which I doubt was much) it still wouldn't change the population much.
4. Look at how many times the Iranians conquered the Middle East, yet population changes never occurred in other areas, what makes Iran so different?
Same is true for Pallywogs, who are for the most part genetically close to the ancient Hebrews.
>the irony of modern racially European "Jews" colonizing racially Hebrew Pallywogs in the name of Zionism
Modern Persians are very different from the Aryans who invaded Iran
Uh, people who are interested in history?
No only racist care about this genetic bullshit
I've always known this. Plus the fact that Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardi were so closely related to Lebanese Christians and Lebanese Druze. Pic related.
>Same is true for Pallywogs, who are for the most part genetically close to the ancient Hebrews.
No they aren't Abdul. They cluster with Saudis and Jordanians while Ashkenazi and Sephardi cluster with Levantine populations. Certain clans sure have Jewish ancestors, but they all have different histories and most of the most notable Palestinian clans came in the 1400's or after the crusaders were pushed out. They are LARPing.
Also... Samaritans.
>Genetically, modern Samaritan populations are found to have "much greater affinity" genetically to Jews than to neighboring Palestinian Arabs.
But generally speaking, it's the law that they are not.
Exceptions like this are remarkable.
>Ashkenazic Jews clustering with Sephardic Jews, Israeli Druze, Lebanese Christians, some Armenians
>Palestinians clustering with Jordanians, Bedouins, Saudi Arabians
This should not be a surprise to anyone. Ashkenazic Jews have and always will be shitskins, the half breeds they throw up there in Hollywood might throw you off but the Ashkenazi Jew whose bloodline hasn't been diluted looks like an Arab. Michael Lerner and Shel Silverstein are good examples.
Who cares about Lebanese people? The real question is whatever modern Palestinians and Jews are direct descendants of Canaanites/Philistines and to what extend.
Jews = Israelites/Canaanites
Palestinians = Arabs who LARP
These are the closest we got to Israelites, and they are clearly white males.
No one knows what the Philistines were genetically, probably Cypriots mixed with Canaanites, and considering Cypriots were already pretty much Levantines the difference would be hardly noticeable
Palestinians are Graeco-Romans, so there is a strong chance of a connection between them. They are one of the few remnants of the Roman Empire left.
>Captain Kirk
I said no half-breeds.
Are you people actually retarded?
If anything, it was the Persians who kind of changed Turk genetics. Persians don't have much Mongoloid dna but Turks (Azeris, Turkmens and Turks) do have Iranic dna mixed with mongoloid/caucasian dna.
This user is right. The Arabs and Turks are the reason Karaite Judaism is basically extinct. It started in the Middle East and passed on paternally instead of the Rabbinic Judaism which is maternally. Eventually all the Karaites woman were raped by Arabs and Turks and the group no longer exists because they were conquered. The Orthodox Jews at the time saw it as proof that they were right.
>All of Shatner's grandparents were Jewish immigrants (from Austria-Hungary, Ukraine and Lithuania)[6][7] and he was raised in Conservative Judaism.[8]
Clearly has converts in his family tree
maybe jews really aren't white... is /pol/ right?
I know like 90% of the people on this board are redditors but sometimes it really shows
>guys populations don't change much when invading foreign armies conquer the land
>*ignores that south america is now like 40% european genetically*
you're a fucking retard no offence
But the jews and Samaritans hated each other in the bible.
arabian != all semites
iran had semite presence from assyrians, jews, aramaics etc. gradually semitic merged into the dominant iranic gene pool
Those populations mostly kept to themselves.irans "semitic" part comes mostly from Elamites and pre-IE zagros inhabitants
>Taking memes seriously
You need to grow up
Wasn't Iraq a part of Persia for like 1000 years?
Surely there was some genetic exchange
That is such bullshit
Nah you're just clueless. Name a place on Earth with full genetic continuity for over 4000 years.
Egypt, Sardinia, Basque region, Japan, Korea, West Africa
Nope. Proven by a recent genetic study.
They are unique in Europe.
>Basque region
We don't know when Basques got their Indo-European admixture.
Mass migration from mainland Asia to Japan is a well known fact. They are known the Yayoi people and the abos the Jomon.
Hard to say without ancient DNA
>West Africa
Niger-Congo expansion?
>We don't know when Basques got their Indo-European admixture.
They have abrely any
>Mass migration from mainland Asia to Japan is a well known fact. They are known the Yayoi people and the abos the Jomon.
They were already like this that far back
>Nope. Proven by a recent genetic study.
The recent study proved they are the same except for small additional subsaharian admixture (Hard to say without ancient DNA
Not really hard to say, it's a fact
>Niger-Congo expansion?
All of West Africa was Bantu and it stayed so
The americas are unique because they were wiped out by disease. The vast majority of conquests don't involve enough mixture to change entire populations. The fascination with rapebabies on this board is so people can indulge in wish fulfillment that all notable ancient peoples were really nords
what we do know was that south persia was brown like yemenites/elamites/zagrosians and got ELITE'D by blonde horsepeople from the steppes
Basques have almost as much IE as other Iberians. The difference is they have a small extra slice of local hunter gatherer admixture while other Iberians have eastern Mediterranean influence.
As for Japan you're not making any sense. Japanese are not full Jomon. They are mixed.
Koreans could be massively Chinese admixed for all we know. They probably are as they aren't super similar to Devil's Gate samples.
>Basques have almost as much IE as other Iberians.
Wrong, Basque are like 70% N Anatolian
Even if they were that leaves room for their 25% Yamna and 5% WHG admixture.
In reality though, the WHG is probably double to triple that.
They have much more WHG than Yamnaya considering they have basically as much CHG as Sardinians so very little
CHG doesn't matter since for whatever reason, it can't be detected in Bronze Age Iberian EHG/ANE mixed invidivuals.
People always overestimate the genetic change invasions and conquests usually result in. Mongol style mass exterminations were uncommon, most invasions wanted to keep the land somewhat intact. They wanted the defeated people to live enough to pay tribute which you cant do if you kill and rape everyone.
Armies of the time typically would not have radically changed the local population rape.
Despite what you might think, women dont always get pregnant from sex. In fact, outside a specific fertility time window the chances are (while risky dont do it you idiot) not extremely likely.
In fact I think this thing is mostly driven by people getting aroused by the idea.
>Mongol style mass exterminations
Those didn't happen. They only decimated populations that were unruly they didn't exterminate anyone.
Sure but you're missing the point, the mass genocide that radically changes the genetics of a people of a region happened very rarely in human history. Certainly when we were still hunter gatherers, wars were as a % very destructive but once we became agriculturists and pastorial nomads it declined in severity of destructions as an average.
When population densities were low those mass extermination events were more commonplace but with high, urbanized populations it makes more sense to keep your conquered people around since they have economic and other utility.
What's steppe_EMBA and EHG? How did it get to Lebanon?
Don't take it too literally. It's just a silly way to represent various MA1/ANE like ancestries while ignoring a lot of other things.
As for how it got to Lebanon, mostly through the Caucasus it seems.
Agree with this post.
Lebanese "people" are just a colonial invention and an attempt by colonial powers to divide up Syria. I am against Colonization, as was the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ it was cruel to impose them onto us. Any DNA "study" that applies to Lebanese also applies to Syrians, Palestinians, and all the others in the Arab world. This just further proves what the Palestinians have been saying forever. The Ashkenazi Jews without a semitic bone in their body have no claim on that land. Read "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand, he destroys the entire Jewish narrative as a peoplehood. The idea of a "Jewish people" is a new thing entirely.
>all of west Africa was Bantu
Because the jews are mongrels who came from Babylon and Idumea and LARP as Israelites. Herod the Great was literally an Arab for example.
>Shlomo Sand
He regurgitates old origin myths of Ashkenazim being solely of Khazarian ancestry.
It's also interesting that people will accept a Jew's interpretation of history if it confirms their worldview, But then use their Jewishness against them if they say something the person doesn't like.
>Herod the Great was literally an Arab for example.
No he wasn't. Edomites were no different than Israelites genetically. They just disliked them because their holy book told them too. The Edomites were in separate villages and areas either way the mixing didn't happen until the Romans expelled them all. Phoenician, Hebrew, Edomite, Moabite, all mutually intelligible dialects of the same Canaanite language.
not terribly surprising, even most major old world populations have maintained a degree of continuity since the late neolithic and bronze ages. what is interesting is even early on in the study, canaanite ancestry was modeled as a combination of neolithic levantine and chalcolithic iranian. the frequency of ydna j was also interesting given its absence in the natufian examples too.
>This Canaanite-related ancestry derived from mixture between local Neolithic populations and eastern migrants genetically related to Chalcolithic Iranians. We estimate, using linkage-disequilibrium decay patterns, that admixture occurred 6,600–3,550 years ago, coinciding with recorded massive population movements in Mesopotamia during the mid-Holocene. We show that present-day Lebanese derive most of their ancestry from a Canaanite-related population, which therefore implies substantial genetic continuity in the Levant since at least the Bronze Age.
Edomites were Arabs, the same people we know as Nabateans nowadays, in the Negev and Jordan.
>inb4 muh Bible says otherwise
Don't care.
Nice shitpost but Lebanese people don't cluster with Syrians or Palestinians
>Any DNA "study" that applies to Lebanese also applies to Syrians, Palestinians, and all the others in the Arab world
actually there is differentiation between and even within those populations.
steppe_emba = early to middle bronze age steppe ancestry i.e yamnaya et al.
ehg = eastern/eastern european hunter gatherer e.g karelian hunter gatherer culture.
how it got there? likely through the caucasus or anatolia.
>Despite what you might think, women dont always get pregnant from sex.
They took the women either way
>thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee
Does God want us to finish the job?
So does literally every Ashkenazi Jew
The writers changed for the sequel and the old stuff is semi-canon at best
Memes aside did you actually consider jews to be white at some point?
They are white
t. American
>shitposting out your ass
Mongoloid raids and invasions as some of the deadliest conflicts in human history.
Large areas of Asia were seriously depopulated,[6] as every city, village or town was subject to destruction. Each soldier was required to execute a certain number of persons, with the number varying according to circumstances. For example, after the conquest of Urgench, each Mongol warrior – in an army group that might have consisted of two tumens (units of 10,000) – was required to execute 100 people [7].
Mongoloid invasions induced population extermination on a scale never seen before particularly in Central Asia and eastern Europe.
Mongol conquests anhilated 70,000,000+ 1206–1324 Eurasia
Conquests of Tamerlane anhilated 20,000,000+ 1370–1405 Eurasia
Turko-Mongoloid conquests anhilated 300,000,000+ 200-1920 Eurasia
Neber forget the 300000 trillion billion victims of the Mongol trade empire
fucking this
surprised it hasnt been posted much earlier
>the Mongol organ trade empire
Lebanese people are descendants from Phoenicians right?
Does anyone know how much DNA did they left on Sardinia?
I mean on the coastal zones, obviously
Can you give me some sources?
Over 50% of Sardiniam DNA comes directly from Phoenician Tyre
But I heard they were an isolated group the most similar to Neolithic Europeans
Also isn't the greatest haplogroup there I2a1?
>[citation needed]
They have a lot of DNA from Anatoloa but a good chunk of bronze Age levant as well
>common sense
You people should be shot. If people like you had any power, cave men humanity would never get out of their caves.
I'm not gonna ask Veeky Forums something ever again
I was expecting something, maybe not much since we are on Veeky Forums but atleast something
I had to search for it myself
>By comparing Sardinian and Lebanese DNA, it can be estimated that the Sardinians have inherited between 16% and 24% of their Y-DNA from the Phoenicians
>The autosomal data provided by Haak et al 2015 (extended data figure) shows that the Sardinians only differ from the Basques by the presence of Bedouin-like (purple) and Caucaso-Gedrosian (greyish green) admixture, and a slightly more elevated percentage of Neolithic farmer ancestry (orange). These three components are found in roughly equal proportion in the modern Lebanese, and lumped together would account for 10 to 15% of the Sardinian DNA.
Seriously, if you don't know something, you could have at least told me to fuck off since I had to do it myself anyway
Bure durr 15 or 50 is The same fucking thing stop breaking my balls
I will, next time though if you don't know something shut up
Or at least do research like the rule ask to
Otherwise it's pol mentality
Just pointing out that Sardinians are more likely to get these exotic admixtures from mainland Italians than a couple of Phoenicians.
Italy is a bit of a genetic melting pot after all.
>In fact I think this thing is mostly driven by people getting aroused by the idea.
100% this
they didn't save for rare historical cases when you needed a population of women to continue surviving to the next generation (ex. the rape of the sabines)
it's not really endearing to the local populace if you steal all their women. The Mongols got around this because they didn't give a fuck about keeping any drones alive in what they conquered.
>The Mongols got around this because they didn't give a fuck about keeping any drones alive in what they conquered.
Of course they did. Dead don't give tribute to the Khan.
Not really, Phoenicians had 14 cities in Sardinia: Sulky, Sirai, Pani Loriga, Tharros, Bithia, Nora, Othoca, Caralis, Nabui, Cornus, Enosim, Bosa, Olbia and Macopsissa.
Romans had fewer and smaller ones, Italians just ruled as The elite of a few towns so their impact was minimal
This study only used Lebanese Christians. Iraqi Jews, Iranian Jews and other Mizrahi Jews along with Assyrians are much closer related to the Canaanites than the Lebanese Muslims are.
Conquest and colonisation are two different things idiot. An army subjugating an area is different to mass migration.
Arabs did both of those you fucking dope. This is why Lebanese Muslims are so different than Lebanese Christians. This is why Assyrians are so different from Arabs in Iraq. It was a slow process but Arabs outbreeded all the indigenous Semites.
>Arabs did both of those you fucking dope
No they didn't idiot. It's called the Arabian conquests and not colonisation for a reason. The same reason the Phoenicians are the only eastern people to ever colonise the west: they created their own cities and had permanent resettlements in those cities.
>outbreeded all the indigenous Semites
They obviously didn't if modern Lebanese people can attribute about 93% of their ancestry to Canaan. Also, "outbreeded" seriously nigga? Get your low IQ ass out of my board.
>annex all of the middle east
>subjugate the indigenous populations
>displace the indigenous population
>appropriate the heritage of the indigenous population
>impose your language on the indigenous population
Arabs have convinced the world this isn't colonialism. I'm not convinced. Dhimmis have lived under a brutal Apartheid regime for the last 1,400 years.
The only pure Hebrews are the Samaritans that kept themselves to the point of near extinction and they are E1b1b not J1 nor J2
As for you, you are mongrels because your system is matrilinear which mean that any man can fuck your women because in the end the child will be a jew.
A Chinese fuck your women and a Kaifeng Jew is born
A Nigger fuck your women and a Beta Israel is born
A Northern European fuck your women a Ashkenazi is born
A Southern European fuck your women and a Sephardi is born
A Turkic fuck your women and a Crimean Jews is born
An Indian fuck your women and a Cochin Jew is born
An arab fuck your women and a Mizrahi is born
Jews are the ultimate mongrels, they are Jews of all races
>100 samaritan men left
>haplogroups having any significance
They could all be descended from the same guy who lived 500 years ago