Tell Me Something About The Balkans Veeky Forums
Tell Me Something About The Balkans Veeky Forums
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Saudi Arabia and Iran financed Bosnia
not creating Intermarium was a mistake
Croats are the true Aryans
Croats are unironically cool people unlike Serbs who chimp out all the time.
They're not white.
Homo erectus lives there
they had a rough life
There was a Slavic pirate kingdom called Pagania because it was the last place that paganism survived in southern Europe. They were Venice's first level boss before they became supreme in the Adriatic sea.
The Albanian Skanderbeg was literally the GOAT general in european history.
First the Byzantines owned the Balkans. Then the Turks owned half of the Balkans while everyone was in a competition on who can be longer independent. Albania won by cheating since Skenderberg conquered Albania then pranked the Turks out of it by "borrowing" the Fort in Kruje and forming the league of Lezha. Also nobody ever bothered with actually creating an infrastructure so the Balkans suck now .
I think they can be summed up with "muh Turks".
Croats are pretty rad
They have heavy feels
I genuinely love the warfare. I'm one of the minority of people who is going to miss it when its gone. I want to clarify that I like peace and whatever else has replaced the Republica Srpska. But in some respects it is not as capable. But at this point in time, there are better alternatives to ethnic warfare when combined together.
One thing I find about the Balkans that is true- is that it gets worse before it gets better. A peace-plan doesn't seem as good at first, but in time- it improves enough to where it is a better replacement in the long run than what came before it.
I'm still hoping for a siege of Sarajevo emulator to eventually get made. Serbia could perhaps open source warfare to help with preservation efforts, but I doubts that this will happen.
I have a backwards compatibility obsession where I love to have the best of both worlds. I try to move to the newest warfare (within reason) and get balkanization and so on- to be able to access all of the old junk out there. There are a ton of massacres that I probably want to view for one reason or another at a future date.
To date, I've almost always found a way to run old stuff but still enjoy current warfare.
Slovenia is actually Central European not Balkan
slovenia is balkan
Wasnt intermarium just east central europe thouvh?
Uskoks of senj were croat purates that survived into the 17th centiry against venice the menace and the halfspergs' empire
Israel financed serbia
Intermarium was supposed to be from Lithuania to Greece.
Whiter than Americans at least.
not really
>America is barely 50% white, most non-whites are African niggers and mestizo mongrels
>Balkans are at least 80% white, the rest being Gypsies and Turks
Yes really.
I honestly believe if the byzantine empire never fell, the region wouldn't have fractured and become so unstable as it now is. I am willing to be convinced otherwise though.
In what area and what percentage?
And if the turks never came
Croats are bros
i think you have no idea what you're talking about
i mean yeah it would've been a billion times better if it went through the renaissance and enlightenment and wasn't ruled by backward shit eating filthy mudslimes but that doesn't have much to do with "le stability"
There is no escape
>say I'm willing to be convinced otherwise
>insults me instead of correcting me
Thanks and fuck you too friend
did correct you
i called you out on your nonsense
you're welcome
East Thrace
There's probably more whites in the State of California than all of the Balkans.
Macedonia has and always will be an autonomous state.
GReeks, Serbs,Bulgarians, and Turks cannot deny this.
Wikipedia is blocked in Serbia to prevent suicides. Haha that's a joke but no really, though I'm a Muslim Bosnian I admire Croats the most. Serbian princes allied with the Turks to fight against each other, and then later served faithfully as vassals, even during the Turks' darkest hour (Timur's invasion of Anatolia).
And the Austrians did more for us than the Turks ever did. Every major road, railroad, town center, or tram was either improved on or literally built (trams and railroad mostly literally built) by the Austrians, all in less than two decades.
Almost true, they're second to Slovenes.
Serbs have to be the most fucked in the head, butthurt people to exist. They are the kid who thought torturing animals was hilarious yet if you so much as bump into them in the hallway, they shout in your face and punch you in the stomach.
I feel like they're up there with the Germans when it comes to being the "bad guys" of history.
God bless the Croats
Corfu is most likely the nicest place to live in the Balkans
Serbians should've let Croatia become an Italian state and just formed greater Serbia. The Brits told them to do it and they'd have been better off. Yugoslavia was a mistake - all the minorities in Yugoslavia cannot get along. The croats deadlocked politics as best they could in every nation they were a part of since their conception, the Slovenians are irrelevant and the Bosnians speak for themselves.
T. anglo
I agree with all of this
the balkans belong to the italians
Contrary to popular belief Turks like Serbs.
Not as much as Bosnians, but their hardcore friendship during war vs Timur is remembered in Battle of Ankara.
Only Russian influence and dicksucking of east slavs ruined the Turk and Serb friendship.
Absolutely true, forming Yugoslavia was the worst mistake we ever made, well besides getting rekt by Ottomans.
We taught them civilization but sadly the US and the Russians removed it so now they are the armpit of Europe and the running joke of Holy Terra.
Why isn't the ethnic cleansing by the Balkan states of the muslim population considered a genocide?
Roman(ERE) clay