Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with x ethnicity not inventing something when only the top 1% of any society actually created laws, advanced science, and lead the population?
Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with x ethnicity not inventing something when only the top 1% of any society actually...
Good point, and the answer is tribalism, in-group mentality and related social instincts.
It could be argued that they share the same culture and genes as the society that spawned the geniuses so presumably are more likely to spawn more or share something in common. Though culture has changed substantially and genetics is complicated.
You lump 99% of humanity into the same common category. Even you know that's not the case.
"If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare me a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German, and Germany will declare that I am a Jew."
Because I want to take credit for what the 1% of did.
The people here who aren't trolls are either genuinely retarded or have taken b8 and stooped to the level of the other inmates in the asylum.
culture war seeking to validate white nationalism
WN was the default position until 1968
It's completely natural to value what "your" tribe did and to denigrate what the "other" tribe did. This tribal preference is, of course, why ethnicities exist in the first place and aren't simply "bred out".
No it wasn't.
The funny thing is that the average Veeky Forums poster would 've been a simple peasant or slave in the middle ages
>e did and to de
what happened in 1968?
Are you talking about the financial 1%, like the aristocracy and bankers, or an intellectual/scholar/clergy class? You should differentiate between them to form a mless confusing question.
White people were responsible for 99% of humanity's achievements.
That doesn't mean all top 1%s are equal or distinct from there other 99%.
If you are English, you are cut from the same cloth as Newton, it's not ridiculous to be proud of that.
Very few people take personal credit for the accomplishments of their forbears.
My guess is anyone who thinks otherwise is either
>Against nationalism and even cultural pride in any form that may validate or affirm whiteness (grow up or kill yourself)
>From a group that hasn't accomplished much and is triggered when someone from one that has boasts about their people's achievements (learn to deal with it or kill yourself)
>Why is Veeky Forums so
Why are you so obessed with lumping everyone in an entire board together like that?
>group X lived closer to inventor A than group Y
>thus group x is le superior
Cuck mentality for untermensch
It is ridiculous to view yourself as superior to another because you share race or ethnicity with a person that has accomplished a lot.
Also what do you mean validate whiteness?
And what did you do?
It Ain't Me released.
Anglos are race where a LOT of people have accomplished a lot, whether in empire-building or scientific progress.
It is ridiculous to view yourself as superior to another because you share race or ethnicity with a LOT of people that have accomplished a lot. A genius is a genius no matter how many morons share his "race," a moron is a moron no matter how many geniuses share his "race," and an average person is just average no matter how closely or distantly related he is to Isaac Newton. Taking pride in the achievements of others is just a way of trying to escape this fact.
That lot is still a minority
It's less about trying to "advance your social status" type of thing and more of a genuine interest in the study of human biodiversity.
Why do you take issue with that?
Apart from shagging your mum, cucking your dad, and siring your miserable existence?
What the 1% achieves is still a collective effort. It's difficult to innovate without a strong support system. How many advancements would there be if the the 1% had to toil to survive? How would they scale their ideas with no one to teach them what's currently known. They also need protection from hostile forces and predators. Even the support system needs the support system to support the 1%.
Because what is 1% in one ethnic group is only .0001% in another ethnic group due to different genetics and epigenetics. Look up IQ distribution within single ethnic groups for a start. You'll see that for IQ >130 you have almost no women at all left, but still a significant minority of men. This is one major reason why most top scientists and leaders are men. At the top, the genders are not the same. That is true for the bottom also, there are more retarded men than women, but nobody cares about that, because subpar men are seen as disgusting trash by society.
A similar principle exists between races. There are virtually no genius black men. Consequently there are virtually no top black scientists, despite affirmative action scholarships for anyone who can spell his name.
So a meritocracy is preferable?
I don't as long as you don't use it for social status there is nothing wrong with it. Since you are using for educational purposes
Incas were superior to europeans though.
Because white genocide is real. Germany is turning into a Muslim theocracy. They're going to make women cover up and burqas and they're going to ban pork and they're also going to ban Oktoberfest.
Cry me a river.
So you support and love white genocide and want to see alcohol and fun get banned because you love Islam?
>It is ridiculous to view yourself as superior to another because you share race or ethnicity with a person that has accomplished a lot.
I never defended the position whereby someone presumes personal superiority due to the accomplishments of their race.
That's a /pol/+ mentality.
Say the avg White American has an IQ of 100, and Black American has one of 90 (I think the discrepancy is something like that). And let's pretend for a moment that IQ is as useful a barometer as it's defenders say it is.
In such a case, it is a better guess than none at all, for an avg white to wager he is smarter than a random black.
HOWEVER, even a white with an above avg IQ (say 120) should be aware that there is a significant population of blacks who are smarter than him, owing to the large sample size and nature of Gaussian distributions.
Ethnicities are different, we all know this. There is a reason many African Americans pursue things like athletics and music, people more closely related to them have demonstrated greater aptitudes than others and it's afforded them a lot of success. That isn't to say all blacks should run and sing and that none should profess, far from it.
Is it wrong to be proud of what your father has done? your cousin? your ancestor? Or must we all think either as an individual or a species with nothing in-between?
This cultural comprehension/memory is valuable, it's one of the primary justifications for keeping history.
>what do you mean validate whiteness
Society has gotten incredibly good at celebrating the talents of non-white ethnicities while ignoring their faults, the same being true but in reverse for whites. Black pride is encourages, White pride is criminal.
>Germany is a white country
No its not. Its becoming a shitskin country. Whites are going extinct in Europe.
Except that's not even allowed today.
If you even mention race, or that humans might be as biodiverse as every other species of animal on this planet you are crucified and you will lose your job.
Where on earth in Germany do you live?
I don't live in Germany but I read a lot of articles from Breitbart, Infowars and watch videos by Paul Joseph Watson that show what is happen with Germany.
Do you have family members of loved ones there?
>Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with x ethnicity not inventing something when only the top 1% of any society actually created laws, advanced science, and lead the population?
But Veeky Forums isn't as a collective.
It's always that same small group of individuals "from that other board" that make those threads to try feel good about their own sad states in life.
Veeky Forums doesn't judge and embrace all foreign knowledge and history under the great board banner of our Ottoman Sultan
>my ancestors wuz inventors and shit
>therefore "I" am better than all these other groups of people
> but I read a lot of articles from Breitbart, Infowars and watch videos by Paul Joseph Watson
I'm not sure if this is bait or not
Nope this is the real McCoy. I'm 100% serious. That's my go to for real news compared to the fake CNN liberal news.
Okay, just checking buddy.
I don't need your sarcastic memes. Islam and social justice warriors are rooting for our extinction and its up to every read-blooded white nationalist American patriot to fight back.
>my ancestors were oppressed and shit
>therefore "I" deserve welfare
yeah I hear you buddy, good for you.
I can't take you seriously. Are you a secret Muslim performing Taqiya?
Why would Americans care about g*rmanic extinction?
I wouldnt know, you tell me senore.
You have to go back.
A lot of white Americans are descendants of Germans.
Also it has a lot to with the taco horde settling the American southwest.
There are two types of men in this world friend...
>I read a lot of articles from Breitbart, Infowars and watch videos by Paul Joseph Watson
no gringo
I stay
What's so funny? Let me guess, libshit that's scared of the truth. Scared of Paul Joseph Watson's warnings?
PJW is a civic nationalist who is married to an Asian bro. He is definitely helping you preserve the white race
الرد على هذه المشاركة أو سوف تموت في سريرك الليلة
لعنة لك، الكافر
Both are terrible tbqhf
If our group has done more, the probability for me or my kin to do is far greater than that of a kin or group which hasn't.
Lets take an autism example to make it easier, europeans default level is 100, the probability for a genius per generation is high. African default level is 2, the probability for a genius per generation is low. The "what have you done" is irrelevant as the probability that he or his kin spawns someone who will do is higher than that of other races.
Correlation is not causation.
Creations and discoveries are not made or found due to genetics alone
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