>talked to about 10 people about how i made 8k in 3 weeks trading cryptocurrencies
>none of them bother looking into it
wtf is wrong with people? do they want to be wageslaves?
Talked to about 10 people about how i made 8k in 3 weeks trading cryptocurrencies
>"talked to about 10 people about how i made 8k in 3 weeks trading cryptocurrencies"
what a faggot
They're late to the party and think it's almost over. The knowledge threshold is quite high as well. And even if they do look into it, people are still skeptical of it because of how there is no centralized authority backing it up. Yes, the point of crypto was to eliminate third parties like that by substituting it with math... but maybe that's not what most people wanted.
I know that feel OP. Showed my crypto gains to friends telling them to get into it, most didn't care to listen and the 2 that did said that they're better off trying the stock market. As of now they do nothing but talk about how they're gonna get into TSLA stock as soon as they can afford a share... it hurts leaving them behind but fuck it, they had their chance.
95% of the people is fine being cucked, be wageslaved, demand the "goverment" to take care of them because by thanks to modern technology and abundance in resources, natural selection failed to weed them out.
The other 4% are like us Veeky Forumsraelis, who has the hunger to not be with the other 95% and will die trying to get to the 1%. Then we have the jews.
Thats how the way this world works.
To add on to this post: I'm the one that got the 2 of them into stocks in the first place... as for the other nocoiner/noinvestmenter friends.. I even put out a robinhood referral for a free stock and no one budged. Literally put it out on our group chat "free money, sign up it's so you all can start your path to freedom" etc etc and not one single person gave a fuck. Most people are content with being wageslaves... it took me years to finally come to terms with it. Even if you show them 10x returns with proof right to their faces, most won't budge. Typical excuses: can't afford it/too risky/can't trust it....Shit sucks because you want to see your friends succeed just like you are, but they're plugged into the matrix. All you can do is just let go, let them be and continue on your moon ride.
i just need to make sure they don't get mad at me for not telling them about those opportunities 5 years ago when I'm a millionaire.
Pretty standard shit to be honest, been investing a few years, had my share of wins and losses, no matter the 'interest' people show, when it comes to brass tax if someone was gonna invest, they wouldn't need your input to do it. Different types of people, I feel your pain in regards to leaving people behind, but ehh. Shit happens.
>revealing your 100x gains to normies
It's like you want dumb money to enter early.
Why not?
>99% of people are stubborn, lazy and afraid of change
more news at eleven
I'm new to crypto currency, any tips on how much I should I put into bitcoin or ethereum?
100k in both
Crypto is hard to understand,a few people at work have asked me about bitcoin and i find it hard to explain.
no way I'm 18, don't have that much money on me...
go all in on ether. Thank me in a 14 days.
I got like £2000 in my savings, seen people make money off altcoins, what websites can you buy all those off?
maybe you dont seem like a trustworthy person, actually thats probably the most likely case.
Don't act as if you guys don't come on here and laugh at every idiot friend coming at you with what looks like a pyramid scheme.
Reminds me of the recent kerfuffle with google.
Would you mind telling me how this all works? I am really intrested on how this works but i may not be able to do any investments for some years. Will it still be profitable like 4-5 years from now? How does this all work? Should i just get a book that tells me how to do all this shit? If so wich book?
Would it be presumptuous to throw my BTC address here? I am currently trading with 150€ and I just want to make it like everyone else.
It feels bad to be weekend after weekend at home, analysing graphics and checking numbers. I feel that life escapes from between my fingers, and I am losing my youth because of a promise that will never come.
don't even bother trying to get normies to get into crypto. Most of them are terrified of anything that isn't being shilled by their government or banks directly through their televisions.
The beauty of it is though that we know blockchain will in all likelihood be the back end of almost every conceivable industry within 5-10 years time. We just have to flow with the river until we all make it.
Make good picks that are set up to infiltrate industries like OMG, IOTA, ETH, NEO, XRP and whatever else you think has a good chance within the big industries
thats the trade, anonsan.
>The knowledge threshold is quite high as well
crypto has probably the lowest knowledge threshold out of anything you can trade, including runescape items.
normies wont get in until banks start offering crypto trading along with regular stock trading
im actually suprised that at least the aussie banks havent got a bank supplied wallet or exchange
if niggers and pajeets can do it anyone can
There are large banks that offer crypto certificates, so there is that.
Less gains for the early adopters
I hope it's worth it. Life in exchange of money...