Tfw people break off contact with you after you prove youre a millionaire

>tfw people break off contact with you after you prove youre a millionaire

>he told others how wealthy he is

>tfw no one cares that youre a millionaire

this guys as jealous as all my former friends

>tfw you broke off contact with people after becoming a millionaire.

that's not how it usually works though, first thing that happened to me was they started asking me for loans

i was talking about my situation :(
I wish people cared


Ive found that people get jealous before anything else. I have people talking shit about me behind my back on the daily, online especially.

wanna buy me a house user

>people talking shit about me behind my back on the daily, online

ok now youre making stuff up

LARP - the thread

dont tell him, but hes a cunt

yes i want everyone on Veeky Forums to have a mansion.

i talk so much shit you dont even know. I have a discord server dedicated to me talking shit even.

but i dont want a mansion

i want a comfy house in the outback

Found the actual reason why people break contact with you.

>Almost made enough to quit my job

bump for interest.

my personality is not the issue. Ive found that people actually respond positively to my narcissism on average. It all depends on the individual.

would you rather have that house or use the money to live on and fall for the travelling meme?

>my personality is not the issue
>i talk so much shit you dont even know

house 100%

imo its the first step to actually living

people think its funny. most of them at least. Try it, youll be surprised.

hmm are you employed at the moment? also

>its the first step to actually living

what does that mean?

just need an appartment though

Yeah they think it's funny because it's retarded.

What scene in Batman was this?

ye im employed but costs in aus are through the roof

its more a peace of mind thing, having to spend most of your monthly earnings on your house repayment for dozens of years is like a stranglehold

user you are not doing it right

invite the lads on a yacht and blow them some high class escorts and coke, and come back and tell us you have more friends or less friends

girls friends? do such thing exist?

geniuses oftentimes have an amazing sense of humor. know your place, pleb.

dont pay for a cube of airspace, get land.

obviously i realize that drugs are an amazing way to gather followers, friends are all in your head when it comes down to it.

>I have people talking shit about me behind my back on the daily, online especially.
How old are you , son?

24. i now i shouldnt tell you this, but im drunk, and i always give away personal shit when im drunk

You're gonna burn the money like a retard. Know your destiny, pleb.

How did you all make your money


wtvr. doesnt even matter. sorry, bro, im too drunk to post anymore. this whole thread was meant to serve a selfish purpose. its been done. i dont even need to be coherent anymore.

what a silly larp. no-one in their right mind would break off contact with a millionaire. it'd be a ticket to endless fun.

Little punk ass btch

no is not in your head neet, when you throw a good party that's how you give happiness to the people, is called sharing the wealth, in those people's heads anyway

learn to how to be happy like normal people

>invite the lads on a yacht and blow them

>thinking a million makes you rich

plz help a poorfag out op, i wanna be millionaire too but dont have cash to start investing


My mom starts talking about me as a "rich guy" sarcastically and how money doesn't make you happy and shit after I only made 50k in 3 weeks. She's a fucking dentist and she's always talking about how much money she's making and stuff... I just... How can I make you happy mom???

You already do

I'm so so so proud of you, son :)

The term you are looking for is "envious".

>tfw you have real friends and anyones financial situation has no bearing on anything

>tfw you do not have any friends
at least i can buy some now

I'm not surprised. Seeing a young guy make it while they wagecuck destroys their worldview, and they resort to blaming the messenger.

Its gonna be hilarious when NEETs from /biz become world elites.

>tfw I told everyone close to me how much I've made after going deep on the $.30 dip on ARK
>tfw they keep telling me to cash out

It hasn't even mooned yet, this is why everyone around me isn't truly rich, such short term and low expectation losers

> online especially


Umm. user. Financial status always has barring. Wtf you on about?

There's two options I can think of here
1.She thinks you're bullshitting and doesn't think you've actually made that much
2.She doesn't think you worked hard enough for it and feels that its unfair that you're making more than she is right now

If 1 its sad that she's not trusting her own son, if 2 its sad that she's being jealous of her own son instead of happy for him. Since you do want to make her happy why not do something like taking her out for a dinner to her favorite restaurant? Would show that you're not hurting for money as I'm guessing you were before and she'd probably appreciate it, that or she'd still be acting bitter in which case there's no pleasing her and you should stop trying.

If i made 50k in months, my mama be so proud of me, and prob ask to borrow some $, which i would because shes spotted me whole life when i need it.
How you make that much money OP?