Why is it that Africans are literally given billions in humanitarian aid, have literal diamonds and gold overflowing from the ground, have access to rich arable land, vast wildlife, oceans, rivers, and they STILL can't accomplish anything? Why is this?
Why is it that Africans are literally given billions in humanitarian aid...
Don't forget to pick up your welfare check on Monday Cletus
>Humanitarian aid
Not helpful.
>Diamonds and gold
>Rich arable land
>vast wildlife
Whom they get shat on for poaching.
If Europe and Africa had the same land area, Europe would have more than triple the coastline.
The one? The one where things were accomplished?
In the Southern part of Africa; it's estimated that if the land were properly utilized Zimbabwe alone could feed the whole continent, and before its shitty dictator got into power it was known as "The Breadbasket of Africa"
>The one? The one where things were accomplished?
The Niger, Congo, Zambezi, Volta, and Orange off of the top of my head.
OP's a retard but come on man.
I think so.
They're retarded and bitch about white people all day.
amazingly bad leadership
>colonialism was bad for apefrica
The only bad thing was that it laid the basis for apefrican population explosion.
Feeding them was a mistake.
> and they STILL can't accomplish anything
False proposition, Africa is FINALLY growing after years of holdback. Looks like China is finally helping people while the West was the one fucking up.
>implying China isn't helping Africa while western powers only splurge on resources and meddle in internal affairs
Africa's doing better as a result of larger globalized trade as a whole and conflicts that have been raging for decades finally starting to simmer down. China's helping sure but it's not the primary factor here.
If you mean doing exactly what the Europeans did by exploiting all its resources and building some railways and roads to make that easier, sure, they're a huge help. Strange how all of upper management is Chinese and those goods go to China, really makes you think
>Yuros crying because they can't play into their white savior narrative anymore.
Get fucked dude. Westerners bitch and whine how uncivilized Africa is while Chinese actually engages with Africans.
>Nearly a third are involved in manufacturing, a quarter in services, and around a fifth each in trade and in construction and real estate
>By value, only 47 percent of the Chinese firms’ sourcing was from local African firms, representing a lost opportunity for local firms to benefit from Chinese investment.
>Only 44 percent of local managers at the Chinese-owned companies we surveyed were African, though some Chinese firms have driven their local managerial employment above 80 percent (Exhibit 3). Other firms could follow suit.
>There have been instances of labor and environmental violations by Chinese-owned businesses. These range from inhumane working conditions to illegal extraction of natural resources including timber and fish.
Way to blow yourself the fuck out user
>One country getting better as example
>Chinese not just exploiting the continent
At least we lied about spreading faith, morality, technology and medicine and did it sometimes. Chinese are there for the money and no other reason.
What, I didn't imply that at all. Literally just said that China's not the sole factor and that Africa's improving largely due to factors involving the world at large and internal conflict resolution. The fuck are you on about.
>cherry picking
Even a global consulting agency says Chinese engagement in Africa is a net positive
How much does the CCPPD pay you a post?
>can't refute evidence
>proceed to attack motives
Nothing at all, just like BTFOing /pol/tards.
Just admit your an ignorant faggot
>Yet look beyond official loans or the work of big Chinese state-owned companies, and there are signs of a deeper Chinese involvement. McKinsey’s work suggests that there are as many as 10,000 Chinese companies operating in Africa, 90% of them privately owned. Many also reported earning juicy returns, in some cases enough to pay back their investments in less than a year. Many said they planned to keep investing because of the plentiful opportunities to make money.
So noble, not at all like those ebil white colonials who only cared about money!
Nice strawman.
Are private companies not supposed to be motivated by profits? What next, are you gonna argue how technology transfer is a bad thing too?
Stop projecting your western self-righteous ideology, faggot.
Africans are paying China for technology and infrastructure, and China is buying their resources with money and providing them capitals. It's called business and capitalism, not colonialism, not exploit, nobody force them or trick them to do so.
China is the only one actually doing good business with African countries without propagating ideologies into them. And China is providing aid to them since cold war ear due to CCP supports pan-African independent, it's hardly news, only Western SJW cucks are making a fuss about it.
What's the fucking difference is what I want to know
Yeah, you just keep believe what you believe, like Africans somehow will change their minds just by your western brainwashing propaganda. Doesn't matter really.
Not an excuse. Many former colonies like America, Canada, China, Ireland, Korea and Singapore are doing fine.
Actually, humanitarian aid is bad for them. If you give them money you cause devaluation. If you give them food you ruin several sectors and cause more poverty and people who has to be feed. The only good aid is medical.
To be honest, Africa should be left alone for a century or two. Build a big line in the Sahara and patrol the coasts, nobody is allowed to leave and entering is extremelly hard. At this point a lot of people would die (and the project would probably be ridiculously expensive) but it's what would be ideal for Africa, really. Otherwise the problem is gonna become worst, not better.
>humanitarian aid
I can't remember which country, i think it was uganda that had a thriving Textile industry that was completely destroyed by an influx of donated shirts, Humanitarian Aid disicentivises the development of industry, vital for a thriving economy, which could increase living standards.
>have literal diamonds and gold overflowing from the ground
The fact that Africa is rich in natural resources means that there's always going to be conflicts over who owns what, in addition, running a diamond mine really requires a man who can be taught to mine, and a man with a gun, it's possible to run a diamond mine on starving illiterates, meaning that the main industries of resource extraction in Africa don't incetivise the development of industry, we can see a similar progression in the South of the USA, without industries that incetivised development, the living standards for the workers of these industries is not as high as it could be, there's a quote by George Orwell about the poor writing books, where he says that you must have security in order to do it, and i think that can be extended to most intellectual pursuits, in addition because of the relative richness of Africa, most jobs that need to be done don't require an education beyond that which the job entails, while an office worker might get some use out of learning about maths through averages and the like, an African Diamond miner doesn't really need to know anything outside his craft, disencentiving education, lowering IQ.
>south africa
Now post places like Burkina Faso or the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Not just development aid, it's the whole reason Free Trade is shitty for undeveloped or developing economies
>Let's ignore the crime, blatant racism against non-indigenous black South Africans (yes that includes migrant workers from Africa as well as the Indian "coloureds", not just whites), the fact townships haven't changed since Apartheid
But the GDP is good!
>Diamonds and gold
Are you saying that Africa has already exhausted all its precious metals/minerals?
I hope this is bait
I think he means they're mined by foreign private interests
You know, chimpanzees have access to some of the best lumber, farmland, and resources in the world too. Why is it they don't utilize it? Could it be they're more concerned with mating and fighting rather than creating and maintaining a civilization? It's almost as if they're lesser evolved beings or something.
Not at all, no. I'm saying they're being used.
The Congo, Zambezi, Volta and Orange arn't traversible though, they have way too many cataracts. Even steamers and modern riverboats have trouble navigating the Orange and the Congo because they're so difficult rivers, they're completely intraversable to spearchuckers.
As for land, there wasn't anyone there. The Boers for example predate the vast majority of Bantus who currently live in southern Africa. Of course, you could farm the land with modern technology, but a tribal in what would become Mozambique or Zimbabwe would not be able to. First of all, they had nothing to farm. Second of all, the crops that they did not have would not have survived without manmade irrigation.
Hey man keep your racism out of here I'm trying to have a legitimate discussion
Africa famously does not have easily navigable rivers. The only one is really the Nile and you can see what happened there.
>> 3153675 Niger isn't deep enough for substantial trade (see the inland delta). The Congo has the Livingston Falls with are non-navigable rapids. The Lower Zambezi winds jaggedly and is had to navigate and stops at Victoria Falls which definitely isn't navigable. The Volta goes right into thick jungle which isn't really optimal for building trade cities. The Orange river is very shallow at parts and not easily navigable. Rivers =/= navigable rivers.
Trade didn't grow internally like it did in Europe or China (though there was plenty of coastal Arabian sea trade on the Swahili coast and in Aksum). Then most of what was there was exploited to no end by Europeans (see King Leopold and the atrocities of the Congo Free State and a bunch of other stuff, it's pretty easy to find with any cursory searching)
Then boarders were arbitrarily drawn and the state, an idea that was pretty foreign to many in Africa, was imposed and warlords usually got into power.
So basically Africa wasn't built to function like nation states and Europeans laid the groundwork for that system of government in the worst possible way, but not before robbing the land of wealth and killing off millions of the population.
Everyone in RSA is non-indigenous apart from the Khoisan. Bantus are invaders just like whites are.
That's not how they see it
I don't care how they see it, it's the truth.