Has race-mixing always been controversial?
Has race-mixing always been controversial?
Nope. Ancient Germans celebrated intermarriage between Hun males and Germanic females.
>that baby
This is why people are against race-mixing.
By Azura, By Azura By azura is the great champion.
Most countries in the past weren't retarded enough to let millions of Africans and Arabs in their countries.
Is Middle East+Europe racemixing?
Yes. Even south europe+north europe is race mixing.
You people are fucking retards
Humans have always race-mixed
You are literally the result of race-mixing
umm no sweetie x
Yes, people actually cared for their volk at that time.
Ethnicity =/= race
t. retard
>my personal preferences define ''race''
When the Germanics conquered Rome they made it law that they would not intermarry with the Romans, though over time this proved unsuccessful in preventing it. They wouldn't have made it law if it didn't matter to them though. It might have had more to do with the weregild, which had Germanics worth 200 sols while Romans were worth 100.
>dude there's just the human race lmao
>europid race
>negroid race
>mongolid race
Just remember this
Spaintards didnt really care in south america.
[Citation needed]
There is no Race
Actually they cared a lot. Mixed babies were considered to be lower class.
hi /pol/
To be honest it doesn't "count" as race-mixing or it's less of a deal as long as it's male (your people) with female (their people). This has been the rule in basically every patriarchal patrilineal society. If your son scores an exotic qt he's a total lad. If your daughter fucks a nigger she's a coalburner slut.
As it should be.
>total lad XD
Nah, you can go too, juden lover.
Why are you replying to obvious /pol/-baiting? Just hide, sage, and report.
>There is no Race
Homo Sapiens Sapiens is the subspecies. This includes all humans alive today.
But weren't those MARRIED to jewesses? You don't marry the exotic qt, you just fuck her, unless your culture allows you to have concubines or several wifes.
No, in Nazi Germany and later Fascist Italy, anyone who married or slept with a Jew was executed. There were only a few (like Franz Lehar) who were exempted for their contribution to Euro culture.
>No, in Nazi Germany and later Fascist Italy, anyone who married or slept with a Jew was executed. There were only a few (like Franz Lehar) who were exempted for their contribution to Euro culture.
That's not even close to true though.
Germans gave preferential treatment to German man, Jewish woman families.
Okay maybe not Italy.
>preferential treatment
Wut? People in the party called for Lehar and his wife to be deported or executed all the time and he was a well standing person.
>muh lehar
You could write a nice letter for Uncle Hitler for one
source? seriously
>Hey guys let's use one specific example to make an argument against something that doesn't affect us at all! Let's be judgmental!
Full white babies, full asian babies, and full black babies can be ugly too. But guess what? Babies grow and develop and can look very different in 5, 10, and 20 years.
Attila married the daughter of a Germanic kang
>Not going by SIFR's standard
Mehmed pls
You are aware those people are white-facing, right? I mean you have checked you source on that and stuff.
Monarchies married each other constantly. If your savage barbaric boss wants to marry your daughter you let him even if it's a shame for your people to do so. Specially if your boss is basically a steppe mobster.
Just look at Magyars, Bulgars etc.
No, only when it happens on a massive scale, because that poses a threat to their culture and society as they know it.
It went from being uncommon and not feared, then after colonization it was common and not feared, forcing it to be uncommon and feared, and over the past century it's become slightly more common and slightly less feared
>the way science is right now must be 100% correct because science is always right.
>appeal to scientific racism
>b-but science isn't always right
Alright, I'll give an example for my point, until a couple years ago there was 1 species of giraffe, now there are 4.
So, scientific classification isn't really a valid argument.
>right now
And on Veeky Forums no less
human race does not exist. the range of variation only covers a set of ethnics, euros are basicly africans with different skin and bone growth genes.
Technically race is below subspecies. And below that is strain.
So don't fucking use it as an argument you dumb retard?
I didn't bring scientific classification into this argument, I responded to it.
How about responding to the guy who brought up scientific racism?
Reminder that if you respond, you're part of the problem.
Sage goes in the options field.
>I'll pretend there aren't a gazillion beautiful mixed people
Whites mixed even with neanderthals.
Can you put into words what this picture is trying to prove. Explain in technical terms, please.