Was Karl Marx black? It would explain why he talked so much about everyone getting free stuff.
Was Karl Marx black? It would explain why he talked so much about everyone getting free stuff
Other urls found in this thread:
Was he?
>the jewish nigger
>said a jew who looks like a nigger
Karl Marx is the sort of guy who would post on Veeky Forums incessantly if he was alive today, the Communist Manifesto is just a long wagecucks shitpost, so no he wasn't black
Actually, we're all African
Marx was the ultimate antisemite.
Was he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Can't be a wagecuck if you're a NEET.
he was a very confused man.
Oh no he said naughty words!
Furtanely he had daddy Engels to maintain him
Really activates my means of thought production.
>overweight and stupid
>ugly hair
>brain dead teachings
Yes, probably.
He also had a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa which caused him to have smelly, permanently infected painful boils all over his body. reuters.com
Then go back to your homeland user they await you :)
Marxists are smelly and disgusting, starting with heir creator.
Are those things supposed to be bad?
Is OP a faggot american who browses /pol/? It would explain why he is so autistically projecting his racial obsessions and ""humor"" onto the past
user, that's a source on the snapchat IPO.
i hate Veeky Forums
>Murray Rothbard
>Milton Friedman
>Ayn Rand
All useless, deadbeat kikes much like Marx.
and in America they are lynching negros!
Not an argument. The fact remains that marx was a neet living in an ivory tower and all that.
>forgetting he worked as a journalist
Ever read anything from Marx? I mean his correspondence and his articles, not Das Kapital. It's nothing but butthurt ramblings and nonstop ad hominems, calling people niggers and retards and primitives and subhumans. That's not work, that's just shitposting.
I appreciate the (You), otherwise I would've felt taken advantage of.
He was a shit 'journalist' and never made a living off of it.
>he never worked!
>b-but journalist doesn't count
grasping at straws. Just because you disapprove of his work doesn't mean he wasn't working
>t. Classcuks
But that's what journalism is all about user.
Work is something you do for a living. He wasn't making any money writing bullshit articles and would die of starvation if Engels didn't fund his NEET ass.
Bitching and moaning and not receiving money from it isn't a fucking job. If that were true women have been working for centuries pre-suffragettes.
If Marx was a worker then I'm working right now by typing this post.
>assuming I'm a proletarian
Sure you can argue that he was a terrible journalist, but pretending it never happened and arguing that he was terrible anyway is just shifting the goalposts
>t, petit bourgeois
I actually inherited a huge chunk of fields and forests I rent and get money from, I'm literally a bourgeoise.
If you do something and it doesn't put money on the table it's not work, it's just a hobby. Do you think Veeky Forums janitors are also workers?
>see, I am a lazy fuck. check mate marxists.
Stay jelly jewboy.
Even if he did tried to get paid but didn't, it doesn't mean he never tried like you are implying it to be.
Stay fat porky, communism is inevitable
>environmental sustainability
>a megacity with fuckhuge skyscrapers
Marxists are literal brainlets.
>skyscrapers are a waste of space.
t. ameriburger
I'm European. Cities are the single biggest polluters on Earth, nothing beats comfy and self-sustainable rural life.
>nothing beats comfy and self-sustainable rural life
if only everyone could live like that ... oh wait
Prior to mid 19th century a vast majority of human population lived exactly like that. We need to reduce the world's population growth as well as reducing urbanization, that's how you actually achieve an eco-friendly society, not by adopting autistic asspull economic models created by some butthurt retard.
wtf I love marxism now
> We need to reduce the world's population growth as well as reducing urbanization.
Good job
Are you implying that's not the case? We have finite resources, do you think Earth can sustain African and Indian tier population growth while being friendly to the environment?
Yes, most the resources are wasted because greed porkies like you.
>anything Marx
What a overrated person.
Funnily enough, over hyped by their supposedly haters. Every Marxist knows his studies are nowadays dated, and updated by modern contemporaries.
>muh capitalism
But user, I'm a feudalist. Capitalism and communism both proved to completely destroy the environment - just look at the USSR and China who caused several ecological catastrophes.
Ok mĀ“lord, take a seat.
These info graphics both imply that these life's were valuable and worth saving.
Yes, your ideology seems to be fit only for murdering people and destroying nature.
>Africa is a complete shithole
>it's somehow the fault of capitalism
It's kind of ironic because whenever an African country adopted communism, it ended up with famine, terror and chaos - see Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Somalia.
>don't true capitalism
>killing commuinists is somehow wrong
>commies actually believe we've reached post-scarcity
I was never defending capitalism you retard.
>I'm a feudalist
>muh helicopter rides
>muh NAP
Edgy ancap
>I would totally be da king and get all da power I love ideology hurrrr
Feudalism is the ancap wet dream
>says the commie with the forced memes
>supporting a system that functioned perfectly well for two millennia is fedora
>supporting something that never worked outside of nonsensical theories is not fedora
I'd probably be lower landed gentry like my ancestors, but your post perfectly manifests how Marxists think - a Marxist is inherently selfish, and will only support a system that will benefit him directly. He's incapable of a self-sacrifice for the greater good, and the concept of someone being higher than him in the social hierarchy makes him seething with jealousy rather than recognizing human society functions like a human body.
Feudalism is order. Ancap wet dream is corporate chaos.
>I criticize capitalism
>commie retard replies with a strawman comic where some nerd advocates laissez-faire
Reaction and capitalism are incompatible, they're pretty much mutual opposites.
>they're pretty much mutual opposites.
Sankara would like to have a word with you
>its inevitable
most of the socialist states that have been established no longer exist
>Rule for two years
>Country descends into famine, terror and chaos
>rule for two years
>go from a famine riddled shithole to the biggest food exporter in the area
>Neocolonialists murder you
>your country is shi again
Yeah; sankara's fault
Getting murdered is a pretty big indicator that you fucked up.
>>supporting a system that functioned perfectly well for two millennia is fedora
Problem is that any "I'm a feudalist/medievalist, good sir" argument goes in the presumption that being a feudal owner was not that bad, ignoring however that was not the case for 90% of the people. So in short, everyone is predisposed to see themselves as the king, but never the pleb. You know, the majority of society, who had to do all the work, die at 26 years old and lick the boots of the Church
What a wonderful system, indeed.
He was murdered by the french for standing against them while saving his country
Actually the plebs lived longer than the aristocracy due to all the rich food the aristocrats ate.
>if you acknowledge that we must still abide by economic realities such as scarcity then you're a reactionary
Those levels of strawmanning are /pol/tier, genuinely thought /leftypol/ would be a slight caliber above. Feeling a bit disappointed desu.
he was jew, that would explain that