so, is there any way to find out which religion tells us the truth?
because I am in need of some fucking truth before i die.
So, is there any way to find out which religion tells us the truth?
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The fundamental concept behind all of them is true. Most religious people will going to hell and back proving their own religion without understanding any deeper concepts regarding the religion they submit to. The superficial information from each religion is irrelevant, look at the underlying concepts, its all the same. Why do you seek truth though
Ill restate and say most common religions are true to some extent
When it comes to religion what you believe is the truth, not the other way round.
what if i tie all that snippets from my weird dreams together to make a new one for myself? it could very well be that with every human being a different individual, our path to truth is never an universal one
but how do we know which parts are true? it could be the "do not steal/ kill/ otherwise break the NAP" that is the only real truth in there
Rely on your own judgment
Those are all superficial parts to religion, values that drive the religion. The deeper understanding of religion comes from initially meditating on the interconnectedness of everything. Different religions have different words for achieving universal knowledge; satori, enlightnment, nirvana etc
Sounds like you might like Buddhism then
This kind of truth isnt something that can be taught. In the words of Socrates, "i cannot teach them anything, i can only make them think"
disregard religion, apply science, then you will get the truth.
In the human form of life, one should inquire about Brahman, the Absolute Truth. So real human life begins when one is inquisitive about the Absolute Truth. And what is that Absolute Truth? Janmady asya yatah: “Brahman is the origin of everything.” So Brahman is God, the origin of everything. And all veda, or knowledge, culminates in Him.
"O conquerer of wealth, there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread." (Bg. 7.7)
The highest esoteric truth is that Lord Krsna is the Supreme Absolute Truth and that both the living entities and the material world are His subordinate energies. Those who fail to understand this principle are materialists, while those who do understand it are trying to re-establish their relationship with Lord Krsna are liberated souls, devotees of the Lord. Lord Krsna explains this in the Bhagavad-gita (7.13-14):
"Deluded by the three modes [goodness, passion, and ignorance],
the whole world does not know Me, who am above the modes and
inexhaustible. This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the
three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome.
But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it."
Hinduism is the best religion. It's really not a religion and it's not called "hinduism" either but it's called Sanatana Dharma (which doesn't have a translation in the english language but means something like "the eternal truth of order". It's an extremely redpilled system of metaphysics really.
Kalki > Krishna
Elaborate pls. What I read on Hinduism so far was greek mythology tier stuff about gods and cyclic ages (muh khali yuga prophec etc.). Also how does it compare to Buddhism?
Well i can't explain it all in just a few words. Maybe some other user can assist me. I don't know how it compares to Buddhism but in Sanatana Dharma, Buddha is one of the avatars (earthly incarnations) of lord Vishnu, the supreme god. Gods in Sanatana Dharma are not like gods in abrahamic religions. They are like creatures, physical or not, that contain a part of the divine in them and are worshipped for this reason. Also people can be gods, like yogis (men of wisdom) and can be worshipped in temples. Dharma is an interesting word, i can't explain what it means in english. Your Dharma is like your way of participating in the divine or that which lies above and beyond your own material life. It all sounds silly if you haven't an understanding of metaphysics to some extent.
The prophecy of Kali Yuga makes sense and proves the high level of wisdom of ancient yogis. Basically these wizards of metaphysics realized thousands of years ago that human societies structure themselves according to certain roles, the four main roles being laborers, businessmen, warriors and wise men / priests / rulers. The society would then arrange itself into castes because these groups would intermarry and pass on the roles to their sons and daughters. But as people eventually die, they (the yogis) figured out that eventually the power in society would fall away from the top caste and onto the lower castes. The castes would mingle and chaos ensue. Cue democracy and "worker's partys".
According to hinduism, as long as you strive towards divinity you aren't required to follow hindu aesthetics.
also disregard the title its not about christianity
Although Buddhist philosophy maintains all things are empty, they ultimately only attain the impersonal Brahman conception of the truth and do not attain the highest truth due. Above this impersonal Brahman exists the Paramatma, God as the localized supersoul within your heat. Above the Paramatma exists the Bhagavan, Krishna, God himself. The absolute truth is a person, Krishna, and not some impersonalistic light or void that Buddhism asserts.
truth isn't real
What religion are you closest to culturally? Which religion gives you a warm fuzzy feeling when you think of it's rituals?
That is the religion that is right for you.
You're treating religion as a component in a larger mental paradigm that confirms truth statements, rather than a complete mental system that is true in itself rather than by meeting some outside standard.
Read some Kierkegaard.
Yeah esoteric tibetan buddhism of the gelug school in Ontario, Canada
Aghora is the ultimate way but it's not for the average person
Here is the truth weather you like it or not.
The only thing that exists is the story.
Non-Trinitarians suck at Logic.
Non-Catholic Trinitarians suck at Logic AND their own Holy Book.
Begome Gadolig :DDD
>Catholic casuistry
>I don't know what casuistry even is
Fug off
>All this heresy
The four Vedas are the only true scripture.
>Bosting Geretig
Shamful :DDD
The vedas are toilet paper
Tantras are the only worth thing
huh? are you sure? i thought nirguna brahman was higher in hindu metaphysics than saguna brahman? how can the personal one be higher when personal qualities are contingent by nature? they necessarily depend on that which transcends qualities. can you give me a source for your point of view?
baghavad gita as an orthodox application of vedic knowledge to the realm of action (kshatriyas). if you have a theory about thermodynamics and you apply it in an experiment andnthe experiment fails then your theory is false. likewise if the baghavad gita is false than so are the vedas
This is the shitty logic heretics use. Holy shit.
>If this scripture made 400 to 700 years after the final Veda was compiled is wrong, then that original scripture is wrong.
That's not at all how it works.
Pick one you like, and will not get bored to learn more about. It feels good man
it's based on the same premises as the vedas, it's a rigorous application of those premises―lrn2read
You're claim is that since something written after the Vedas but based on them, they're wrong if that nee scripture is wrong. Just just not how it works.
>Statement 1: In the morning I see the sun in the east, in the evening I see it in the west
>Statement 2 built off of 1: Well then, the sun revolves around the earth!!
That's false
>Well...uhhh...then the first statement is false too!
That's why your logic here is retarded.
Please learn how to read/think instead of caricaturing my post.
Ya, because I'm the one with a cognitive disability here.
In the Bhagavad Gita 14.27 Krishna says:
"And I am the basis of the impersonal (nirguna) Brahman, which is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness, and which is immortal, imperishable and eternal."
Additionally in 12.1-12.2 it is said:
"Arjuna inquired: Which is considered to be more perfect: those who are properly engaged in Your devotional service, or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested? The Blessed Lord said: He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith, is considered by Me to be most perfect."
So the saguna brahman, the personal form of God, is established as the Supreme.
I had a dream where Dracula had a wife who was into breathplay and killed her daughter or niece or something that way.
>So the saguna brahman, the personal form of God, is established as the Supreme.
How is that possible though? It seems counter-intuitive?
Yes, as discussed elsewhere, Platonism represents mankind's greatest theological achievement.
As shown in another thread, it is a proven fact that we all live forever. Rejoice!
Maybe you should make a religion about shitposting on Veeky Forums. You've already got the basics down.
is that man getting his dick sucked by that dragon
none of them. You're welcome.
>what if i tie all that snippets from my weird dreams together to make a new one for myself?
that's sort of what everyone does brainwise
If you want the most efficient way to address your question, experiment with enthogens but do it responsibly and safely. Religions are cultural attempts to seek the metaphysical, transcendental Absolute reality. God. Vedantic philosophy, Buddhist schools and shamamism are probably the most useful path at this point in time but many cultures have achieved it. The Greeks had it too with Platonism and its offshoots.
You hare krishna faggots are a cancer to Hinduism
>so, is there any way to find out which religion tells us the truth?
>because I am in need of some fucking truth before i die.
Hi, I'm God. Monotheism is devil worship - other than that most people know how to be good people.
Use logic, retard. How else would you find out the truth? And when you think rationally instead of emotionally or "spiritually" you realize that the material world is all that exists and every religion is the product of human retardation.
Fuck yeah Cannibalism
t. LARPing stormfag retard
The one true religion is the one that doesn't feel the need to advertise itself like some cheap product of capitalism in this thread.
While also not feeling the need to dictate how you live your life and go to sheep plastic altars to pray, because like a true chad, if you have faith, then you will know that is all that matters.
Due to fine-tuning of universe, and hard problem of consciousness, one can inductively reason that there probably is a God.
Now which God? It must be a mystical God, as that would explain his relationship to men. Hinduism(strictly Upanishads) claims to have experienced this God and gives plausible accounts of his existence. However, one must be weary, because Jesus Christ also speaks from a place of authority and his message is without error. Perhaps with a marriage of the two religions, one comes to the actual truth.
>Following the Vedas
Sure faggot