Iconomi is at the dip is a good time to balls deep bois ? Will iconomi get me a lambo
Iconomi is at the dip is a good time to balls deep bois ? Will iconomi get me a lambo
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I have 43 ICN I bought months ago.
This is one of four coins I'm hodling after extensive research and experience.
How much are you planning to hold ?
You mean how many of the ICN? All of them. Held through the june moon too.
I mean at what price will you sell ? What are your expectations
Once it becomes worth my while, meaning several thousands for each ICN at least.
Depending on the evolution leading up to that price, I might even hold out for more.
Have to add: my general advice for investing in things like crypto is always: never invest more than you can afford to flush down the toilet.
>several thousands for each ICN
this is pure delusion
I'm holding ICN, but it won't be worth anywhere near that much. The token itself does absolutely nothing and its value is driven by the idea that Iconomi (the company) will keep buying back your ICN until there's none left.
First: I never said it WILL reach that price, just that it would take that price for me to consider selling.
I only invested into ICN a fraction of what I can afford to flush down the toilet, so I can only win by hodling.
The reason I'm hodling ICN is that it's possibly going to be a requirement for DAA/hedge funds. If things go the way they seem to be going, whales are going to be gobbling it up.
If not, no skin off my back.
I'm in since $2.80 this shit ain't doing nothing you guys are lame
Biz faggots and summerfags have no understanding of market cap whatsoever. this will be a passive, slow growth index fun. have fun with your bags,
>passive, slow growth
As is evident from the decidedly non-sensationalist attitude of the devs.
Like that latest AMA, lmao.
shhhh dont tell anons about this:
I has been confirmed yesterday by the CEO that for managers of DAAs to perform certain actions they will have to burn ICN.
Also dont tell user that they recieved 150 applications from want to be DAA managers, also dont tell them their blockchain.one fund is going to be traded on traditional (probably london) exchange! -which means they are working to geting compliant with regulators - i know you basement-dwelling crypto-anarcho-libertariantards dont like it but normal people most definitely do.
Referal program for BLX fund also starting soon.
Fiat gateway implementation comming soon, and also the fact their funds are going to be insured (any crypto project has this???) so hacker-proof - this will be the normie's paradise.
You fags keep buying dgb and sigt - also start buying telescopes so you can see me drifting with my lambo on the moon!
Here's a good read if you're unfamiliar with ICN:
In short: ICN is on track to becoming the noobs' road to crypto, and you should buy if you think crypto in general is going to do well in the future.
In other words: it's the hodlers' long.
why wont you faggots get into betting but still stick to those shitcoins. It's same risk, fast payout
>i know you basement-dwelling crypto-anarcho-libertariantards dont like it but normal people most definitely do.
This is a very important point with ICN; it's basically the normies' gateway to crypto. It's all about what they want.
And as DAAs are added, it's going to get increasingly interesting for L3eT crypto haxx0rz too.
Buying ICN is almost like investing in flying schools for jet packs if jet packs were on the brink of going mainstream.
fuck you user. i read every word of this in some lame whisper in my head. i could feel it in my ear almost
when the gold rush starts, you start selling shovels!
their CPP (ICNP) fund where they invest in ICOs and then d0 a 80% reinvestment and 20% buybacks is ok and will increase the tokens's value but the real value is in the fact their regulated blockchain.one fund will be managed through the platform, management fees are 3% and that goes to ICN buybacks/burns, also there will be hundreds of various DAAs (immagine a DAA with super-high risk shitcoins, a DAA centered at gaming/gambling, a DAA centered at anonymity currencies, debt card tokens centered DAA etc etc....) so you will be able to bet on any segment of the market.
Also you will be able to compare the performance of various DAAs and chose which one you want to use - as soon as they do it i will be holding half of my crypto in ICN and half in 3-4 DAAs - I love this crypto shit and i love to buy and sell but it is taking too much of my time and is pretty much making me always feel like im on amphetamines.
+im sure theres people out there who are waaayyy better than me at this shit and im more than willing to give them 3% of my money for doing a better job than i would be doing and saving me a shitload of time!
I don't do shitcoins though.
>hodl bitcoin because that's the original (and it can be adapted to include any feature that proves useful/essential)
>hodl etherium purely as a hedge since it's firmly in place as the No. 2 cryptocurrency
>hodl bitcoin cash because I got it for free so why the fuck not
>hodl ICN because it might become the normie gateway to crypto
shhhh user, dont tell them user....
>Buying ICN is almost like investing in flying schools for jet packs if jet packs were on the brink of going mainstream.
Good line, I'm gonna use it for the greater good.
I used to think you could trade crypto same way you trade stocks, only quicker.
I was right in a way, but also very very wrong.
And if you pay attention to Veeky Forums for more than 6 months, you'll notice that all the short-term traders are nearly all relatively to very new to the game (a tell-tale sign is all the twinks pink wojak-ing at babby's first dip).
So even the most ADD-riddled teens with nothing better to do get burned out real fast trading crypto.
Something like ICN is going to be a godsend for seasoned veterans who still believe in crypto.
And for normies too, obv.
Have at it.
Sitting comfy on 5k ICN.
Won't even think about selling until it's somewhere in the triple digits range.
This token is pretty much a hodlers dream.
i have only 600, and it like 20% of my portfolio, i was thinking on making it 50%....specialy with this whole btc/bcc drama going on.....i wanted to get out of btc-dependent alts, and history has shown that icn is pretty resistant to small to mid-small btc dips (except for the crypto bloodbath in july)...... whacha think?
>5k ICN
>600 ICN
I bought a house just two months ago, and the deposit ate away at my investment fund.
A-at least I have 45, r-right?
two weeks ago everybody here was shittin on ICN. Now I see this shilluzaurus reximus thread, explain?
dude youre getting a house, be happy about that shit!.....30yo freelancer with 1500 in the bank and 7500 in crypto.... am i gonna make it? im gonna make it (r-right guys?) :)
I have 12k ICN. I'm ready for the explosion.
heres your explanation - combine it with houndreds DAAs that are going to be available, insured funds, blockchain.one regulated fund on classic exchange, fiat gateway, some nice ico's in their portfolio, debit card in the future, referal program....a lot of things have changed
ICN is one of the original ICOs, an age-old institution in crypto terms. It doesn't care much about shilling or shitting at this point.
It's just that developments are starting to ramp up, so you can expect more and more threads as this jerky gets cured.
>TFW most biztards would have better returns on BLX than shitcoin gambling.
35 here; just put 40k into the deposit, 5k left in the bank, and have about 4k in crypto.
Not enough liquidity to invest any more.
Hope this doesn't bite me in the ass.
Having a nice house is fun though. But if it were up to me I'd live in an apartment for 5 more years and invest.
The couple of successes make them forget about all the losses. For a while.
>12k ICN
Have I told you how lovely you look tonight, user?
agreed. i made some nice gains with speculating this month - but it was a pretty crazy bull market so to actualy lose money you would really have to be retarded....
I'm starting to wonder if I should just put all my play-cryptomoney into BLX...so that i can have more time to actualy work a normal job and make more money to be able to invest more in crypto.....
But to be honest i really dont like their choices for blx, i mean how the fuck can you not have IOTA in the index?? also NEO! im not a genious but it was pretty obvious that iota was going to be the next big thing (and it still is).
instead they have stuff like synereo and matchpool which are not eaven on the first page of coinmarketcap.
also i think having only 21 coins does in no way rapresent 9x% of the crypto market...
thats why i'm waiting for some more valid DAA to come out to invest in 2-4 of those with 50% of the money and 50% in ICN and forget about it
I would personally. It was about 40% of mine until the recent Ark bull run.
do you believe the fact that ICONOMI sounds fucking gay is the reason that these threads are always so nice?
also, what do you guys think about solardao?
I'm holding 10k ICN.
>I'm (bag)holding 10k ICN.
But seriously ICN is an okay play if you don't mind waiting.
Hey look it's him again, it'll moon anytime now, right?
>ICONOMI sounds fucking gay
HEY! Hey. Watch it.
If you're not holding ICN, you're an idiot. Sorry but the truth hurts.
Agreed. It's literally a bet on the success of cryptocurrency as a whole. If you believe in the tech it's almost impossible to lose.
It's being added to binance this week
Lol if aren't holding some icn right now
Wouldn't it dump upon addition?