Tibetan buddhism and secrecy

How much is this true and how much it's a meme?

Supposedly there is a extreme degree of secrecy towards the vajrayana practices but if you look in the web not only you can find whatever tantra (specially in tibetan, there is a repository with a full blown collection in at thlib.org) but also testimonies of what happens during the initiation and practice and even videos showing you what to do during the visualizations.

I've even met practicants who are into yidam yoga who are against secrecy openly saying what they do. One of them even suggested that the "secrecy" is more about preventing non tibetans to access the tantras.

There's also a book (full online in trimondi.de) written by dissidents who were initiated in Kalachakra and they also detail the practices and stuff

And the list goes on

So, is this "secrecy" real or just a meme?


I'd ask on Veeky Forums, there's actually a few buddhists there


perhaps it's intended to be a secret and historically was a secret, but the modern era has changed this. free masonry is also secretive, but we know a good deal about their practices (and i don't mean false testimonies propagated by conspiracy theorists). same with mormonism which we know uses masonic handshakes. scientology's mumbo jumbo about the alien Xenu is also a secret, but is public knowledge thanks to defectors and the media

>false testimonies propagated by conspiracy theorists
Could you name some of these false testimonies so we can know to avoid them?

>but the modern era has changed this.
I think this is mostly the case but with the "oriental" stuff making it more prone to the "secrecy". Like, I've seen a lot of western practicants of vajrayana getting enraged at videos and other stuff where this thing is showed (sperging with things like "this is bad karma!" "You'll be reborn in hell for posting this!") and having an extremist zealot attitude towards the secrecy, probably because they believe that tibetan buddhism is a "genuine secret doctrine" only because it comes from the East.

A lot of tantric practices are kinda similar to voodoo/goetia/etc, and those can be openly found anywhere

>perro caca

Perro is an initiate in the secret ancient doctrine of Caca


Shameless self bump


The Buddha said that there is a right time for right speech. Saying the true, beneficial thing at the wrong time can be harmful.

Second, techniques are tools for the accomplishing of a goal. If the person is not set on accomplishing the goal, giving him knowledge of the technique can delude, confuse, or infatuate him further, or otherwise have negative consequences. Secrecy forces a teacher-taught relationship that encourages the techniques to be carefully used and only at appropriate times. This can bring up problems of hierarchy, corruption, exploitation, etc., but that's how they do it in Tibet, and I can see how someone would be led to think that is a good way.

>Veeky Forums


Last bump


Shingon Buddhism (Japanese Vajrayana) is more secretive. Tibetan Buddhism has been transforming itself into a more open field recently due to the exile Tibetan masters making their works available to the public. Translation works by other Buddhist enthusiasts has been hard at work. "Secret" teachings in Tibetans are mainly Dzogchen and other similar practices which are really only taught to devoted practitioners. There's probably some other Mahasiddhi teachings some obscure lineage of Tibetan Buddhism out there that only teaches to extreme Buddhists who operate in ascetic like form(multiple cave meditation for years at a time).

Uhm no sweetie, not anymore

Thats what I said.



It's got a lot of oral tradition which just isn't transmitted over the internet

Tibetian Buddhism is basically Hinduism, just look into that if your interested. It's a whole lot more organized and comprehensive too.

>on my 4chinz

Budhists were European agents since 19 century. They were supporting Chinese communists later. So yes, they are partly secrete network of British spies and agents.


>Same as Hindu tantra
Um, no sweetie.

What are the differences?

Not the same poster btw

We need to summon that one tripfag, TheAgeof

It's like a college fraternity. Ostensibly secret rituals, but you can find most online. Ritual books get stolen and uploaded etc.

Sigma Chi has one of their brothers dress up as Emperor Constantine during their initiation. What a bunch of fags lmao

A lot of the so called "secret" sadhanas/rituals can be easily found in pdf or even bought in print format

Ironically they have the legend "please, do not do the following practices if you did not receive the permission from a qualified guru" or they allude to it somewhere in the text

Are u dumb or just ironic shitposting?

Both of them are

>what are the differences?
>both of them are
Do you even english or are you dumb?

Not really

Their goals and conception of being are different.

The methods may be the same or similar


Le bump :^)


How so?


did the tibetans have a sizable slave population?

Not even surprising fampie.

Beside /x/ tier faggots and acidhead no one would try to accomplish em anyway. As much as secrecy is dying thanks to internet, circumstances still offers a protection.

It is called the gradual path. Look at a picture of the buddha, then at a dancing dakini. It is p hard to put your mind around the latter if people did not get the basics first. First you have a monk, no sex no drugs no r'nr and after it seems like the opposite. I think thats why it is potentially harmful to talk about certain things to unqualified people.

No idea about numbers but yes there were slaves. Tibetan society still in the middle XX century was very "medieval"

It's a spook


>le spook may may


>Veeky Forums
