These are France's natural borders. Say something nice about them.
These are France's natural borders. Say something nice about them
Other urls found in this thread:
You look ugly!
Belgium is stupid and corsica should be Italian
this is what autism looks like
They're gone so that's good.
>natural border
What does this even mean?
Corsica must be liberated
Kingdom Of The Twins Island with Sardinia when?
>letting netherland keep rotterdam instead of just being roman gaul
5/10 Louis XV was right
These are France's natural borders. Say something nice about them.
We can go thiccer.
>Montana is not in the map
>Natural borders
>contains discontiguous island
Kill yourself psychotic frenchposter
What's with Catalonia?
A lot of the Annexations had to do with the continental blockade. That's what the Hanseatic spike and Illyrian provinces were annexed for, I assume Barcelona was a major spanish trading post. That's pure speculation though.
I'm tired of your shit Paoli.
Hands of my home town, please. You are warned.
Herp derp, didn't check the legend of the map. I thought Catalonia was independent.
très bien. ... passt scho!
Note that the thing South of Ile of France is an Aryan land inhabited by Alans
Don't you mean say something NICE about it xDDDDD
Wrong map fella
lots of anglos ITT tb h
I live in Tours, we've pretty much always been Paris' bitch
What are we, without them? Anjou's bitch?
mon dieu ... zut alors! In Treue fest!
France has proportionally less annoying people with these borders.
If only Richard had spent more time seeding Berengaria instead of boypussy.
Literally match who vote socialists and who vote nationalists
Celtcucks are truely subhumans
[die Wacht am Rhein starts playing]
So you agree that "Belgium" is rightful French clay?
Return Belgium to Netherlands froggy
t. frog
Belgium was made up by British Jews to cause disunity in Europe
Don't include my city into your red shit, Tristan
Annexed to France for being like 50% of Spain's GDP at the time.
>natural borders
I'm half-French but Alsace Lorraine and Corsica are not rightful French clay
you autistic fuck
a natural border is a natural formation that separates places
rivers, mountain ranges, etc
ex:Pyrenees and the Alps would be natural borders of france
Means nothing, you treacherous half-breed.
>being independent
>Not Italian
Belgium exists so you have something to drive through when you travel between France and the Netherlands.