>head of the neo-nazis in Lvov dies from heart attack in the middle of a speech
Why is there such a strong Nazi presence in Ukraine, even though Hitler was planning on wiping out most of Ukraine and eastern Europe after winning the war
Ukraine Nazis
Ukrainians are deeply in denial of the fact that they're basically the same as Russians, so much that they identify more with the G*rmans who were planning to colonize and exterminate them. They've also convinced themselves that the Holodomor was a genocide, which it wasn't (it was a semi-artificial famine that resulted from Soviet agricultural policy but Ukrainians were by no means the only ones affected).
This isnt a history thread.
Thank you for your insight.
Now let's hear a non-antiukrainian point of view for once.
Ukrainian Neo-Nazis aren't technically Neo-Nazis, in that they don't actually support Hitler or the Nazis, they just take huge ideas from them, primarily the idea that Ukrainians are the master race that has been oppressed throughout history (in Hitler's idea by the Jews, but in the Ukrainian case, by Poles and Russians).
The current group are the ideological heirs to the OPA-OUN (someone correct me if I got the letters wrong), which was a partisan group of Ukrainian Nationalists most famous for killing 75-100,000 Poles in Galicia (where Lviv is). Keep in mind that it is illegal to insult said organization in Ukraine now, which is pretty disturbing.
Regional divide. West Ukraine actually fought with the Nazis during the war (for the most part) because they were that belligerently anti-Russian (that the Germans were going to annihilate them later didn't factor in). East Ukraine did not. Almost all of the modern Neo-Nazis in Ukraine exist in the West.
>someone correct me if I got the letters wrong
It was UPA (Ukrainian insurgent army), OUN was Organization of Ukrainian nationalists.
There is nothing anti-ukrainian in what he said.
Ukraine has nothing. Absofuckinglutely nothing to show for being the second largest and sixth most populous nation in Europe.
De facto breadbasket and also an industrial heartland of the USSR, Ukraine was the most well-off post-collapse Soviet Republic, shock therapy almost didn't touch its economy compared to Russia, it was debt-free, ever since its independence, it was forgiven hundreds of billions in commodities and token goodwill purchases made by cursed Moskals, yet as Russia was recovering from the 90's, Ukraine was sliding more and more down the drain, propped all the way, but still failing.
Now the country called Ukraine is literal rotten corpse hung from strings and shaken to appear alive by anglos, who use it to fuck with Russians.
Ukraine is nothing. It has nothing. No history. No wealth. No identity. It might as well not exist. But the name is still official, so nationalists cling to it, as it's the only thing they really have at this point.
Thanks, user. I never get that right.
Russians and Russophiles here are cringey
I don't even like Putin, I just hate Ukraine more.
do you realize what a pathetic sight is to look at people whose national identity can be summed up with "irrational hatred for their neighbor"?
How can you hate their whole country? It's just wrong. Not all Ukrainians are the same. It's also wrong to say they have no identity or history. Ukrainian identity crystalized in 19th century but even before they knew they are different from Russians and Poles.
Ah yes.. Ukrainian (((Nazis)))
much consistent yes
>they knew they are different from Russians
They were literally one people and one state since Kievan Rus'
I wouldn't particularly care if Ukraine was more Russian than Smolensk.
It's good for the Ukrainians themselves to stay separate and nothing else should matter.
He's not even lying, user. By far, Ukraine is doing the worst of any post-Soviet state. Georgia, which has like a third of its land controlled by rebel groups has a better economy than Ukraine.
Get out with this /pol/ garbage.
I doubt you can talk about national identity in medieval times. But for example Khmelnytsky did not consider himself a Russian.
Because many Ukrainians were nazis during WW2.
>SS division Galizien was Ukrainian
>the massacres in Belarus were mostly committed by Ukrainian auxiliary troops in German service
>some of the harshest concentration camp guards were Ukrainians
>Get out with this /pol/ garbage.
I can confirm the people he listed on the left are all indeed Jews.
From what I understand its a reaction to the USSR, kinda similar to how Poland has a bunch of nationalist paramilitaries.
its what happens when your national identity is almost non existent
most of their country would be in better hands while being part of Poland or Russia
Yes Yulia Volodimirivna is a Jew. If you want to spread lies, please do so in /pol/.
It's irrelevant, and who are you to confirm this? Modern Jews have nothing to do with Khazars, so half of this picture is already full of shit.
Her grandfather was a jew called Abram Kapitelmann.
>after graduating from Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1940 Kapitelman was sent to work in Western Ukraine, where he worked "one academic quarter" as the director of a public Jewish school in the city Sniatyn
So the people should have no choice?
The Khazars were judaists, whether modern jews descend from them or not is irrelevant.
'Nazi' is not about one country 'chosen by gods'. Its retarded version of fashism (not sure how you write it in english), thats pretty much is broken version of nationalism. [spoiler]that could work hundred years ago, but not in globalisation era[/spoiler]
Nazis fought the Russians and the "Ukranians", being as fake a nation as the Palestinians, have to latch onto anything to go "SEE, SEE WE'RE DIFFERENT" because they're not Russians at all you see even though they are.
wait, ctrl+S doesnt work on Veeky Forums? What the fuck?
Why Hitler got to power?
If everything around you is shit and you are not well educated, then you may take the easy way of populism.
> heart attack
Who died?
Judaism is matrilineal. Besides at best that means he's 25%, which is doubtful because it's unlikely that his grandfather was 100% Jewish. It's funny that retards are trying to apply the one drop rule to Jews.
>Judaism is matrilineal
That's how jewish fairy tale magic works, biology is another matter.
>them sharing a religion is the only evidence I have
>it's inconcievable why Jews would be butthurt about Russians destroying a Jewish state
Russians are responsible for the murder of millions of Ukrainians. Ukrainians were discriminated against in nearly every level of Soviet education and bureaucracy. Chernobyl is probably one of the most glaring examples of the incompetence of Russian rule in the Ukraine.
>B-but they grew most of the food we stole
>We even let them be slaves in our shitty factories
Fuck off Putin shill
You apparently only read the first part of his post. There's a biological argument right after that you retard.
>Jewish state
[citation needed]
Ukraine literally has a smaller economy now than it did in 1991. The only other post-Soviet state that can claim that is Moldova. Even Georgia is doing better. Ukraine can't just keep blaming all of its problems on Russian dominance, because over a dozen other countries have already overcome that burden.
>Ukrainian leads the USSR after Stalin
>fucking gives Crimea, a majority-Russian territory, to Ukrine
Not that guy or even an Ukrainian, but neither Khruschev nor Brezhnev were Ukrainians, both were ethnic Russians just born in the Ukraine.
Same fucking thing
At least be consistent in your arguments.
Why did the US decide to disrupt the whole Ukraine thing anyway?
I heard of McCain's son getting some big contract for gas or whatnot.
What else could it possibly be.
It has fuck all do with natural resources, it's all about naval bases in the Black Sea and power projection.
I wish to be oppressed by Russia like Ukraine was
Nothing. People were tired of corrupt politicians and Russian shills. Stop blaming USA on everything.
>Russians steal land from Kievan Rus
>Russians steal land from Polish Ukraine
>Russians deny Ukrainians Ukrainian land in the east, genocide lokal Ukrainians+Tatars
>Soviets finally give Ukraine some Ukrainian land, still keeping all the Ukrainian land across the Don for themselves
>Systematically kill 7 million Ukrainians with starvation
>But we gave you the land we stole back!!! We're not oppressive at all!!
>Invade Ukraine to steal the land they "gave"
Is there any creature as stupid and hate-filled as the Russian?
Yes, it's a very dumb theory. This symbol was used by rulers of the Kievan Rus' since at least 11th century. It has nothing to do with Ukraine being some Jewish invention. Only a complete idiot (like typical /pol/tard) can believe in such nonsense.
>Russians steal land from Kievan Rus
Russia is Kievan Rus you simple minded degenerate
Ivan btfo
Probably horrified by what they see in eu.
Rus =/= Russia. Modern Russia descends from the Principality of Moscow which were shitty despotic Mongoloids who only rose to prominence because they were the preferred tax collectors for the Golden Horde.
1/4 is rounded down and on top of that he was from father's side and her father abandoned her family
I repeat it again, If you want to spread lies do it elsewhere. We have a great board for the likes of you.
>Low quality bait and shitty knowledge of history
like clockwork
>tfw Novgorod wasn't the impetus for Russia
What could have been different guys?
Nothing, because it would've never happened
t. Ivan the Fag
All education in the Ukrainian SSR was in Ukrainian even if half of Ukraine didn't speak it as a mother language. Russian language literature was impossible to buy in Ukraine too during the soviet days. Lenin forced the people of the donbass to be ukrainians
>At first Uzbeg did not want to empower Moscow. In 1327, the Baskaki Shevkal, cousin of Uzbeg, arrived in Tver from the Horde, with a large retinue. They took up residence at Aleksander's palace. Rumors spread that Shevkal wanted to occupy the throne for himself and introduce Islam to the city. When, on 15 August 1327, the Mongols tried to take a horse from a deacon named Dyudko, he cried for help and a mob of furious people fell on the Tatars and killed them all. Shevkal and his remaining guards were burnt alive. Thus Uzbeg Khan began backing Moscow as the leading Russian state. Ivan I Kalita was granted the title of grand prince and given the right to collect taxes from other Russian potentates. The Khan also sent Ivan at the head of an army of 50,000 soldiers to punish Tver
Kiev Rus was actually a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural state that had nothing to do with Muscovy and later Russia. Their elites were Viking, East Germanic(Gothic remnants) and West Slavic(kiev Polans) - Both genetics, archeology and chronicles confirm it. The main population was East Slavic.
The main nazi presence was in galicia, and these people are distinct from rest of Ukraine but their retarded ideology and values got forced upon all other nationalities living there.
Everyone hates galicians. Poles, Russians, Rusyns, Hungarians, Belarussians, Slovaks, etc. Thats because they've been genocidal scum since their identity was created by austrohungarians and germans as a proxy against Russians.
>People were tired of corrupt politicians and Russian shills.
>proceeds to elect corrupt oligarchs with private armies of thugs
To this day, Tver has less mongol admixture than rest of Russia.
We barely even register Galicians existing, so no beef whatsoever with them.
>Russians steal land from Kievan Rus
Kievan Rus was Russian
>Russians steal land from Polish Ukraine
>Russians deny Ukrainians Ukrainian land in the east, genocide lokal Ukrainians+Tatars
There were only Russians and tatars in east Ukraine. It was a frontiere region. It was tatars who massacred and enslaved slavic peoples and Rus protected all Russians(including ukrainians from them)
>Soviets finally give Ukraine some Ukrainian land, still keeping all the Ukrainian land across the Don for themselves
>Across Don
>across Don
You're truly historically illiterate you retarded svidomi hohol. Im not wasting my time arguing with braindead morons like you. Have fun making your "country" the laughing stock of the world. That is if you don't emigrate to Russia or Poland
Kiev Rus wasn't Russian.
see You turbovatnik.
People from certain places would get pretty fucking triggered if you mentioned Bandera's boys, but yeah, Ukrainians as whole go pretty under the radar.
>same ruling dinasty
>same religion
>same culture
>same people
>even same territories
>different capital
Somehow by you handicapped logic it's a different country now
Except none of what you posted is true.
>Kiev Rus was actually a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural state that had nothing to do with Muscovy and later Russia.
>The Kingdom of Poland was actually a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural state that had nothing to do with the PLC and later Poland.
I hope you get that Russia is a descendant of Rus whether you like it or not and has continued Russian culture, language and statehood
Prove it faggot
Disprove all of this if nothing thats posted is true.
>Russian culture
It has nothing to do with Muscovian culture, you absolute moron.
> and statehood
Russian statehood was established by Mongol hordes.
see You dumb vatniks are worse than Ukrainians when it comes to we-wuzzing.
Kiev Rus culture had nothing to do with Russia or Muscovy, it was more similiar of that of Novogorod, which Muscovy destroyed.
>vatniks are worse than Ukrainians
>ass blast ukranian trying to hide himself
Muscovy existed as a pricnipilaty before mongols you galician shitbrain. Muscovy had the same language as all of Rus. In vafct the dialect spoken in muscovy was far more similar to the language of kievan Rus(old east slavic) than the galician Russian dialect.
>You dumb vatniks
Why do Antonov's and the Kharkov tank factory's(plus millions of ukrs) engineers want to work for the vatniks instead of the glorious EU Roshen chocolate barony?
Also, there were two OUNs OUN(M) was centered around Andrey Melnik, heir of Evhen Konovalets, who was more moderate and openly pro-german, unlike his competitor and leader of OUN (B) - Stepan Bandera, who was pro-german in denial.
>Unironically swallowing Russian propaganda
>Calls others historically illiterate
Kuban and the Don were traditionally populated by Ukranians before Russian genocides
I expected people to start another pol leftypol argument in this thread but I guess if the country isn`t first world people don`t care and stop calling each other racist communist cuck neo nazis.
It's called conquest, sweet-hart. That is what people did to build countries and empires we have now.
>Systematically kill 7 million Ukrainians with starvation
Those years were hard all over the northern hemisphere and Ukrainian regions had the most food. I'd say y letting 7 millions die is better than 80 gorrilions.
Little Russia is a region historically populated by Russians until Hohols were memed into existence.
Nobody cares how it was before the "genocide". All it matters is by whom it was populated right before it was given away for good when USSR rip'd
What legitimate nonukrainian sources are there that there was an ukrainian national identity outside of Don?
>Russian genocides
There is no evidence that krasnodar or the Rostov area ever had native ukrainians or ukrainian speakers. AFAIK historical consensus is that the Ukrainian language of today had native speakers no further than Kiev and that it originated around Ruthenia, hence its old name, Ruthenian language.
>Drinking hohol koolaid this hard
I see you're one of the retards claiming that ancient ukraine existed.
Its ironic that the cradle of ukrainian nazism, Volhynia, was unnaffected by the famine and wasn't even in the USSR.
Well, the Hoholi that got Holod'd were replaced by Moskali.
Goalpost shifting
What demographic evidence is there of mass russian migrations in eastern Ukraine in the 30s?
ukr*inians are the most retarded scum there is
They love to scream "ooga booga kill kike, kill polak" and act like total savages.
Now, a typical stormfag will find this based, but he must remember the fact that the hohol is so dumb he doesn't notice that 80% of politicans whom he helped gain power after Majdan are pure jews funded by American Democratic party.
Also ukrainians act like niggers here. They bring crime and prostitution. Absolute savage degenerates who lost right to call themselves humans long ago
holy shit sorry for racial slurs, thought it was /pol/
The territory of Ukraine was a battlefield during the World War II, and its population, including Russians, significantly decreased. The infrastructure was heavily damaged and it required human and capital resources to be rebuilt. This compounded with depopulation caused by two famines of 1931–1932 and a third in 1947 to leave the territory with a greatly reduced population. A large portion of the wave of new migrants to industrialize, integrate and Sovietize the recently acquired western Ukrainian territories were ethnic Russians who mostly settled around industrial centers and military garrisons.
Tepлюк I.Я.: Pociяни зaхiдних oблacтeй Укpaїни
Don't give it the benefit of being called Ukraine. It's the Ukraine.
Russia basically. Realize that basically anything NATO and the EU (and thus the US) involves itself in in Eastern Europe is done to counter Russia. Remember Trump's speech in Warsaw about "protecting Western values" and shit? Those enemies of western values weren't in reference to radical Islam if you get my meaning.
>Ukranian diaspora not real
>Holodomor? What Holodomor?
Fuck off back to /leftypol/ you faggots
>I suffer on the Ukraine
Leftypol supports Putin?