Alright, just got done reading the whitepaper.
Honestly it has a load of buzzwords and doesn't really expand or go into detail what they want to achieve or what makes their ICO different.
The beginning quote from 'Sir Tim Berners Lee' is pretty retarded
"From the beginning, the world wide web was designed to be decentralized but today, now it's returned to being centralized. What can we do to rectify/reverse this?"
Then it describes the six development stages for TRON, named Exudos, Odyssey, Great Voyage, Apollo, Star Trek, and lastly Eternity.
First stage - Personal security crap and lay foundations for the market transformation
Second stage - Complete setup 4markets
Voyyage - Something about individual ICOs, no idea how to pull some of these phrases they spinned
Apollo - Decentralize crypto trading
Star Trek - Decentralize bitcoins
Eternity - Have the game markets using their currency
tl dr; Expand bitcoin markets, they recognize that games (specifically mobile games) are a good source of income and want to have TRON to also act as a game currency
They believe that currently bitocin and it's markets are still rather centralized and want to further decentralize into some wetdream of Satoshi.
Ask me more if you want, I'll get a chink relative to look at it too.
a btc tip for for decoding moonrunes would be much appreciated: 19Noq8duQjPud3iSBWop24Yabp1t2dWmR2