At what point did humans stop relying solely on mead and wine for hydration and drinking water became the new standard
At what point did humans stop relying solely on mead and wine for hydration and drinking water became the new standard
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They always drank water but they were able to some drink water without diluting wine into it most of the time, once standards for clean water finally picked up close to what we have now.
Only in cities was water quality ever a concern, until we started really fucking up the countryside.
A beverage of more than about 3% alcohol makes a net loss of water, so anything sanitized with alcohol would probably be heavily diluted.
c.1999 bro
The "people in the past didn't drink water" thing is just a meme. It doesn't even make any sense.
>"people in the past didn't drink water"
I drunk water yesterday so I have direct experience that this is nonsense.
10 000 BC I read in a reputable world history encyclopedia.
Furthermore it wasn't even a thing in many other places.
For example: places like East Asia. The Proto-Chinks' penchant for boiling water for tea unknowingly helped deal with most of the bacteria in drinking water. So the meme "wine/beer/alcoholic drink safer than water" didn't occur there.
People also drank herbal teas a lot.
To this day finding clean water sources remains incredibly difficult, millions of children die annually from dysentery due to unclean drinking water and first world countries spend billions in water treatment. What's so hard to believe about people in the past using yeast to kill the bacteria in the water to make a slightly (1-2%) alcoholic drink that is safe?
The problem in Africa is that is very dry. There are comparatively fewer water sources over there than in Europe (which means people will have to walk further to get to water) and most of the water is stagnant (which means that there is a greater chance of the water being infected).
TL;DR Europe ! = Africa
People used to die of dysentry in Europe and the Americas a lot as well. It was a great problem even until the Napoleonic Era, inclusive. Soldiers shat themselves to death all the time.
Mainly in cities and army camps, where the population density outran sanitation measures. Especially bad in the 18th and early 19th centuries, when populations got large, but the germ theory hadn't been accepted.
outside of alcohol what drinks for filled the role of soft drinks today during ancient times?
Did the ancient world and medieval world make use of fruit juice or drinks purely for flavor?
There's records of new water pipes being built in 14th century London that specifically state that they're to bring water for household chores of the better off and as drinking water for the poorer.
Until the Second Industrial Revolution happened and started polluting everything.
Listen to this song.
>she could still drink from the Elbe without getting sick
People living in the countryside drank from wells and rivers. Also boiling water. Fucking europeans god damnit, they all buy bottled water when they just could buy a filter and boil their tap water.
>for filled
jesus christ
Probably. It's not like juice is a modern thing. Also, boiling things like cinammon or clover.
>Fucking europeans god damnit, they all buy bottled water
They don't?
In Germany and Austria they all buy bottled water.
Nobody drinks bottled water here because tap water is safe to drink except in the very largest cities like zurich and geneve
Oh shit I fucked up then. Guess I only know people who buy bottled water. Might be because most of my friends are immigrants.
you named two countries out of 50, that really sounds the same as " fucking europeans all buy bottled water"
aversion to tap water is is a regional matter, not country-wide, there are places where I wouldn't touch tap water and then there are places where I would drink from a puddle
some populations also simply got hooked onto the carbonated jew
there is no way in hell I'm paying the price of 200 liters of fresh water for a liter an half bottle of the same shit with added bubbles
holy shit why are you upset that I said "fucking europeans"?
Also, I noticed something
>talk to people who drink carbonated water
>"Non carbonated water tastes like piss"
>talk to people who drink non carbonated water
>"Carbonated water tastes like vomit"
I can't drink carbonated water, is fucking horrible. Is it an acquired taste?
>holy shit why are you upset that I said "fucking europeans"?
because it's half a billion people separated by a shitload of borders, who live and act very differently from each other depending on where exactly is it
I didn't take it as personal insult, but as flawed logic
>Is it an acquired taste?
I can drink both, just choose to drink non-bubbly shit for economic reasons, so I can't really answer that.
Wrong. They buy carbonated water almost exclusively. I was even made fun of for buying bottled water there. They even have many different degrees of carbonated water. I guess it helps them with digestion
You mean white Europeans?
Mead is made from Honey.
Mead was (and still is) relatively expensive.
Commoners have never used Mead as a primary source of hydration and might never drink Mead in their lifetimes,
Pretty simple really.
>John Quincy Adams is not amused.
Since humans existed
I know that nordic tribes used to purify water in a copper vase overnight, that knowledge was lost after christians took over though.
*christian ways took over
t. Varg