Was he a hero, or a traitor? Was his idea of National Socialism better than Hitler's, or not?
Was he a hero, or a traitor? Was his idea of National Socialism better than Hitler's, or not?
Judge yourself
Hitler was the traitor. He went from a genuine national socialist to a guy who sucked up to the industrialists and aristocrats he initially loathed. As for national socialism, the guy had it figured out the best was Ernst Rohm. Hitler was cucking on the issue of capitalism, while Strasser was cucking on the issue of Jews. Rohm wasn't cucking on either, he was the most radical national socialist of the three.
Adi seems to had been a crypto-liberal judging by this quote.
I've always knew that Strasser was the good guy.
We must remove capitalism and promote nationalism.
To further elaborate on this - both Strasser and Hitler viewed the Jews as a group of treacherous scoundrels, materialists and parasites. The difference was that Strasser grew to believe the root of the Jewish problem was capitalism - that capitalism enabled Jews to act like Jews. While Hitler grew to believe the problem were Jews themselves, as evidenced by the USSR where the Jews committed numerous atrocities despite the regime not being capitalist.
Furthermore, once Strasser brothers got BTFO and Strasserism faded into irrelevance in Germany, Hitler had full control and at this point we shouldn't even call it national socialism, we should call it Hitlerism. It became pretty much just Führerprinzip on steroids and evolved into a narcisssistic Hitler cult, and Hitler surrounded himself by people based on their amount of sycophancy and flattery rather than merit and ideological purity. My main problem with Führerprinzip is that human beings are inherently flawed, and even a really gifted individual like Hitler wasn't devoid of corruption and power craze.
This is why I prefer Ernst Rohm to both Hitler and Strasser. Rohm wanted a second revolution, to create NATIONAL SOCIALIST Germany free of capitalists, free of reactionaries, and most importantly free of the Jews.
>inb4 but he was a faggot!
Indeed he was a fag, but that was his personal moral flaw, not an ideological flaw. He didn't have many ideological flaws.
Seem like stalin, hittler liked to purge they own brethren for power.
At least we can agree how utterly idiotic libertarianism is.
>Says as he posts a DA JOOS image
Really makes me think.
Strasserists didn't base their politics on "DA JOOS" unlike Hitler. They've seen a Jewish problem as a result of capitalism.
What is even your point?
I'm talking about the image that poster posted. It literally has the Happy Merchant meme on it which needless to say is an anti-semitic meme.
>to a guy who sucked up to the industrialists and aristocrats
because reichswehr could have easily pushed his shit, hitler had to kill of the SA otherwise they would have never allowed him to seize power
all the higher ups in the reichswehr hated hitlers guts but they knew it was either him, communism or total chaos in those desperate times
also röhm was a pedophile & a faggot anyway
the only alternative to capitalism is communism
Because simple minded people like moronic simplifications.
By 1488 orders of magnitude.
But he still didn't go far enough, we need full NAZBOL.
He was also redpilled on the BPQ (boipucci question)
Fuck off /leftypol/.
>the only thing people remember about Rohm is that he was a fag
Kind of sad really. Like Hitler said, he was a leader of a band of warriors and not a moral institution.
SA would've destroyed the Reichswehr had Hitler backed them. A lot of the soldiers would've probably defected to their side as well.
Hitler was a lot more capitalist, but it was for pragmatic reasons. He got a lot of funds and support from industrialists who hated what Strasser and the more socialist sect wanted. Them and generals and officials who wanted the old empire back instead of a republic sided with Hitler.
>Fuck off /leftypol/.
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>Get told to go back to /leftypol/
Being NazBol is suffering.
If wanting to fuck this is gay I don't want to be straight. Everything about this is feminine.