Is it accurate to say that Gaddafi was the Kramer of dictators?
Is it accurate to say that Gaddafi was the Kramer of dictators?
Did Gaddafi say n***** (nigger)?
who was Seinfeld then?
Real question is however, who was the George Costanza of dictators?
My father worked in Libya for more than a decade under Gaddafi's rule. There were tons of westerners working in Libya. Gaddafi was a good guy. Libya was peaceful and safe. There were even lots of Catholic nuns all over Libya and the Catholic Church in Libya had a very good rapport with Gaddaif. He wasn't a dictator at all. He just killed the jihadists.
Clinton/Obama propaganda made him like like some kind of monster and all his western "allies" betrayed him like the cunts that they are and now Libya is ruined. And that other cunt, Sarkozy needs a mention as well. Fuck him too.
In show, Castro is the Steinbrenner of dictators and uses the same mannerisms as his character.
Mussolini. Even looked like him, lol.
>He wasn't a dictator at all
you mean besides that he ruled as a dictator? if you want to defend his rule, fine, but don't deny the government type just because it has a negative connotation
So Adam Curtis wasn't bullshitting?
Kollontai is the Elaine of dictators or Bolsheviks or whatever.
I just meant that he wasn't a blood thirsty villain who just random disappeared people and tortured them.
He was indeed a dictator but for a country like Libya, that's the best you can hope for. You cannot have democracy in a country with a large percentage of easily radicalized Muslims. Just look at fucking Turkey.
I don't know who Adam Curtis is. What I know is that all European governments were having meeting with Gaddafi as buddies up till the same year when they decided to bomb the shit out of him. To us he was this weird quirky guy that gave us cheap oil.
And then suddenly he's a monster. Like what the fuck? The propaganda was beyond ridiculous. Like, they were kissing his cheek last week and now they are calling him a monster.
As far as dictators go, he was was the best we could have hoped for. He treated all westerners in Libya really well. The westerners working there didn't want revolt. They loved him. He brought safety and stability. Most of them lost considerable sums of money because of this whole thing because they had business there that are now lost.
Unironically this! Gaddafi may have supported terrorists in the past including revolutionary terrorist groups but he was a necessary evil for Libya. Thanks to him, Libya was one of the most prosperous countries in Africa.
Most likely or whatever equivalent lol.
>Seems nice
>actually crippled by self loathing and insecurities
>Good at 'boring' work
>actually the most sociopathic of the group
>still has to deal with calls from his mom
Mussolini would be a good George. Let's make Jerry Hitler.
>So did you go on the date with her, Adolf?
>Yah, but I was instantly put off.
>What, was it another Jew?
>Oh I wish Benny, I wish, but no it was worse.
>What could be worse than a Jew!?
>She... she..
>Well spit it out Führer!
>She ate with her mouth open Benny, I just couldn't do it. I tried, I really did. But I just could not take staring at her opening her mouth over and over and over again! I was going to go insane!
>So what, did you do that thing I told you to?
>Yah, went to the bathroom, but over the windows was a cage with a note saying "you aren't getting out of your date that easily."
>*Knock at the door*
>*Hitler opens door*
>Hello Adolf
>Hello... Stalin.
Was the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 the "Summer of George?"
Look up Francafrique, Sarkozy got autistic about Libya's Pan-African views gaining influence in Franciphone Africa. Gotta keep my sphere of influence. Ended up roping Hillary along and just dropped the ball and left when they toppled the guy. Fuck the frogs
Stalin doesn't strike me as a George. He's too productive, too successful, and not nearly as prone to spaz attacks.
Tell me, who could you see yelling about Lloyd Braun being able to sell computers better than him, Mussolini or Stalin? I vote Benny.
Benito was too alpha to be George. Mussolini was basically the Chad of Italy. Gregarious, outgoing and with a sense of the comedic.
I can see Stalin stewing for weeks to tell Trotsky 'the Jerk store called, they're all out of you.' And then Trotsky easily rebuffing him and the entire politburo laughs at him.
What about Idi Amin?
>>Fuck the frogs.
I can not stress that enough how fucked up France was towards Libya. Fuck them to hell. They are the reason why a fucking refugee crisis began.
Gaddafi and Mickey get into trouble on a PanAm flight. Joe's new community garden spells bad news for ethnic Ukrainians. A crampt Adolf eyes his neighbors' living space.
>I can see Stalin stewing for weeks to tell Trotsky 'the Jerk store called, they're all out of you.' And then Trotsky easily rebuffing him and the entire politburo laughs at him.
>implying this didn't happen for real
Were Khruschev and Mao Beavis and Butthead?
Unironically this. Everyone in southern europe with a grasp in politics knows this. Gaddafi was a good friend of the old king of Spain for example.
Yes fuck the frogs and fuck Manletzy. However, let's not forget that grand american delusions of interventionism played a role too. Hillary and Obama still have the main blame on their shouders if only because the whole thing would've not happened without them (while the french alone would've been unable to put their noses in Libya).
It seems like you're trying to tie this to America's left-liberals; don't imply that McCain wouldn't have jumped into Libya just as eagerly if not more.
Sometimes you need a dictator because the alternative is worse. Between the semi-authoritarian regime of the Mullahs in Iran verses the MEK Marxist-Islamists, I will take the Mullahs.
>not the Georga of dictators
Except Italy, apparently.
In fact, bullshit with Berlusconi aside, we essentially hoped to go in ourselves to topple it and get a favorable regime ourselves. then France arrived, destroyed, left, and essentially forced us to do it the long and hard way.
>implying this is even a question
>He wasn't a dictator at all
You mean tyrant, and even then it's subjective. If you were someone who benefited from his regime, you probablt wouldn't consider him to be one even if he literally persecuted the rest of the country.