Join us at the 4CC! We're playing against s4s in the first finals we've made it to! The cup is easy to find, just go to the implyingrigged website and click on the smashcast link. Help us cheer his on!
The 4CC
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We elite nao
4cc? s4s? wtf is this lingo?
The new >H>R>E blender looks quite good
You're the best board in your group.
Hello L*dditor. Seems like you're lost, but I'm sure you know you're way back.
I'm fuckin hyped.
Woooooooooooo! 1-0!
based Bismarck
Germanic people = united
>Veeky Forums goalkeeping strikes again
WOOOOOOOOO!!!! No worries, >H>R>E will bail us out!
With a beautiful tap in volley
good doubles
good triples
>Bismarck scores
>British grenadiers plays
"Veeky Forums is a shit board. Into the trash it goes. Im a big guy, for you"-Otto von Bismarck
" I hate Veeky Forumstorians who disagree with me but i hate other boards more" - Otto von Bismarck
I hope Bomber Harris scores the last goal.
not the winning one, just the last one.
Naw, I want >H>R>E to get another 5 goals.
Newfag here, what's 4CC?
This link'll answer your questions
Simulated football matches in PES between teams made up by each board. Just go to implyingrigged
But it Bomber Harris gets the last goal when the game is already won, then it will be just like Dresden.
Why are there 5 germans on the Veeky Forums team?
at least 2 of them are counteracted by Bomber Harris
He's been doing a good job tripping up s4s as it is, honestly. Even if he doesn't make a goal he's been one of our top players.
Veeky Forums cup, it's some gay fifa thing, and apparently we're fighting against the mighty memers of /s4s, the board.
Actually fuck you.
>moderators discussing the effectiveness of the atomic bombing of Japan
>nobody mentions the Soviet invasion of Manchuriua
But to be fair, nobody really does. Plus the Soviet Pacific fleet wasn't that strong. I'm sure the Japanese remembered the fiasco of the Russo-Japanese war with the Pacific fleet and the Baltic fleet trying to reinforce them.
Veeky Forums WINS! Veeky Forums WINS
Take this babby cup shit to the meta thread you pure weapons-grade faggot.
this was nice game
you are nice team
good doubles
based on /asp/ and /wg/ performance, we could easily come top of the group here
Veeky Forums is bad team
This was neither nice nor historically accurate -and you know it!
Fuckin won boys. Just gotta do it again on Sunday against /wg/
The loss of Manchuria really did a number on Japan's production of raw resources and made the military situation in China untenable. Its impact can't be overstated.
and now: cannons
Based on today, I'd say /wg/ is the most likely winner of this group.
True, but that was mostly the Red Army that did that, largest army the world's seen.
And yes, those cannons though.
Traditionally, Japan had strong fleet and terrible army, as demonstrated by "small victorious war" when Russian fleet was destroyed but the army kept retreating only because of its overly protective commander, often when Japanese forces were on the last breathe.
Soviet operation Manchuria pretty much left Japan without a million-strong army on the continent.
/asp/ did get a red card though
Really, if we can repeat that performance in the next 2 games, then we can expect to advance, which should be the minimal goal for a newly promoted team
Who was cumming at the end of the 1812 Overture?
Should someone make a new 4cc thread for our game on sunday, or should we just try to keep this one alive?
Maybe we should just see if it's still there in 2 days. There is no point in bumping threads that serve no purpose.
do we have a team discord Veeky Forums?