Why is the influence of Christianity declining in the US?
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The US was never christian in the first place. There were a few protestant heretics, but christianity has never been a thing there.
It's not, you're importing Catholics by the boatload.
Still better than importing Muslims like Europe is.
Why does every christian related thread turn in to Proestants and Catholics bashing each other? Even the Greeks are better mannered than us by now.
the religion of americans has always been capitalism and its prophets are bankers.
Science and education.
>Hurr durr christians so dumb, atheists so enlightened!
from the media
I wonder (((who))) is behind this trend?
Abiogenesis is still a mystery you fool.
Because people have a strong background in STEM nowadays. And with that education, logic has a strong influence. And most religions, including christianity, are not logical, but faith based, and therefore, weak.
A young, fresh and cherry STEM student walks into the halls of a sterile English department with his head held high. Stern and with a proud heave, he bellows through the cavern at the beanie-sporters scattered through the hall:
Seven fragrant dreadlocked beards spew coffee from their continental gullets. Free-range hens shuffle out a window somewhere.
An emergency evacuation is called. Afghan clogs stuff the exit. Native tears are shed. A triad of cauldrons full to brim with boiling kamquat loose their bellies with a fever on the frantic patrons all around. The shelves are raided. Looters stuffing oriental knapsacks leave no kitsch untouched.
From the roaring depths of chaos in the halls, through sheets of stirring fire: calm and rigid comes up looming in the haze a stoic English professor, tailored suit to keen perfection, forty thousand pages full of Marx and further reading in an unstained palm.
Expressionless, with firm phenomenologic hold on mind and body, he whispers to the STEM student, currently engaged in evil laughter:
"What would you rather study, child?"
The student is hushed. Voiceless. The man has snared his subjectivity entirely.
"Nature - or the nature of nature?"
Of an instant all the place is silent. In the corner, captive underneath the groins of several existential theists, one brave soul begins to clap. Soon the place is flooded with cheer.
The next day, all sciences were cancelled nationwide. The shells of disenfranchised rockets sheltered lonely bohemians everywhere. All was well.
>missing the opportunity to make a prophet/profit pun
Cultural pastime
America's only god is America. Most American "Christians" believe the constitution should be part of the bible and that Jesus was some sort of liberal who loved individualism, free market capitalism, bombing children, and sodomy. America is the Babylon the Great.
fucked up if true
Cultural Marxism
>The evil jew is preventing America to worship the "King of Jews"
America is Sodom.
Sodom was just a degenerate cesspool. America is beyond Sodom; America is actively and maliciously trying to spread perversion to the entire world. Americans will not quit until everyone is just as debased and Godless as they are. Even it's founding was a revolt against the divine order. It is the Great Satan.
No, the heresy of Americanism is very prevalent among American "Catholics", user.
This is objectively wrong.
The dumbing down of catechism studies.
Capitalism mingled with religion and the free market is fixing it.