Whats the most interesting/bizzare ideology you know of? Not necessarily something you like or agree with, just something you find fascinating and/or weird.
>you're all just gonna post ancap aren't you?
Whats the most interesting/bizzare ideology you know of? Not necessarily something you like or agree with, just something you find fascinating and/or weird.
>you're all just gonna post ancap aren't you?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally any possible solution to the hard problem of consciousness
It makes complete sense, it's just not feasible.
Everything that is diagnoses modern civilization is true, but the kicker is that we already have progressed and we can't go back.
Anyone who attempts to revert will not be able to materially compete with advanced civilizations.
My only hope is that someday human advancement becomes more than just things that allow us to grow as a species in number/power/economics but things that make life worth living after we've lost our purpose (survival).
Everything that is diagnoses modern civilization as having or creating is true*
Super Calvinism
>posting Emerson's turbo-autistic beta orbiter hippie faggot
Queer/Trans/Feminist Anarchism
Italian Fascism
Republican Spain
Iranian Shahdom
Post Meiji isolationism
Ainu Nationalism
Process Church of the Final Judgment.
Esoteric Hitlerism
>hurr there's a 1 in a trillion1111111111 chance that this all happened exactly the way it did by chance, but I still don't believe in God
Rather bizzare honestly, how someone could think that.
>Republican Spain
>Iranian Shahdom
>Post Meiji isolationism
>Ainu Nationalism
Whats so odd about these?
Postscarcity Finno-Ugric National Trans-Maoism (2nd Wave) :DDDDD
>if god is omnipowerful, omniscient and omnibenevolent how can evil exist?
He allows evil to exist. We have freewill
>He allows evil to exist. We have freewill
Why, though? What purpose does that serve? And if we have free will, doesn't that mean we're outside of gods control and he's therefore not omnipotent?
A child gets to pick his birthday cake. He has a choice between the delicious chocolate cake and the disgusting carrot cake. If he chooses the chocolate cake, he knows that he got a good tasting cake because he can use the bad carrot cake as a reference point. If there's only one cake to choose from, there's no way to tell whether it's good or bad.
If there was nothing in the whole universe but this chocolate cake, there would be no objective goodness or badness to it. Nothing to compare it to. Good only exists when evil exists, and unless we have the free will to make good decisions what's the point of "good?" It cannot exist, nothing can be good when there is no alternative option to be bad.
That was a shit example and with some time I can refine my talking point but it's 2AM. Fuck you, God exists, whether He is the Abrahamic God or not is debatable (I say yes, others say no, I respect their opinions) but there isn't just "nothing." Define nothing.
If god is omnipotent, why does he need evil as a contrast to good? Why can't good exist on its own simply because he wants it to?
I should probably qualify; I'm not an atheist, I'm agnostic. I think that if there is a higher power its not anything like any earthly being thinks it is and thats theres no point in worshipping it.
How do you know that's what He wants? How do you know He didn't give us the potential to be evil so that we can make that choice to do good, as I explained? Obviously He wanted that since we do have the free will to do so.
Yeah but why though? The only reason I can think of for that would be if he was simply bored and wanted to see what we'd do - which doesn't strike me as omnibenevolent.
Bitches don't know about based Posadism.
Oh, definitely Posadism. It was created by some Argentinian (?) Trotskyist who believed that since humans were capital, that it would be impossible to destroy capitalism, which is why this ideology necessitates the belief in aliens and UFOs to come and save humanity from itself by killing it through nuclear warfare. This guy also thought that it was possible to communicate with dolphins, for some reason.
National syndicalism and neoconservativism are probably the most counter-intuitive.
Anarcho-capitalism as well, when you consider that the anarchist movement started when anti-capitalists identified the ways in which the state upholds private property.
>Anyone who attempts to revert will not be able to materially compete with advanced civilizations.
What if you use advanced technology to destroy advanced technology then destroy yours after?
>we can't go back
This is what atheists actually believe.
No, read some fucking philsophy you reddit-regurgitator.
grEEK memes don't apply to post-grEEK theology.
You are an atheist. All that have abandoned God are atheists, including the majority of theists.
Anything called "Anarcho-somethingsomething". If it's anarchism with super special conditions it isn't anarchism. I don't understand how people can have such a hard time to grasp what anarchism is.
>i can imagine the thoughts of a being that does not necessarily think and is completely beyond comprehension
Fucking grEEKs...
Opinion on anarcho-capitalism?
That's correct though, but instead of aliens we need God to save us.
That isn't true. Certain anarchic ideologies necessitate ideological nuance so as to supercede the possibility of artificial, illegitimate authority arising. Such authority structures arise even from anarchic ideologies which are repulsed by the concept of hierarchy. Anarcho-capitalism needs the least nuance because consenting humans, left to their own devices, would conduct spontaneous transactions between one another anyway. This is the structure of anarchy.
> implying that humans need to be saved
I was fine with the other two, they actually explained themselves and were pretty civil about it. If this is all you do, there's no point in acknowledging your existence. Fuck off.
Anyway, to actually contribute to this thread and not just stir up debates, I'd say the weirdest one I know of would be Sorelianism.
t. humanist
Eat shit, secular.
>civility is good
Ressentiment at its finest.
Incredible counter. Gotta say I'm proud of the immortal refutations of the theists.
I'm not playing by your reddit games, childoboy. 'refutation' is for children clinging to grEEK memes.
By far
Exactly what does this redditor mean by this?
I mean, the ideas behind neoconservatism make sense. The idea that democracies don't go to war with each other isn't really that edgy.
Refutation is how I know you're right about what you're asserting, unless you have no rational reason to believe what you do, in which case you might as well not argue.
>I can just hand wave any criticisms or logical inconsistencies by saying nanana God's smarter than you
You're a fucking idiot
Capitalists can do all the bad shit states do. Anarcho-capitalism is a really unnecessary ideology, just repeating the arguments of extreme liberals from a century earlier but updating their language to reference the modern economy.
The state conducts business by way of the initiation of physical aggression/coercion. Capitalists have incentive to innovate their private policies, products and services for the good of their customer. The capitalists aren't nearly as bad as the state. Do you even know anything about economics?
You're the redditor, grEEK-lover.
>this is what humanists actually believe
I am right because I am. Rationality is a Platonist meme. No, child, thinking really hard about something won't reveal some 'secret truth' about it. You won't recollect your knowledge of its Form, you'll just delude yourself into thinking you have because you've been infected by grEEK memes.
>logic is good becuz reddit sed it
>christianity is just a helenized version of judaism
Your argument is circular and incoherent. I won't say its incomplete because I'm not even sure if you're posing an argument. The only way to know anything is to question it until it is unable to be questioned. You can be lazy and tell me you only know things because "you do", that is they're convenient for you to know, but it doesn't help me understand you or your ideology. So, if you're really convinced you're right, go ahead. Red-pill me. Speak clearly and logically.
I'm actually right. Because I am. You're wrong and I'm right. You can't prove me wrong because that would take logic, reasoning and arguments, and those are dumb.
Explain why logic, reasoning and arguments are dumb, please. I'm so interested in hearing what a theist has to say about this.
It's not, this is a grEEK and general grEEK suckoff meme.
>logic is good becuz reddit sed it
Eat my shit, lizard king. Why should I care if circularity and incoherence (a nonentity btw, you stupid dualist) offends you?
>The only way to know anything is to question it until it is unable to be questioned
Platonist ideology.
Quick rundown: you're so terribly assinflamed because I'm not allowing you to reduce me to a meme.
>Speak clearly and logically.
*nglo ideology
None of those things 'prove' anything you fucking Burger. Put simply, you've been marinated in ideology. The only escape is to trash yourself.
>I know everything because a book written by a bunch of greek and roman dudes about their Monad-ripoff tells me so
Knowledge is nonexistent.
>a book written by a bunch of greek and roman dudes about their Monad-ripoff tells me so
Reddit meme.
Oh, I get it. You're a fucking gnostic. Alright, dude, get off my fuckin' property.
I"m not a gnostic, it is more likely that you are, Platonist.
I know you're an idiot, because I know it. But also because it's unequivocally evident. Shut the fuck up.
Why are you so upset? Burger, you are flipping!
He wants us to worship him of our own free will and not by being forced to.
No, he's done things to and for humans in the past directly and through the Holy Spirit.
Just leave the crazy person alone, man.
Okay, but why does he want us to worship him of free will? And if he cares so much about it, why does he use the Holy Spirit to control us?
Hell, if we wanted us to choose between good and evil, why did he flip out about the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil being eaten?
Going the wrong direction. The real goal is forcing the fight for survival back on people. Struggle is the only think that prevents human societies from stagnating and degenerating. Pit them against each other, pit them against nature, pit them against aliums. Whatever.
Recommended read. The conclusions are shitty because they falsely attribute them to overpopulation, which is directly contradicted when they note that there was plenty of room for more mice. This is what happens with survival is assured.
It's worth noting that humans are not unique in this regard. Just about any product of evolution, especially the more intelligent ones that form complex societies, will be this way. Evolution made us this way and without altering the very nature of our species we need to play the game with the pieces we have
>rationalizing a being beyond comprehension
>appealing to ignorance
Guess which one of you is making the more egregious error?
>muh lawwwwwwjik
Eat shit.
You're trying to make an argument. How do you intend to avoid logic in the course of doing so? If we assume everything you believe is correct, it's still unfair to expect people to be convinced just because you say so. Even if it's a terrible argument it should still be compelling. Throwing up your arms and saying we can't understand him so don't try is neither compelling or a good way to make a logical argument
This, tbqh.
Loguc doesn't exist. There is only god and what he wills. Therefore you are god's imaginar friend, who is having an argument with god's imaginary friend, on a pretend computer accessing a pretend system called the internet,
>God is a full autist
No I'm not. Stop forcing me into your memes.
I only care about image: the adjective
Logic is for the dead.
No, you're the fucking autistic one.
You don't even exist.
I'm sorry, but the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I disagree with you and your Jewish-Monad Hybrid Monster, so I'm going to will you out of existence now.
What is your purpose in arguing with people here if you are not trying to convince them of something? If you're really claiming that you're doing this for any other reason you're a veritable retard. If you're trying to convince people but don't care if what you say is compelling or reasonable, you're still a retard
You're going to have to forgive me, I've either misunderstood or you've miscommunicated
>I only care about image: the adjective
This doesn't make sense no matter how I read it. Image isn't an adjective, to start. And I don't know how else this vacuous statement could be read.
OP already mentioned ancaps
>anarcho-(anything not capitalism)
Drain bramage
Redditors are delusional and fucking illiterate, wonderful.
>ledditor bringing his imaginary friends into every unrelated topic
Seek professional help, m8.
Spouting memes and namecalling is the best christfags can do apparently. I hope there are Christians in this thread with the decency to feel ashamed of sharing a faith with you
Here's a tip. If I'm retarded, you can't make me feel bad by calling me retarded. Only by showing your superiority by explaining in detail what a retarded redditor I am will you humiliate me. Please be merciful, oh wise one, for I am but a misguided sinner who scorns the love of God out of fear and ignorance
Why would I care? Stop stroking your ego, child. Holy fucking shit are you delusional.
You started this what the fuck are you even talking about?
Prove that God exists and the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't
>ha, I don't care about you
>proceeds to throw more worn out insults
I wonder what you'll say next to show me how uninterested you are. I'll even give you the last word. A perfect opportunity to bring out the big guns and tell me why what I said earlier was wrong. I won't even be able to respond to it so it's the perfect chance to break out your silly rhetoric. Nobody will point out it's silly and you can go to bed feeling like you won something, even if you're not sure what
It manages to check all the boxes that qualify it as Christianity, then runs wild with everything else. Vicariously wewuzzing the Indians as Jews, polygamy (in a society where it was already anathema), the belief that Jesus would come again in Missouri, prophets for a God that everyone believed didn't need any more of, thinking that humans can reach God's level ("as man now is, God once was; as God now is, man may be"), postmortem baptism, it just goes on and on.
>Capitalists have incentive to innovate their private policies, products and services for the good of their customer.
Historically they don't though, unless in a framework of public/civic pressure. Markets stagnate without forced competition/anti-trust work. It's the same as arguing that the Statists are better than capitalists because governments are always beholden to the governed.
>The capitalists aren't nearly as bad as the state.
Flat-out opinion, not backed up by statistics or history
>Do you even know anything about economics?
Do you?
Neo-Fedualism. Just call yourself ancaps, there is no difference
Stop posting your fucking memes.
Explain what anarcho-capitalism is then tell me why neo-feudalism is the same thing. I think you're just spouting memes, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt
>reading comprehension
nraid eramagb
Proponents of unrestricted capitalism don't even understand what capital as a concept implies. Using wealth of a sort to create more wealth means things tend towards consolidation in a fundamental way. Differing capital means asymmetrical playing fields. Purists can only address this by assuming that getting a large market share or otherwise dominating will make you lazy, or that there is an infinite supply of 'better' ideas that will dethrone the monopoly. Some think that there are no levers for a monopoly to pull without government regulation they encouraged. I'll refute that right here with one of the most basic examples. Regional pricing. Drop prices where a new business sets up shop. Absorb the losses since your operation is already massive and that locality represents a fraction of your coverage.
We can endlessly discuss exactly how much intervention or regulation is needed, but that some bare minimum is necessary is beyond obvious
Use different words if you mean different things. Do you want me to hold our hand and wipe your ass for you in addition to helping you properly communicate?
See the image
Anyway, you've admitted that you're not trying to make a point or prove anything, so this is just pointless arguing. I'm pretty sure you're just a troll, or maybe just an incredibly pathetic christfag, but whatever the answer is I'm done wasting time.
Enjoy "winning" user
Fuck off, child. I have my own specialized vocabulary and use every word fairly carefully.
>antyhing i dont liek is le troll!!!!
Fuck off back to your milquetoast hugbox.
I'm honestly wondering if that whole exchange between myself and him was just low effort trolling. If so I can say I'm not annoyed because I can appreciate a job well done.
Anyway, it's funny how every thread where religion is even remotely relevant turns into a tipping contest between Christians and atheists
>specialized vocabulary
If you have a unique lexicon it'd be helpful to everyone trying to comprehend your drivel if you'd describe what the words you're incorrectly using actually mean to you.
I'm not incorrectly using any word, you redditor.
Learn what context is. Do you even read?
Context only known to you isn't useful to anyone else. When you use a word in an unconventional way, it might be established in one place, but nowhere else. Calling me a redditor is a meaningless insult outside of Veeky Forums for instance. Do you understand what context is? Just because a word means something to you because of vapid reason #1 and vapid reason #2 doesn't mean that when you use it other people will interpret it the way you want them to, "you redditor" (whatever that means in this context)
Fuck off, pragmatist.
The problem with anarchists, communists and right-wing libertarian types is that they don't get that humans are a species that live in groups to survive. Any group needs rules that govern interactions to function and thus survive, and those rules can only exist if there is some ability to enforce them. Any population size that exceeds the ability for everyone to know everyone else personally, and thus operate using simple social pressures, must create a codified impersonal system of rules to be administered consistently. This of course necessitates an authority ,whether democratic or authoritarian, to decide upon and enforce those rules and WHOOPS! you have a government. Libertarians, Communists, and Anarchists wanting to get rid of government and states are like Ant's going without a colony or Bee's without a hive. You can't get rid of states without getting rid of humans because states whether democratic or tyrannical are an integral part of human social behavior.
The Conservative Revolution in Weimar Germany was pretty interesting.