How similar is Witcher lore in comparison to polish mythology and history?
How similar is Witcher lore in comparison to polish mythology and history?
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Not as heavy as you may think.
The Elves are almost completely based on Irish mythology in terms of language and their culture.
The Skelligers are Norse and Irish.
The North is broadly slavic, with many of the Monsters being based on slavic legendary creatures. But overall the North is indeed pretty slavic.
Yeah man Novigrad was Holy Roman Emperor at one point
It's just polish lord of the rings
it's not really "polish"
i feel it's more like pre-christian northern poland, northeastern germany and baltics
its like LOTR but sometimes you have to squat and fix broken toilets.
It has nothing to do with polish mythology.
It's based on the Arthurian legends and fairy tales
>elves are based on irish
The whole "le witcher is le slavic" meme was made up by cd projekt's marketing shills to make the game appealing to gopniks and dumb american redditors ("I play this super obscure game from eastern europe, you probably never heard of it").
The biggest influence on Witcher lore is very obviously celtic mythology and the matter of England. Also, Henryk Sienkiewicz.
"Eastern European" has no appeal except to really autistic westerners
They all have Celtic names
There's an elf in Gwent whose name literally means "wolf wolflord" in Irish lmao
mainly slavic folk tales and monsters, entire blood and wine main questline for example is basically tribute to one of polish stories
there is also shitload of references to polish culture that are probably lost in english version
not much
i guess radovid can be compared to polish kang Boleslaw the brave but he was charismatic guy instead of going full psycho
Not B&W, but Hearts of Stone.
There are a lot of reddity references, a lot of them to literature, the entire Nilfgaard vs Radovid situation in W3 seems like it was influenced by late WW2 and the partisans in Poland. Slavic aspects manifests themselves more in general setting and atmosphere, rather than mythology, since Slavic religion has been forgotten.
It's your classic fantasy world mainly inspired by celto-germanic traditions, although better constructed than your average setting made by some nerd to play D&D with friends. The writer is polish, so some additions have a polish/slavic taste (some slavic monsters, some slavic politics).
Autistic westeners form the main market for the videogame industry.
Elves are norse obviously but the Witcher elves are culturally and language wise pretty much Irish.
>Autistic westeners form the main market for the videogame industry.
Nope. Plebs are.
Hence the big-budget dumbed-down WWI shooter with cockloads of automatic infantry weapons.
"Plebs" don't play games about swords and elves, that's gay. They play shooters and sports games.
Novigrad is literally Danzig.
Bloody Baron's castel is Polish Biskupin.
Nilfgaardians are HRE/Nazi/Byzantine mix.
Their campaign in the North is literally Operation Barbarossa.
>Army Centrum
>They've conquered a lot of North really fast
>Now they have troubles with supplies and crisis at home
Just like Nazi Germany.
Besides, they look like Western Germans.
I know some of the cucks here will deny that the game or books have fuckall in common with the real world, since the author said so, but he's not telling the truth.
>cuckold Vampires
>crossdressing Elves
>only brown person actually works
very similar
Gay weeb shit. Grandpa shit too.
>to do with polish mythology
Elf/Dwarf/Manshit is literally pleb fantasy.
>It's based on the Arthurian legends
Arthurian legends are based on Scythians/Sarmatians and Alans. People that have close connections with Slavic people culturally and genetically as well.
Pleb among nerds doesn't make you pleb among normalfags.
What is your problem? Almost every genetic study confirms that Indo-Iranians and Balto-Slavs share connection.
>comparing fantasy roman inspired empire to nazis
wew lad
>I know some of the cucks here will deny that the game or books have fuckall in common with the real world, since the author said so, but he's not telling the truth.
except that he literally stated that not a single country in witcher world was inspired by real life kingdoms with exception of nilfgaard (who were inspired by rome)
>muh sarmatia
Ahh, so you're a polack. That explains it.
I already did the >inb4
It's a mix, not comparing Roman Empire to Nazis or HRE.
To add to it.
>Nilfgaardian soliders are forbidden to have sex with Nordling women(just like Wehrmacht with Slavs, except they didn't give a shit)
>Le Nuuurd XD
Warcraft is literally the normiest fantasy around.
you know what both nilfgaardians and nazis did?
they drank water
Pretty sure Djinns and Ghouls are Arabian creatures
you know what both you and fags do?
they suck dick.
>muh haplomemes
It has nothing to do with haplomemes.
>There were these people called "Proto-Indo-Iranians of Sintashta" culture. They lived near Ural river near Eurasian steppe. They migrated to NW India, Central Asia, and Iranian plateau mixing with the local inhabitants marginally and spreading their culture. Research shows they were closely related to Poles, Croats, and Ukrainians.
>Local inhabitants of Zagros mountains did mix with Proto-Indo-Iranians, but this did not shift the genome that much as genetic studies showed. Here is a study comparing a Persian of Teppe Hasanlu to modern Persians, showing how we relate more closely to them than Europeans:
(check image)
>Sample is from Teppe Hasanlu of a Sassanian era Persian. Persians were originally people of Zagros mountains who marginally mixed with Indo-Iranians of Sintashta culture who passed their culture down. People of Zagros mountains relate most closely to Caucasus mountain people.
>The descendants of Proto-Indo-Iranians were Central European in appearance. They were called Scythians and Sarmatians, but they were distinguished from Persians, Medes, Sogdians, and Bactrians.
Literally copy-pasted from the previous thread.
Where would Scythians and Sarmatians cluster on that map?
>"le witcher is le slavic" meme
a lot of the creatures are out of slavic mythology
back to /int/ Marcelek
Isn't the Gaunter O'Dimm stuff taken from the myth of some Polish king?
Games? Quite a lot
Books? Not so much really. It's mostly generic fantasy stuff and if anything it's more inspired by Silesian culture(which is pretty much a mix of German, Polish and Czech culture, but a pretty distinct one on its own).
When it comes to inworld history however, they are quite a lots of events which quite clearly reference events from actual Polish history. However, they are spread throught histories of all Witcher world's nations, so that you can't claim that one of them is a clear analogue to Poland. The games however tend to paint Temeria as one.
Not a king, but the entire plot of the DLC is heavily based on a Polish folk tale about a wizard called Twardowski.
when your only counter is wahh go back to le other board it leaves bystanders unwilling to agree with your original point
just an FYI
and welsh
geralt being called Gwynblaidd is from the Welsh Gwyn Bleidd "white wolf"
>silesian culture
All right, "culture" might a bit too big of a word, I meant more like folklore.