Why do all Leftists want want destroy the white race?
Why do all Leftists want want destroy the white race?
I think its a joke.
becuase I think this nigga wants to be punched in the face
Because whites are an evil and cruel race that are responsible for 99% of humanities problems.
t.self-hating cunt
If whites are so evil and cruel then due use non-whites a favor and kys
I'm trans-malaysian you bigot
Basically cancer kys
Fuck off whitey
Trans-malays are the most powerful race in the universe.
How many times do you need to make the same thread?
>thinking any race is superior
Fuck off with that pol-tier shit
How much longer will you leftypol shills be trying to take over Veeky Forums?
>if you're not a white nationalist you're a communist
Stop this shit. Not all of us are teenage edgelords.
>being a white nationalist is bad
>but being a black supremacists is fine
Kill yourself, SJW
>being a self-hating faggots is better
>see guys I'm not a racist bigot!
These is why your race is dying
Also pretty sure weeboos are the only teenagers here
Remember to sage, report and hide all spam and rule violating threads
>Asking questions to OP is now being leftypol
When did I say that?
I'm not white.
Right leaning /pol/ tier threads are equally as unwelcome as left leaning /pol/ tier threads. Fuck off back to the actual politics board.
Not your safespace, leftypol rat
>If you are not for white nationalism you are self hating and support black supremacy
Kill yourselves SJWs
Not about being a safe space, it's about not making Veeky Forums a case of /pol/ with dates as it literally says in the sticky.
>I'm not white
So you do support black supremacy?
Not your safespace
>you're an sjw because you're not an sjw like me!
No, the #1 mark of a newfag is someone who complains about anime on Veeky Forums.