> 50k going once...
You should have done it a long time ago, when I told you to. I won't hold it against you, though, if you buy now.
> 50k going once...
You should have done it a long time ago, when I told you to. I won't hold it against you, though, if you buy now.
Good time to sell to accumulate
why would anyone want ark
Secure your position in a top 5 coin in the future that is consistently making steady gains even during the major red days in the market while making comfy 10% gain dividends for holding it within the wallet.
Why wouldn't you want ark?
>price is $1.80 and nobody even knows about it yet
>use case that guarantees supermooning status
>tfw I have 3200 of these things
fuck it I'm in.
only bought 66 ark, but hey, any of these coins could moon to btc market cap.
I have a similar amount.... Not comfy yet though. Need to at least triple that stash for early retirement
Remember people sell the news, so this coin could soar tomorrow, then see a huge dump by Friday and be back at under a dollar.
So don't worry if you're not buying right now.
I know. But trying to multiply my ARK stack has led to losses for me in the past.
From now on I'm just gonna value invest up and coming shitcoins and dump my gains into ARK and pretty much never sell it unless it's 100% obvious it'll come back down.
I'm pretty happy where I am though. If it hits anywhere near $100 that's still over 300k. I'll be able to start a small business with that and my other savings and never have to wageslave.
Yeah, just keep buying with extra funds & btc from trades. Holding and gathering more you could easily hit 5k by this time next year
any particular reason it'd dump off on Friday? The blog doesn't really say a whole lot about what's being announced at this conference
Deluded Arkies are my favourite
The biggest dump in crypto history is upon us in the next few days
The level of calls the suicide lines are going to receive over the next few days will be astronomical. You can avoid this by selling, NOW.
Do you really want to be a deluded Arkie?
>then see a huge dump by Friday and be back at under a dollar
maybe but this coin isn't really for trading. the volume nor the volatility isn't there. this conference isn't dgb tier it's just a basic little thing. this is a long term hold plain and simple. if it's not in your wallet then you shouldn't even have it at all
>t. no coiner
I lost 500 ARK trying to daytrade this bitch and I still think about it now. Don't make the same mistake anons
nice just sold 100k
>daytrading ARK
>daytrading crypto
Literally why?
Probably going to break $3 tomorrow if they do well at the presentation
The pump that obliterated the bittrex bot overlord got it to $2.90
guys, its only a 25 minute presentation!!!
if you're picking the right coins it's easy gains. ARK is not one of those coins