Where were you when Bitcoin died due to improper difficulty adjustments in comparison to BCH...

Where were you when Bitcoin died due to improper difficulty adjustments in comparison to BCH, causing an unprecedented black swan event and destroying trust in cryptocurrencies for decades?

See you tomorrow when deifficulty readjusts and send the BCH back to where it belongs.

Don't forget to sell you BCH if you think you "bought the dip"

Not that fast.
BTC also readjusts in two days.

All it would take is a big enough bch pump at the right moment after bch&btc difficulty adjustment.

BCC's difficulty adjusts more often than BTC's difficulty.
When BCC adjusts down, miners jump on BCC to make profits until BCC adjusts up. Then BTC is more profitable, they go back to BTC.
In the meantime BTC has slowed down a lot.
The only way to kill permanently BTC is: BCC pumps and BTC crash together, when BCC's difficulty adjusts upwards, it's still more profitable to mine BCC.
BTC slowed down inexorably.
BCC takes the place of BTC.

sorry, press F to pay respects.

Nobody will take cryptos seriously after Bitcoin dies fucking lol.

And I have 300k in bitcoin, god damn it. At least the tears of others will soothe me

only on biz does the jew tell you how to save your shekels while simultaneously telling you how to become poor.

Bump, prepare for tears

I challenge your statement

Bch is dead as new miners are arriving and soon everyone will be back

what are you concealing under the green lines?

As soon as miners start leaving BCH, Jihan will pump up the price, to keep miners in the BCH chain

Price won't start to go up for BCH until it's absolutely necessary. And then when it happens, it will happen gradually.
You want other buyers with FOMO helping you increase the price

how dumb r u ?

Explain this please.

little bit.

This won't happen because Bitcoin holders don't give a fuck. Bitcoin's price hasn't changed a bit. Only Cash is thrashing up and down like a dying animal over this.

BCH difficulty readjust will be like +400%

It's 73% more profitable to mine BCH, and it will be around 50% half less profitable after the diff reajust (and I'm not counting BTC readjusting)

Jhina will have to DOUBLE a 10 BILLIONS market (bring the price to 0.3 BTC)

Not sure it's impossible but it's highly unlikely, IMO they have already fired all their guns.

Also, while BCH diff plumets, it makes it VERY vunerable to reorg attack in the next "sleeping" phase. And that will be CATACLYSMIC for BCH (and every exchange trading it)

When everyone says "it won't happen" it usually does due to black swan event.


there is nothing, he didn't conceil anything dude

>Also, while BCH diff plumets, it makes it VERY vunerable to reorg attack in the next "sleeping" phase.

What is the "reorg" attack?

i dunno man, i just feel like everyone here is trying to bamboozle me.

You can say that about absolutely anything you dumbass
Just ignore all the times it didn't

This. Most people attacking BCH are simply not informed. I don't know how many BTC they hold, but it can't be many. Somebody who isn't able to understand fundamentals should not trade at all.


I don't really get bitcoin or how it works though I do want to learn, but I'm guessing this means Bitcoin isn't valuable right now? I dunno.

LOL. Meanwhile here's BCH right now. What a joke.