>I like philosophy!
>Cool, what kind of philosophy? Epistemology, metaphysics, metaethics maybe?
>I like Political philosophy!
I like philosophy!
But I like political philosophy OP.
Political philosophy has arguably more depth than the other three user mentioned.
Political philosophy cannot be justified without initially establishing a metaethics or normative ethics, which involves outlining an epistemology & metaphysics first
So in order to understand political philosophy you have to "go deeper" and deal with other philosophies too? Gee user you sure showed me.
He is saying that a political point of view necessarily implies ethical, metaethical, epistemological, and metaphysical points of view upon which it is based.
why would anyone say they like metaphysics?
good point, you should not share such things with the profane
This problem is caused by poor naming of university courses and degrees, what is commonly labelled as political philosophy is actually political science.
Politics is the hobby of the leech. Rather than actually creating or doing anything useful, they sit in an ivory tower and talk about what should be done about the people doing something useful.
>understanding politics has to do with ethics
I'm not even cynical, but c'mon.
are you implying that it doesn't?
Commie or ancap?
Can you guess?
Nope, beyond understanding socially normative ethics to a degree.
Understanding the actuality of politics, rather than waxing poetic about how things should be, has more to do with legalism, social contract theory (more along the lines of Hobbes, rather than Rosseau), Machiaveli, etc.
I like Aztec philosophy. Get on my level user.
>socially normative ethics to a degree
but that's a lot already
>rather than waxing poetic about how things should be
but that's politics as well, don't exclude it just because it's idealistic
It's not a lot, it's common knowledge - it's knowing what you can get away with doing and saying. Waxing poetic about things should be isn't the way to understand politics it's the façade that leads people astray, away from considerations such as how policy is made, how it can be enforced, how to build a nation or craft a state, etc.
>how policy is made, how it can be enforced, how to build a nation or craft a state
but that's more political science than philosophy
There wasn't a difference back when the groundwork was being done.
Why do ameriburgers hate philosophy except for political philosophy
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Because they don't get tought it in schools
>dragging philosophy down to /mu/-level wankery about who's able to put more labels to themselves
Are you conflating political science and political philosophy, user? It sure sounds like it.
>I like science!
>Cool, what kind of science? Chemistry, biology, physics maybe?
>I like Political science!
What's the endgame of metaphysics?
The Apocalypse.
It's a good entry point for the modern person. Most philosophers slip their ontology and metaphysics in their political philosophy and vice versa.
>I like marxism!
>Cool! What do you think about the arguments concerning LTV or economic calculation problem?
>Err, I'm not really an expert on economics...
It's like wanting to be a Bard in DnD when you don't like warrior, rogue, and mage class
kinda an insult to marx to not care about economics
ok that's retarded
I'm guessing "to intelligent to have opinions" enlightened centrist