What's the worst country that pops up in history that when you see its flag it pisses you off on some level and you feel satisfied to read instances of it getting BTFO?
Most Hated Country
Gibraltar never forget
>board filled with romanboo's
>hate their true successors
success breeds jealousy, I guess
The Eternal Französisch
They bullied Europe for centuries, destroyed the glorious HRE...etc
I'm glad they finally got what they deserved in WW2
They hate us cause they ain't us
I wouldn't be as pissed if Turkey didn't get away with literally everything guilt-free.
It's not like you people wouldn't be able to do the same thing if you dropped that whole "white guilt" act, friend.
>I'm glad they finally got what they deserved in WW2
I don't know that they were all that upset about the Nazis taking over. It was more the aftermath of the war when all their colonies started kicking them out and the Yanks and Bongs made fun of them that they got upset about. Nazi occupation wasnt that bad for them.
I only realized we SHOULD do that because evidently every other fucking non"white' knows to not care about its past atrocities or you're shooting yourself in the foot.
>mass-invasions of native land
>mass rape
Congratulations, you've grown a pair of balls and understand that YOUR people should always come before anyone else itty bitty feelings, like literally every conqueror in history has done.
Now go impregnate that pure blooded Bavarian chick working behind the counter in Lidl so that your strong seed can spread.
Of course might makes right but self-hating whites bend over backwards because of their brainwash-induced out of group preference and sabotage any instance of nationalism so every other group comes and fucks us in the ass.
Vlad the Impaler was a hero
Never forget Battle of Vienna
Croats and Poles are the true ubermensch
what did the khedivate of egpyt do wrong?
Lets not forget they destroyed the Venetian republic (longest lasting republic in history)
>people will say Venice deserved it just because Venice mastered the art of IRL shitposting
Why can't landbois handle the banter?
Thebans were the worst of all the Hellenes, so it's always amusing when they get BTFO.
Why thebes aside from the self-serving, politically back-stabbing and persian side-taking skullduggery?
Only guys who deserves it ITT
Turks, Mongols and Brits are actually the good guys of historys.
Germanshits, Slavshits and Spics are the bad guys
Shut up and get me a drink like you Spaniard cunts are only good for
Fuck off, Genoa was a god-tier country
> Why thebes aside from all the shitty things they did
why indeed
Okay, you mentioned the treachery inherent in every Theban decision.
Next, let's mention their malice. I will put forward one example: they literally voted to destroy Athens and enslave all its people at the end of the Peloponnesian War.
Veeky Forums would probably also like to hear about their views on pederasty. Xenophon and Plato tell us that sex with male youths is opposed in Sparta and Athens, and wholly approved in Thebes and Elis.
Thebans were literally stupid. Even today, Boeotian is a byword for moron.
Do I need to go on? Treachery, malice, idiocy, profligacy... these are just a few words that describe the Theban character. No wonder they were the only major Greek city state to be utterly destroyed in the 4th century.
Perhaps there is something poisonous in the Boeotian soil; go visit modern Thebes. it is an utter shithole, the buildings are decrepit and the streets are packed with gibbering retards.
North Korea
Soviet Union
Tricolours, fuck republics and fuck the tricolour flags in particular. They're the worst flags.
China, the Chinese are a soulless uninventive cruel race that are as bad as the Jew in terms of greed but they don't even care about their "tribe". They are only out for themselves yet claim to be communist, the world would be a better place without the sino Satan.
Turkey is actually the greatest country for the amount of butthurt it causes. It never ceases to amaze me how mad Greek or Armenian diaspora get whenever they Turks are brought up and yet every Turk I know couldn't care less.
>never get mad
have you met the butthurt roaches on /pol/ ?
>It never ceases to amaze me how mad Greek or Armenian diaspora get whenever they Turks are brought up and yet every Turk I know couldn't care less.
Why would Arslanlar concern themselves with the opinion of Qoyun?
I immediately discredit any Armenian or Greek opinion sorry. Don't respond to me without permission.
thanks for the reply platonist-sama
do you hate present day thebes too
t:ahmed mcroachoglu
Turks are barely even different people from Greeks. I don't get how people think a neighboring country is going to have completely different demographics.
>Turks are barely even different people from Greeks.
Yeah, maybe some thanks to all our harems in your little outback shithole along the Aegan.
I don't hate modern Thebans, really. I don't know any of them personally and I never spend any time thinking about them.
I've visited parts of Boeotia, and modern Thebes is a total dump.
Fuck the a*glo scum
>Greek subhuman tries to associate us with his untermensch kind
It's just bullshit that sandnigger mudslimes can do whatever the fuck they want including genocide and enslaving niggers because sabotaging self-hating whites have never read a history book beyond public education.
Normie answer but seriously fuck these guys
t. Alexander
>not liking based turks
Please elaborate, I am genuinely interested.
Oh yeah? And why do you hate them?
>think they are the only country that matters
>intervene in other countries business
>profits from wars in other countries
>tries to police the world
You're just jealous of their big monster cocks
Not original poster but
>Murdered 12 million innocent people (not including the sheer loss of life on the battlefield, which still is up to debate today)
>Killed intellectuals that questioned the regime
>Killed regular Polish people
>Gave Mussolini a bad rap
>Invaded USSR via sheer overconfidence
>bombed historical buildings in the UK and across Europe
>Was led by history's greatest NEET who shat himself on a regular basis and had a deformed penis
>Killed Rommel
>Wanted to replace Christianity with a bat-shit insane "muh ancient Germanics" religion
>Thought that Islam wasn't that bad
>Supported the Croats who genocided Serbs
>Supported the Japanese who genocided Chinese
>Entire ideology was based off of batshit insane psuedo-science
>Were antisemetic racists who wanted to remove all other races besides "muh pure Germanic race" off the face of Earth
Yeah man, crazy I know, but Nazis? Not exactly the coolest bunch of dudes
>Think they are the only country that matters
If those figures meant anything that Europeans wouldnt live better and more happy comfortable lives than south americans would they
The problem with the American economy is that yes its the biggest but because its all concentrated in a relatively small amount of super powerful companies the average american doesnt truly benefit from it, which explains somewhat why so many americans are so poor despite their country being so rich. Whereas in a growing nation like China, literally everyone is benefiting and getting richer.
Yeah, keep butthurting, too bad you can't stop us from taking down your western/white supremacy.
But honestly you should worry more about the infestation of libercucks and their grand "diversity" scheme in your western utopian rather than China right now. They're fucking you up far more efficient than we ever can do.
What's your source material, wikipedia or elementary school?
> Is they are the only country that matters
>Lets not forget they destroyed the Venetian republic
They deserved more than what the French did to them
>>Gave Mussolini a bad rap
He gave the bad rep himself
Kind of ironic that these pseudo-scientists were leaps and bounds ahead of literally every other country on earth scientifically
I mean, yeah, I could give a shit about any other trash country. Give me a single good reason why I should.
>Murdered millions of innocent people.
>Killed intellectuals that questioned the regime.
>Killed regular people.
>Bombed historical buildings.
>Supported and condones genocide by others.
>Entire ideology was fallacious.
>Were psychopathic racists.
You just described the Zionist allies...
Pic related --it's (You).
Meanwhile the Ottomans had a perfect equivalent of each of these and their descendants got away with it guilt-free because they aren't white westerners.
For some reason I'm sure you've never read a single academic book about the Third Reich. Everything he wrote is true.
Woo, check out this edge.
Yea, America (as a hegemonic nation) is crazy and hypocritical in a lot of ways, but it does the world good to not have authoritarian mafiaso like China or Russia asserting their wills at whim. For all the valid criticism of American foreign policy, militaristic capitalistic imperialism etc., it does aim to do a lot of genuine humanitarian good as well. Do you think China or Russia leadership would give a single fuck if, say, Ethiopians or Bangladeshis starve to death? Only in terms what they could loot from the rubble afterwards.
>tfw not even American.
I thought like that but then you realize that even people like the Democrats, who are allegedly the anti-war party, will call you a Russian spy if you want to stop destroying the Middle East.
That's just partisan politics playing out outside American borders. And that has a lot to do with the the turn to more fringe stances (the weird fundie Christian and neo-liberal alliance) Republicans have made since the 1980s. Corporate money has absolutely corrupted domestic American politics. The Democrats don't have their hands clean either. Almost every American war but for WW2 has been about resource acquisition. But still, a lot of the genuine good USAid or other organizations do is non-partisan.
I sense we're veering off topic here, but frankly the Middle East has been good enough at destroying itself over the last century. They're caught between ancient sectarianism, the majority following a strict religion with literalist tendencies, and then the modern world. If either the red hats or blue hats wanted to stop bloody Middle Eastern intrigues, they'd stop supporting KSA, and tighten the leash on Israel. But, you know, oil.
>Next, let's mention their malice. I will put forward one example: they literally voted to destroy Athens and enslave all its people at the end of the Peloponnesian War.
They deserved it though.
those are not valid reasons, the real valid reasons to hate the USA are:
>whigger cucks
>retarded as fuck
all the things you listed are good
Britannia delenda est.
No one cares about China in that way you are culturally irrelevant and have enough problems of your own, you are absolutely no threat to the West even with double / triple the population.
And this kid is where you are wrong. They may have had better actual scientists but their ideology was pseudo-science nonsense. They were going on about the aryans once being giants and such bs. The nazis even got rid of their best scientists beacause of their ideology. Einstein and the nuclear bomb should ring some bells.
Germania delenda est.
Would've actually happened if Wilson wasn't such a faggot.
wasting time, resources and manufacturing on zany wacky fringe projects that have little effect on the outcome of the war isnt leaps and bounds ahead of anybody.
its easy to just pick out the retarded shit the Nazis came up with and just ignore progress elsewhere just so you can say the nazis were really, really smart!
Gott strafe England.
>No one cares about China in that way you are culturally irrelevant
>you are absolutely no threat to the West
Absolutely. I really like people such as you, you people are the greatest ally of China. Make sure to redpill more people to think like you.
Yet it's enough to stimulate your reply and insecurity, and it's enough to provoke /pol/tards and white supremacists to make china hate threads every few days.
The difference is china deserves the hate it's not some age old stereotype it's happening right now for everyone to see.
Brought about a war that collapsed western Europe and led to a massive white guilt, German guilt and led to the creation of Israel.
Pretty much this
>The difference is china deserves the hate
Sure, for people like (you) of course.
>it's not some age old stereotype it's happening right now for everyone to see.
Yeah, it's a new stereotype forged by Internet white supremacists and Western MSM together.
>mussolini create good ideology
>its all fine
>he is not a good general tho
>end in a stalemate
>this somehow makes his whole ideology shit
>not hitler with LE KIKES XDDDD
At least the Turks are civilized. If Europe had a Thanksgiving dinner, Turkey would surely be invited before Serbia or Romania.
France is the bully of Europe, but they're too majestic for me to hate them. I despise Saudi Arabia though: fucking barbarians with more money than sense. Pakistan, however is completely fucking worthless in every sense of the word.
Spain combines the worst qualities of both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, so they're the worst by default.
>Turks are civilized
>Thanksgiving dinner
Ameribrainlets should refrain from having an opinion on Europe.
City of tragedies
Yet another continent-fag jealous of Anglo might
>no get