I was looking on coinmarketcap at ripple, doge, xem, dnt, zrx, sia, status and iota - and NONE have been over a dollar. So why make so many coins and increase the supply to a point where the coin can never moon? Has cripple ever been above a dollar? No. Why? Because there a like a zillion of them. Like grains of sand. Same thing for xem? Why is anyone even buying this shit? It's also probably why the much lauded "golem" never mooned. What would have to happen for these tokens with high circulating supplies to reach prices like 10 or 20 dollars? 100?
What is the point of buying a coin with over 500 million tokens?
Other urls found in this thread:
just buy more coins then, retard.
Never buy ANY coin with over 100 million.
>and iota
kek try harder
I want ethereum type gains
>and iota - and NONE have been over a dollar
Nice research, dumb piece of shit.
IOTA can't stay above a dollar. Much less get to ten or 20. Why? Again, there are a zillion of them just like ripple. What's the point in buying these? Ooooo you can get a few pennies gain. Wow
What's wrong with iota?
I think you need to learn how percentages work.
Let's say you invest 1 grand in bitcoin at $4000, and invest 1 grand in ZRX at under a dollar each.
They both go up 10%. You have made $100 profit for each coin.
sell sell sell
ok keyboard warrior. is it there now? Can it stay above a dollar? Even if it replaced bitcoin, the price would be like 20 dollars. Oooo yea lemme be a 10,000naire
IOTA has been over a dolar for a few days.
You are retarded.
and it went right back down. big woop. a dollar. I want some bitcoin prices young chap. That's why these autistic coin creators need to limit the circulating supply and not create so many
you are retarded. keep investing in XEM and get all excited and wet your pants for 60 cents a coin and watch it fluctuate between that and 80 cents for 10 years. Maybe when you are 100 it will reach 1.23
20usd = 100x gain over ICO price, are you retarded? You could turn 1000 usd into 100.000. Jesus christ, just stay poor, dumb fuck.
Yea if it even gets there you dumb fuck. If it stays like fellow travelers ripple and xem it will fluctuate between 80 cents and a dollar for like ten years.
I'm not talking about ICO prices either big boy. I'm talking about now. Who the fuck would buy a coin just to get some penny gains in pps
As people have pointed out you are not very smart. If you invest at 0.10p and the price grows to 0.60p, you've x5'd your investment
growth at the refered period*
fucking moron
1$ > $2
is the same as $1000 >$2000
fucking imbecile
You mean 6x
What if I want to go beyond that 5x. People that held ethereum and bitcoin passed a dollar got way more than 5x
is this a real thread
I finally understood what OP means, he means that the gains are usually capped within x10 region.
With coins like NEO the range is much bigger being from 0.00p to 50.00$ instead of 0.00p to 1.00$
what a stupid comment
it's about percentage gains, you idiot
if cripple goes to $.6, sure it's only $.6 but that's (for sake of argument) a 100% increase. if you have $3000 cripple, and it goes from $.03 to $.06, you now have $6000 cripple
finally somebody gets it. you are in the mensa club compared to these people.
yea you can look at it that way, i dont count the initial invested money you get back, only the profit
Yes and then the gains cap you retard
Logically it is about percentage gains, but many people still think about it in nominal terms. Buying crypto under a dollar just feels more fun to me.
Pound of bricks vs a pound of feathers
ITT OP is dummy that want all his cryptos to be $1 each.
You're dyslexic OP seek help.
Honestly, why the fuck would the supply even matter?If ripple magically got to $1 each it would have 33B marketcap making it the top 2 crypto...BTC's marketcap exactly one year ago was 9.2B and it got to 33B on 5-20-17.
So who tf is going to keep buying xem and cripple at 30 cents just to watch them go to 40 cents when they could buy stuff like NEO that can actually go from 5 cents to 300 dollars
>nigger not happy with 5x gains
This is the coming of the fucking end guys
because the gains are capped at a certain point you down syndrome idiot
You're looking at it with hindsight, and you're ignoring every coin above $1 that doesn't moon.
I mean its still possible to get big multipliers because of sell prices in satoshis which are fractions of a penny, but its harder to catch that window
Who gives a shit if a coin goes $1->$5 or $.01->$0.05? If I put in $1000, I'll get $5000, you dumb fucking shit. You can't be that stupid. Is this a meme that I'm not aware of?
You shit fucking moron. You know why only BTC, ETH and NEO have done that? Because it's incredibly hard to.
$0.10 to $1 is not that hard. $10 to $100 is. You make the same percentage gains either way.
Who tf would buy ripple now? What 5x gains are to be had now?
It's also because there aren't 500 million to a billion of them each. 1 billion eth at 300 dollars each yea right
It isn't harder though, you just have to use a more precise measurement. OP is a fucking idiot.
>Who tf would buy ripple now?
Someone who thinks it solves a problem
>What 5x gains are to be had now?
You could literally say that about anything.
Why buy BTC, ETH, or LTC?
If you buy a 1$ capped coin at like 0.00000010 sats, you still still have crazy % multiplier gains.
You dont understand the issue here. This proves you have down syndrome. .10 to a dollar and then the gains just stop. Why would money keep pouring into such a coin? I'm sad you only want 5x gains when you could have more if there weren't so many of your precious xem that will never give you anymore gains than you have already gotten
because eth and btc (not ltc) can still grow as they are FUCKING RARE compared to zillions of doge coins. Sorry that your doge won't go anywhere.
and then the gains stop
Who TF buys Bitcoin now? Where is the 5x???
Who buys eth, where is the 5x??????
They. Are. Capped.
Only buy coins with 10b supply or over or you lose too much to digital dust. Holy Christ I hope you have your coins on a centrifugally stabilized drive so you don't lose all your gains to rotational velocidensity. My friend is bleeding 0.01btc weekly because he refused to and his wallet is being eroded by digital dust one bit (you know, like Bitcoin you fucking idiot) at a time
why do you ignore any coin that starts under $1 and goes above $1?
look at market cap not coin price noob
Ok but neo has a supply of only 50 mil, making them semi-rare
Coins like dgb, zrx, ripple, bitbean have such huge supply that each coin has a cap to how much they can grow
0x is special. It's going to blow up. Top 5 coin.
Which sends faster, Ethereum or bitcoin?
You just posted all coins that don't have anywhere near as many coins in circulating supply as the ones I am talking about. Way to use your brain.
why don't you guys understand this? is it really so complicated?
the supply is irrelevant if you talk in percentages like a smart person.
this guy gets it
because once these coins reach a certain point, you don't get any percentage gains anymore. Why don't you understand that.
you don't get it. the first post in the thread answers your question, fucking retard
Supply is definitely relevant
Name one coin with over 200mil supply thats over $1. There isnt. Because the percentage you can earn from these high supply coins is capped. The potential for low supply coins is much higher.
you realize 0x is open source and the zrx token is entirely unecessary. the only reason they use it over ether, which would be way more straightforward, is to give the token an inherent future value. the only thing the token has going for it is the decentralized governance but they haven't talked about it at all. someone called them out on it and they just said, "the white paper is really old! it is not representative of our current position! we need to do research and development to figure out the whole governance thing!" someone could literally just make 0x without the retarded token and it would be way better
they say they aren't worried about people doing that because they have money for r&d
also the future of decentralized exchanges is kyber, which won't need 0x at all
not to mention the list of inherent problems with it that they have yet to address
You can buy more coins but each coin is worth so little. Its like accumulating pennies with these high supply coins vs accumulating dollars with the low supply
you could literally apply that to any crypto
100 pennies is no different than a dollar bill
i understand what you're saying, but it really doesn't make sense. a coin has the same chance of going from $.01 to $1 as it does from going from $1 to $100
No they're not.Literally nothing caps the gains, because what make crypto gain it's "value" is not bound to the supply, but to the demand.
Let me try to explain this to an limited mind like yours.Suppose we have two coins X and Y, X coin has a 500.000 supply and Y has a 500.000.000 supply, X's ICO price was $0.001 and Y's ICO price was $0.000001, now let's suppose X's price got to $1, it's 1.000x gains and it's marketcap is at $500.000!Now let's suppose Y's price got to $0.001, it's also 1.000x gains and it's marketcap is also $500.000!
>Which sends faster, Ethereum or bitcoin?
It doesn't fucking matter.
this is what I'm trying to convey
you miss my point too. once they get to a dollar. no more gains bc too much supply
>comparing 0x to kyber
>saying 0x is open source like that matters when practically all these projects are open source
>radar relay releases THIS MONTH with ethfinex on the way
No one is going to fork just to cut out zrx when they can just implement 0x as is and make money just fine with tx paid in zrx.
have you ever thought that it might be because of something else? for instance, a coin with developer problems, no exchanges, no use, etc is more likely to stay under $1 no matter the supply
>I want ethereum type gains
Then buy more coins, when it will reach a market cap of $30 billions or more, there you go. Ethereum-like gains.
I meant Coin X will be able to go past 1 dollar because of limited supply, bringing in more gains, while coin Y will never get past 1 dollar (or it will be much much harder) because of the supply.
> because of limited supply
im pretty sure op is baiting. no one is this stupid
> because of limited supply
>because of the supply.
or because coin X is better than coin Y? you are such a brick
It could be, but in this thread I am talking about supply. Apparently a foreign concept to this big 5x gainerz on here. That costs more money you shitbag. I want more gains for less money.
Do you not understand supply and demand? Does nobody in this thread? Gold is valuable because it is scare. 100 dollar bills are rarer than pennies. Diamonds are rare and are uber expensive. Coins with 100 billion supply are not so valuable because there are so many.
I finally released you're trolling.
Congratulations you managed to bait me hard on this one.
I don't think many people here realize that higher quantity = more sellers but not necessarily more buyers. A coin with half a billion supply has to have a massive amount of money flowing in to keep people from jumping ship and taking profit. So it's much harder for a coin like DGB to go up 10% compared to something like Neo even if it has a lot of hype.
By your "logic" coin 42 is the best coin?
Nobody in this thread has made a case for why anyone would invest in ripple right now. It's too hard to get your "omg 5x gainz bro". Why? Because its never going past 50 cents. Why? Because its harder for high circulation coins to grow past a dollar and continue those sick 5x gainz bro
Not even remotely true. You can trade fractions of a coin down to arbitrarily low amounts relative to fiat.
No I'm not saying circulating supply is the ONLY factor. NEVER DID I SAY THAT SHITBAG. It is an important factor - please make a case as to why anyone would buy XEM right now? Think you are going to get sick 5x gainz bro from XEM now that it has already gone 5x?
and fractions of a coin with a high circulating supply will be fractions of a penny for eternity. Have fun sticking your little weiner into XEM and Ripple and getting all hot and bothered about your 10 cents gain. Yes maybe you will make some money if you invested like 100,000 dollars in ripple and it went up ten cents. But I don't want that. I want to turn 100 into 100,000
yes but coins with a lower circulating supply have an easier time going past that fucking dollar to 100 dollars or more than coins with 8 Quiintillion like XEM and DOGE. ITT salty doge holders dipping their little pee pees into something they cant grasp
You are an imbecile.
You haven't addressed my issue. Why should I buy ripple or xem RIGHT NOW? If I had 1000 dollars, would I put it in Xem or in BTC? I'd put in BTC because the gains are much less limited.
Dayum op is the smartest one itt
If you have 1000 you should put it in zrx and itll triple
get in your time machine
Wtf is this dollar autism. Who cares if it's a dollar or a penny. Stop being a moron. Use market caps and percentages.
Because once a high circulation coin reaches a dollar, it stops. It's harder for it to go from a dollar to 2 dollars than it is for a low supply coin to go from 100 to a 100,000
You don't understand. Why buy xem or cripple when they can get past a dollar. Instead, but a low supply coin and when it gets past a dollar, it can keep going
Supply is not the matter. Demand is. If there is a coin with a low market cap and a very high demand, it's almost irrelevant how many coins are there. 1,000,000 or 10,000,000,000. The initial price/coin will go up by tens and hundreds of thousands.
The only slight issue I see is, when the supply is either too high, like hundreds of billions and even trillions, or extremely low, like tens of thousands and less.
Even then I'm not so sure. It has more to do with the human psyche and technological limitations.
Then why can't ripple or nem keep making 5x gains whole eth did? You take eth starting at 5 cents and ripple starting at 5 cents and the can both get sick 25 x gainz to a dollar and then one (hint ripple) has a harder time going past a dollar