What would history be if humans had accepted a matriarchal society instead of patriarchy?

what would history be if humans had accepted a matriarchal society instead of patriarchy?

I think there would have been less wars because most wars are caused by men because of women directly or indirectly. Having women as leaders would cause men to quite down on the raping (because more respect for women) and stop pillaging to have more stuff to gift to the girl they like two of the most powerful drivers of wars in antiquity.

Lol look at Sweden. Matriarchy doesn´t minimize rape, it maximizes it.

Given how high maternal mortality rates used to be, it would be pretty horrific, as men have a much better chance (barring a disastrous war in the vicinity that your side loses) of surviving their 20s until the advent of modern medicine.

You'd have a much smaller pool of talent to draw upon for your leadership, and honestly, you'd probably graft it to whomever manages to hang on long enough to amass wealth and power

See a concrete example.
>society is ruled by women
>men are weak cucks
>society is conquered by foreign men, turns into a whorehouse for said foreign men


Greatest empire on the foot of this Earth was THE British Empire. And Queen Elizabeth I was ruthless. Boudicca was ruthless, cut Roman women's breasts off and down them to their mouths then impaling them on a pointed post. Joan of Arc rallied thousands of men to fight for her. Give women the opportunity to command in war, they can arguably be more destructive than men.

>most wars are caused by men because of women
War is caused by the human OOGA BOOOGA ME KILL YOU FOR TERRITORY instinct not women. Kill yourself the kind of men who start wars can treat women like complete shit and still get dick sucked.

wars are basically "give me your women and your riches so I can show it to my crush back home".

To accept matriarchy today is to accept the patriarchy of a foreign power tomorrow.

>ywn live in live in a pre-IE European village and serve as the personal fucktoy of the village matriarch who makes you lick her feet and beg for the right to cum
Why even live?

Honestly, women like that are probably high-test. Most women aren't that way but there are definitely enough to be notable.

Damn, Chloe Grace Moretz looks like THAT?

most of tribal societies are matriarchal
most civilizations ditch that dicotomy for ruling by power acumulation, centralization or power spreading
stop being a fucking retard

If you put a woman in a man's pants, she will act like a man. I really think there wouldn't be any noticeable difference between patriarchy or matriarchy.
>I think there would have been less wars because most wars are caused by men because of women directly or indirectly
>stop pillaging to have more stuff to gift to the girl they like two of the most powerful drivers of wars in antiquity
Matriarchy wouldn't change this, it would just reverse the roles.
>Having women as leaders would cause men to quite down on the raping (because more respect for women)
In fact, it would just increase the number of female on male and female on female cases of rape.

Why would they?

In matriarchal animal societies you either have females bigger than the males or you have loner males.

gieve matriarchal invader pls

>boudicca was ruthless
>rapes some rando civillians
>legions finally get off their asses
>instantly BTFO'd

It would probably be an improvement, men are more primitive and violent and not as well suited to a more modern society.

The men aren't not traditional cucks though, they fuck who they want and have no parental duties outside of helping their sister raise their kids, if they have any. They are betachads

Her getting btfo doesn't make her less ruthless. She orchestrated the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and the destruction of entire cities. Roman accounts say they didn't even take prisoners or slaves, they were basically attempting to genocide all the Romans in Britain. Sounds pretty ruthless to me.

The few patriarchal societies swoop in kick the matriarchal societies' asses.

>most of tribal societies are matriarchal
That's not true.

The people in power are generally the ones who want it enough to fight for it.
So instead of having men running around waging wars to expand their territory you would have women doing the same thing.

im pretty sure this thread is literally just bait
i dont know how its got this many serious answers


Parts if humanity did have a matriarchy

They were all killed by the patriarchy guys

>i think there would have been less wars
Anyone who unironically believes this is an idiot who doesn't know history.

A lot sexier.

everyone would be a low-test savage

This only proves that in matriarchy wars could happen more often (women could start war over any slight) and those wars would be much more brutal, especially if males still are soldiers but women are commanders, as your example of Boudicca shows they would go out of the main goals to rape women of the enemy.

they get slaved used by a more patriarchal opponent.
in other words men under matriarchy become cucks litteraly and figratively.

Estrogens, if I make the same level of simplification as you :
- make you love you family and community
- you become more protective about its
- other community become a threat

Women and men are practically the same so a matriarchal society could have been almost the same.


Aside from Germanic "women" who believe in this shit ?