I just saw Dunkirk and it made me realise I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to history and want to learn about both of the world wars, what's the best way to do this?
A youtube series would be ideal for me but I'm fine reading as well, does anyone have some suggestions?
I just saw Dunkirk and it made me realise I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to history and want to learn about both of...
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you're welcome
>youtube series
The best one I know if is for World War I, and that's the Great War; it's an ongoing series that covers the First World War week by week, and goes into a fair amount of detail:
^playlist of all their videos in chronological order.
As for books, I come up a bit short, but I'm sure the other anons will have good suggestions.
world war 2 in colour is quite a good series
14 diaries of the great war is a pretty good ww1 documentary because it covers the war from so many different angles, its on netflix but you could probably find it elsewhere too if you don't have that
I thought Indy was a meme
The War by Ken Burns, WW2 Behind closed Doors, The World at War and The Road to War are all good.
You better take that back right now
For the First World War. The Great War series by the BBC in 1964. All black and white but a fantastic overview.
For the Second World War. Can't beat a World at War.
Listen to this guy.
If you only watched Nolan's Anglo revisionist movie, you're probably still very ignorant of what really happened at Dunkirk
Here's a short documentary of five minutes that'll teach you all you need to know about it
Never take anything you see in a "historical" movie originating from an English speaking country as the truth btw
t. someone who didnt watch Dunkirk
Instead of eternally shilling for your channel in any and all threads related to the film could you contribute to the board and actually explain, in reply to related comments, what the Nolan film got wrong?
>For the First World War. The Great War series by the BBC in 1964. All black and white but a fantastic overview.
A fantastic overview, are you kidding me?
Nothing more horrid than WW1 stuff with an Anglo-centric point of view when you know how much less relevant than France and Russia Britain was in that war
Can you please point out what it gets wrong?
The part where it treats Britain rather than France as the main allied nation
It is a British documentary so you would expect the focus to be on Britain. The series doesn't diminish the role of France at all.
For ww2 just go pick up Antony Beevors The second world war
Should be able to find the paperback pretty cheap.
So if Brazil makes a documentary about WW2, it's okay for them to focus mainly on Brazil's role in the war?
Well, maybe. But don't call that stuff "a fantastic overview" then
It is a fantastic series. Have you watched it?
A fatastic serie on Britain's role in WW1
Not a fantastic serie on WW1
Didn't answer the question. Have you watched it?
It gives full episodes to both Russia and France. It does much more than just highlight what Britain was up. This is rightly so as you can't tell the story of the First World War war by just focusing one of its principle actors.
>has an /int/poster actually watched something they are sperging about
You know the answer to this already.