I have a question:
What comes after post-structuralism?
I have a question:
post-post-structuralism of couse
space gay communism
Leftist academics committing suicide because the concept of everything being a construct is itself a construct
Already been done. New Sincerity.
When the far-right finally wakes up and realizes they can appropriate post-structuralism for their own purposes, left-wing intellectuals will retreat into positivism again.
Gimme a quick rundown
>people realize post-modernism is laying it on too thick
>realize that while post-modernism is true, modernism is also true
>realize there's no way to objectively whether Evel Knieval is fucking awesome in a universal sense, but that he is fucking awesome because he's a real man who doesn't look out of place in a spider-man comic
You've been experiencing new sincerity almost constantly, in fact, 2000-2010 web culture is something I would consider new sincerity in earnest, and it only ended because the web discovered post-modernism. Yahtzee is very new sincere, he knows arts are subjective but doesn't give a fuck and its not scared calling something shite if he thinks it is. In philosophy, it lead to metamodernism, in literature David Foster Wallace is most prominent user of it. You'll notice a pattern here, like modernism and post-modernism its fucking complicated and difficult to explain.
Given it took post-modernism 50 years to hit the mainstream, I wouldn't expect to see much of it in the near future. You have to wait for the next wave of students to grow up and become active in society.
Absurdism will be modern man's savior
>2000-2010 web culture is something I would consider new sincerity in earnest, and it only ended because the web discovered post-modernism.
I would argue that New Sincerity was truly going to be a thing on the internet but the 2016 American presidential election (among other things) put a hamper on that. I think gondola is the most true expression of New Sincerity on the internet.
Someone will come up with something new and we will use new tags for it.
I never understand why people think that there is some sort of race/competition in philosophy, as if there was actually something stopping me from becoming something as far removed as a neo-neo-platonist.
When I read threads like these I wonder: are these people by the mere existence of these philosophies? What is shocking is that even given the amount of hate I've seen directed towards French post-structuralists (at this point one kight think that Derrida was some kind of terrorist), no one ever seem to actually get a basic understanding of their works. Can you imagine having the belief of having found the aource of all evils in the West, and instead of studying it you just shitpost on Veeky Forums instead, rambling about neo-Marxists conspiracies, power-hungry postmodern feminists, transcontinental psyops and so on.
Call me crazy, but I personally think vlogs show people's desire to connect to other people genuinely in that way, it's just that the language of vlogs hasn't evolved to fit this need yet.
There is a massive untouched market of people that want a genuine human connection, especially in this internet age
Intention is worthless when it comes to intellectuals. Let's just admit it 99.99999999% of celebrities are ignorant adult babies who are more often than note intellectually dishonest for the sake of views. There is absolutely no intellectual legacy on youtube, and no channel that deserves as much praise as event he most mediocre book.
It's not that the language has not developed (should I really think that oratory is not at the very least an explored field?), it's that only complete retards have decided to put the bulk of their intellectual efforts on youtube, for it is not worthy as soon as your idea assumes any semblance of coherence.
Let's not talk about Youtube audiences.
pic related: only Youtube could give a platform to a intellectual amoeba such as Molyneux
name something more embarrassing than being the author of the Universal Preferable Behavior text.
Gas chambers for post-structuralists.
His master thesis.
Molyneux's quote about it:
>It took me months to find a thesis adviser, who then gave me an ‘A’ without reading my thesis, mostly to stop me from pestering him
Some honorable mentions:
>1) Philosophy requires values
>2) Values cannot exist without life
>3) Therefore the highest value of philosophy must be the existence of life.
>1)The highest value of philosophy is life
>2)Life cannot exist without the body
>3)Thus physical health is the highest value of life.
>1)Physical health is the highest value of philosophy
>2)Physical health requires the consistent identification of external physical substance
>3)Therefore the highest value of philosophy is the consistent identification of external physical substance
>tfw e-celebs think this is logic
>3) Therefore the highest value of philosophy must be the existence of life.
Sounds like NEET Che
Sounds like Nietzsche if he had the philosophical insight of the average reddit user.
This is vomit-inducing.
Probably this honestly
Nietzche understood the difference between valuing mere existence and valuing life.
We are beyond absurdism at this point. If anything we have just entered hyper-absurdism. It will take a while to get sorted.
i dunno how the other social sciences have developed since post-structuralism, but in archaeology (where we call it postprocessualism), the latest has been a huge collection of different theoretical positions that can be framed under the umbrella of pragmatic synthesis, where elements of processualism (our modernism) are balanced by postprocessualism in varying amounts. there are still staunch positivists and relativists, but most people incorporate elements of both, to put it simply. but there's still arguments about what contributions of each are most useful.
keep in mind too though that post-modernism is a really new intellectual paradigm, and the paradigms of the past have lasted typically at least a century (in honesty, i'd be surprised if we weren't lumped into a larger, longer intellectual tradition in a couple centuries when our differences are smoothed out by history to be opposite sides of similar coins, like people who argued over whether Israelites or extinct giants built the SE US mounds)
*my point with that last bit wasn't that post-modernism has to still be ongoing because of precedence of other century+ intellectual movements, but rather that we don't have the kind of requisite hindsight to mark the beginning of a new episteme or whatever
I guess everyone who values life is just like Nietzsche, then.
>hundreds of thousands of people actually listen to this guy