I believed in you Jared... all this time I believed but no more...

I believed in you Jared... all this time I believed but no more. Bought this shit at 90sat so its still a profit but not anywhere near what I was told it was going to be.

I'd wish you well but I just hope you go scuba diving and get raped by sharks.
Goodbye dear bags and hello new opportunities

I know that feel OP. Only with crypto can you get a 400% ROI and still feel bitter over what could have been if you timed things better.

don't sell til after tomorrow.


It hurts so much knowing I could have sold at +2000 and didnt. I was naive and stupid in my elation. never again

there was no reason for this rebrand. I would have understood it if they also announced a new partner or adoption from some company.

I mean what the fuck? Was all that time spent by Jared learning MS Paint to straighten the "D" and slant the dollar symbol? LOL.

I'm dumping this at a $400 loss, and dumping into ark. At least with ARK I am gaunranteed my money back in 4 years from staking.

4 years in development, and during the biggest cryptoboom, this mother fucker could not secure anything substantial.

go on then.

I still made a grand, but I could have made 6 grand. I know it was my own fault, I was on holiday when the great moon of June happened.

But I thought it would go back up, and instead it tanked, and tanked, and tanked. We were digimarines, we were there fighting for the coin, and all we got was a shitty logo.

So, I have divided my gains between Neo, OMG, DNT and IOTA.

I'll give them some time and see how they do. Tired of sitting on my fkin hands.

I will

Now you niggers understand why this shitcoin was under 100 sats most of the time.

this is what I held for. Citibank, a partnership, the rebrand actually updating or innovating on the existing idea but no... just got some child-level logo change and it stung so much.
I dont even deserve to have made a profit for being this fucking stupid
I'm sorry I didnt listen biz, I learned my lesson and I hope you can forgive this brainlet who missed so many damn moon missions that occurred in the meantime

Just don't allow it to make you too fearful, you still had a substantial gain and being too conservative can hurt your profits just as badly if not worse. My advice is to set levels that you plan to profit take at and stick to them. Locks in some profits while still leaving you the possibility of moon mission gains.

impatient nigger look at the chart we are clearlyvapproaching another climb upwards, you;ve been warned for 5 days now that a takeoff is approaching and you still sit here and fud. look at the chart. people have been accumu;ating low and weak bagholders got dropped over the weekend we are gonna see 1k sat in the next week

I have my goal of 10-15k.

Thats how much I want for my new life. If I can somehow lock in gains with my current 2.5k (all profits) then I'd be fine.

It just seems so difficult at the moment. I keep hearing about all these gains people are making and surely I'm investing in the same coins as they are!

mate, come on...

decided I'm dumping all of em then deleting the folder so now is the chance to save any of this shit if people want it




she was so sweet and innocent... so full of lies...



oops, wrong image but ah well who cares

When the artfag stopped and the touhou user sold was when I took it as my signal to bail too.


blind fucking nigger it's gonna go through the roof and when you don't easily 3-5x on this you're gonna ask why


This picture is even more relevant today than it was when it was made.

so tired of being a diginigger...


now for the oldest of them all

This is a primo digimeme. Load up the full size version my good man.

goodnight DGB... to think of all the things you could have been...
I'm done

thats the original i directly saved from biz. i dont think there is another version

1. If you are whale....sell some of dgb for normal price
2. Buy DGB in higher price (pump)
3. Also set up your remaining DGB for higher price

delusional digicuck

i guess i'll buy $10 worth so you don't starve

bought 1000 worth at 1939 sats cuz i'm new.
just sold at current prices. i can finally get in on other moon missions.

Long bagholders selling, time to buy in now

Does the italic D mean you can lose money even faster on DGB or what?

It's so crazy how much people derided posw chart poster
and then it literally turned out the EXACT same


Sell DGB, buy SIGT. Relax.


They were the digimarines...

golden memories



>touhou user sold
Holy shit when was this? He was the one that got me into dgb all those months ago.

>It's so crazy how much people derided posw chart poster
Why did they doubt me?

It was so obvious, DGB has all the signs of a shitcoin

all this fud is making me think smart money is here, and they're trying to get me to drop bags and pump to 1 or 2k sat

digiwarp is coming

Do opposite of what Veeky Forums says

we are the digimarines

>digiwarp is coming
i see you post with this unintelligible trip on all the time, why on earth should I trust this?




>"We've hired a graphics design firm to really spice up our logo in preparation for our rebranding."
>Artist contemplates the important task set before him, on which the future of the entire company rides.
>Artist highlights icon, clicks italicize.
>My job here is done.

Why didn't our rebrand work guys? Where did we go wrong?

Okay you can fuck right off buddy
can't you see that he also inverted the colors of the logo? My god, you filthy plebs don't even get TRUE ART.
In the future when a digibyte is worth 1 millions dollars there will be entire museums dedicated to the most famous and important art piece in the world that ushered in a revolution in the way the world economy works, the NEW digibyte logo.

This is it, I'm selling these bags for whatever pitiful amount they will fetch and I'm going to be smart and buy Ether so I can get in on McAffee's scam coin this friday.

anyone see the paypal inspired logo some dude came up with? much better than the actual rebrand

because rebranding was shit


That's actually good lol

Tumbi.g. Tdown tubping down tjmblind dowon

that's not it, it was essentially a rip off of the paypal logo with the same colour scheme

Holding these 2k bags to 0.
Fuck you all.

The new logo looks like it's not centered properly in the circle. I don't like it.

>he doesnt know about chan coin

I am more than willing to relieve you of your bags or even crumbs ;)


i will hold them with iron hands

Still hodling strong

its going to the moon


I have full 20 DGB
in 10 years when chinks pump the bubble I will be millionaire


glad I cut these bag loose when it was ranked like 42 on coinmarketcap and falling. the rest of my portfolio has been pretty stagnant though.

Lul I have 25 DGB, too.

Buy when it's low!


>he feel for the dgb 1$ next month meme


Sold that shit like 3 months ago and never looked back.

30 sats is low for this shitcoin. It'll be delisted from most exchanges by then though. Jared will be giving it away with copies of his mixtape this time next year.

I only own 96 dgb. This is my only chance to escape poverty.