Wait, were monasteries communities of nerds?
Wait, were monasteries communities of nerds?
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Nerds who were usually nobles
Not really, back then monks and orher Holy virgins were respected
Robots who learnt that the purity of the soul and chicken tendies were far nobler pursuits than roasties
Yes, but they were exclusive communities. You needed permission to join one and could be tossed out if you didn't adhere to the rules. So there was some amount of prestige to belonging to a monastic community, and some of them were actually fairly wealthy and influential and so commanded respect even from the nobility. Mostly it was something religious people considered prestigious but there were material benefits to it as well. For instance, if you wanted to become a scholar then joining a monastery was a good way to make that happen, since monks had to be educated and much of their work involved copying manuscripts.
And a place for rich gays to escape marriage, I assume.
It's gay's paradise. Complete with a lot of lovely shota, even.
Well spoken, brother.
I lived 40km from that monastery, and 3 more within walking distance.
It's true a lot of autism is required for being a monk, maybe I could have been a monk tbqh.
BTW our monasteries were often fortified and built on very hard terrain, like on top of a mountain or carved into it, and the monks there had to know some siege warfare because of invasions. For example, there are a lot of secret passages and weapons, also they made oil like usual monks but they also made burning pitch for throwing it on below.
Pic related, this is the power of a fortified monastery.
t. monastery expert
>that pic
Are monks just complete badasses whatever religion they're in?
Ottomans got btfo
> no members of the opposite sex
> talk about the same thing to an insane amount
> no fashion sense
> no one wants to be around them unless they need help
> drew snail memes everywhere
The theory checks out
Pure pacifistic monks don't survive encounters with hostile forces.
They were actually led by a legendary military leader.
I don't think even half of them were monks, they were irregular soldiers, getting help from monks. More than half were experienced veterans and the others were peasants.
Monks weren't supposed to fight extended battles in the age of firearms.
Turkish sources sound a lot more believable on this one. Unless Armenians managed to poison their water,
>Build in Xth century
>Flourish into the XIVth century
>Country gets conquered by Muslims
>Expand it like a fortress
>Towers and donjon and murder holes and shit
>Numerous accounts of monks picking up arms to defend it against raids
>Remain a bastion of Christianity
>18th century and the monks build a school
>Priests teaching ordinary people mathematics, geography, art and literature.
>Survive until the liberation of the country
I'd hardly call 'em nerds.
>(((turkish sources)))
>orthodox faggotry with kebab architecture
chose one
>>orthodox faggotry with kebab architecture
>turks wouldn't downplay it
Who the fuck quits after losing 30 men?
If I was a minority in Roachland I would have done the same senpai. It was just a matter of time before someone comes to enslave or forcibly convert me, or rape my dog.
fight me cuck, implying the byzantifucks didn't steal our architecture in the early 600s
they werent monks fighting the battle. andranik was an armenian resistance fighter. the seljuk invasion in 1071 destroyed armenian monasticism.
Did you forget your tripcode, Mehmed?
Unsurprisingly, the most and best fortified monasteries were in the eastern part, which was never roach'd.
The land which the monasteries were built on might have been under some other control but no one except the monks knew how to get there.
Like this one, one side is a cliff and the other has castle walls, the only road goes up and down several valleys, and if blocked it's literally impossible to access, so good luck marching a mediaeval army here.
They build an air tram only 7 years ago, ended up being the longest in the world, because tourists really wanted to see it, and there wasn't anyway by land they could figure out how to get there.
monasticism in armenia is one of the few things that were never destroyed, wtf are you talking about?
in fact it only got stronger.
TIDF pls go.
"After his admittance to monastic life, Mekhitar began to see that the state of monastic life was extremely low after the devastating destruction of the Armenian monasteries in previous centuries"
Armenians suffered pretty much the same as all other Christian nations under the ottomans until the XXth century what are you on about?
thats true i never said that they didnt. assyrbros never even got their own country
>catholic exaggerates and revises history in favour of rome
really makes you think
Basically. They are the original Veeky Forums really