The bubble is bursting. Every coin is in red. This ponzi scheme is over.
The bubble is bursting. Every coin is in red. This ponzi scheme is over
>He doesn't see this as the time to buy alts on the cheap
This is why you're never gonna make it
holy shit this guy doesnt even realize ahahaha
the pump just ended, just wait until thursday
But honestly if you sell into fiat or usdt on exchanges you can probably buy in more tomorrow
>I don't understand how the market works: the post
hey thats not me
>400% in 2017
>GTFO salty nocoiner
This desperation lmaoooooooooo
I'm comfy as fuck. Gonna make huge gains on my altcoins like I did when this happened in June :^)
>he doesn't know how to get rich in a bear market
>all alts in the red he says
Eth, faggot
I own coins that are not in the red
Just looked at Coin Market Cap. About 8 times the trade volume and 80% growth since July 31. It looks a lot like it's going to drop by BCH's market cap. It's just correcting by what BCH wiped from new and stupid gamblers.
This famalamaldingdong
Crypto the only thing people can see on a *SALE!!!* sign and go "IT'S ALL OVER!" but they see their fav. chicken tendy bag on sale and go apeshit.
Go apeshit on these coins!.
MY ONLY PROBLEM is I'm not sure what I wanna buy. Thinkin of some more OMG and Neo maybe lisk? not sure everything is red and I love it.
These people in a month will be shoving sharpies up their ass and posting their addresses in every thread to beg from.
If it's anything like June, the platforms will be be fine. The assets will get wrecked. The currencies with good fundamentals will get pumped toward the end.
I actually see this as great, an opportunity for me, an outsider to get in dis shyt
>Everycoin is red
>Minereum up 200% this hour
Just fucking lol.
Started with crypto a week ago
this is my first storm
How long will it last anons?
Im scared; need someone to hold me
Not selling anything tho. im gonna HODL until im either in lamboland or pic related
>Monero mooned 40% in 24 hours.
>Its over sell sell sell
Fucking weak hand newfags. MODS
How much did you put in
Are you holding BTC? You'll be fine
Are you holding altcoins? Playing with fire
O look it's doing that thing it does twice a month. Time for all the nocoiners making 2% a year in bullshit stocks to make these posts again.
How to get rich in a bear market? Teach me the ways sempai
Put in 3k
I only BNB and OMG.
Neither of them are crashing too hard for now.
If I sold OMG it would be for a small loss ~$50
BNB im pretty much even right now; i made some actual profit from BNB but the BTC i used to buy BNB i bought it cancelled out.
Dont wanna sell the BNB because its been mooning very night. not sure what to do about the OMG; im in it for the long run but im wondering if cashing out now and buying back in would be smarter.
don't sell OMG
We are going to make it
> if cashing out now and buying back in would be smarter.
just set a sell order for a bit of profit to cover fees in that case, unless you bought at 215k it'll hit eventually
is 3k a lot to you? Omg is falling, buy for cheap, but you need to know what you are doing, don't gamble br0
Thanks anons
Its not a tiny bit of money but its not really too much.
Like i said, im in it for the long haul with this stuff. I was just wondering if it would be smart to cash out to fiat and buy back in when everything is cheap.
Like when BTC went from 2800 to 1800 a few weeks ago
If you play smart you can come out on top by selling for purchase price and buying the daily dip
Shorting. Selling and rebuying at the bottom.
Last time it was ICOs pushing up the price of ETH and then cashing out. This time it's BCH trying to kill the bull market so people aren't all euphoric and ready to forget the miners when the market moves forward in November. It's bullshit and I have no idea why they would try to kill Bitcoin when it means chasing the institutional money away from crypto for another couple years. If they do an especially bad job of it, the space is going to end up regulated.
Here's hoping BCH burns itself out fast, the hashrate goes back to BTC, and wallstreet can drown us in normie cash.
quality wojack